Tibble Demoparty #1
category: parties [glöplog]
I missed it too, busy working outdoors. Video much appreciated, if there is one.
And wtf! I actually didn't come last?! I actually fear to see bittin's entry if its worse than mine.
And wtf! I actually didn't come last?! I actually fear to see bittin's entry if its worse than mine.
your pixel is more appealing than mein 4, should have made only one with more feeling

pretty much what everyone is trying to say is that you and your party suck.
they're doing it through the means of sarcasm.
it's even more hilarious that you don't seem understand that.
video plz
@Buckethead: party is ending in 5hours and we are to lazy to restart the videostream i played some Warframe with a guy here and now iam talking to somone on irc

(this thread is amazing)
Are there some archives broken @scene.org maybe or do I just suck extracting them properly?!
knoeki, since (i guess) you weren't there, you actually don't know if it sucked. I had to miss the stream last night, so I don't know either.
party ended was quite fun, we will see if we will have another one anytime :)
but then please with a stream you can watch without wearing sunglasses :D
we will see if we will have another one anytime
What is it with the #1 on the party name then?
I gotta love those miniparties!
You mean LAN parties?
there might be a TibbleLAN #2 this October
you gonna compete against alternative party and TRSAC?
also, do you have a NES since my entry is on a C-64?
pure gold :)
A new one in october? hell yeah! Might do a follow up to "the smell of mustard".
We might move TRSAC now that it conflicts with Tibblelan #2
Second party is in planning stages we might have it at Springbreak depending on if a guy i like is coming over or not, and if my boss says its okay, some other students also wanted a 100 people party but not sure what will happen or not guess its a bigger chance our small invite.only 20 people party gets accepted :p
We changed month to November, talked with some of the students and my boss today
will try to visit but maybe i go to my girlfriend
i'd come but i'll be on a cruiseferry to estonia in search of passion