(Ex-)Demosceners in Academia
category: residue [glöplog]
well, Adok has a background in medical science. that study is ~99% storing medical facts in your head that -i forgot the exact number, but it was high!- are proven to be wrong in less than 10 years later. so i think you're better off learning the systems than the facts/data/theory ;)
Maali - more of a troll than Adok. And yet still more likeable. ;P
[...] I always hear a lot of whining about hoooow hard they work to pay all the taxes that I get my salary paid out of :)
Haha, point taken. :) (Especially because I now work for the government, i.e. the taxpayers, for a fixed 39 hours per week, without even the option to work overtime...)
BTW. Another ex-demoscener, Mercator of Ooze Labs, has been awarded a science prize: http://www.informatik.tuwien.ac.at/aktuelles/831 (the younger one of the two)
Kylearan: I wouldn't mind a job like that to be honest, unless of course it was uninteresting :) I dont really care much about pay, although moving from 55 squaremetres might be a good bonus.
Chromag (part time demoscener) has become a full professor at the university of paderborn today, hooray!!
Shall we also refer to His Excellence in third person henceforth?
So is there going to be another Klavierschlepp compo at Paderborn now?
To both of your enquiries i shall say : yes
BTW, I think superplek is teaching judo at a local high school, does that count? ;]
chromag \o/ enjoy your paderborner
chromag: Congrats! Once a demoscener, forever a demoscener. :]
chromag: yay!
Just celebrating this with 6 cans of Paderborner Pilsener.
half of the metalvotze members are doctors. that tells more than enough about academics doesnt it? pfff
that people with high educations can still enjoy themselves at demoparties instead of sitting at home smoking pipe and reading Goethe? yeah!
Indeed, it says academia can still be fun and boozing errr socializing helps a lot.
Interface of andromeda is a postdoc at bergen university I think. Touchstone of Essence is a PRofessor, too.
by Chromag:
Chromag (part time demoscener) has become a full professor at the university of paderborn today, hooray!!
Congratulations! :)
I am now quite proud to be in this picture with a full professor:
Congratulations man, what is your professorship in?

Congratulations man, what is your professorship in?
by nick0:
Congratulations man, what is your professorship in?
Underwater Basket Weaving ;)
Congrats to Chromag for moving back north. Btw: Paderborner 6er? Stop drinking after the 6th or you get a massive Schädel tomorrow ;)
Thanks Triace, was really tempting to buy a doener and beer but my superior academia background prevented me from doing so.
chromag: maybe i can recruit you for my committee??? :P
Professor Chromag... *thinks about all the poor female students* But yes, congrats!