Windows 8, the end of 4k on windows?
category: general [glöplog]
Ok, apparently we're not supposed to close metro apps. It's just like iOS, but being on windows it kind of throws you :)
Shifter: it's worrying for me because the iPad isn't exactly a great demo platform. The hardware is nice, but distribution isn't. Metro is the same, apps only available from the store, binaries must be signed & approved, and you can't easily quit an app.
I'd assumed that the new arm tablets would only run metro, because full windows doesn't make much sense on that kind of hardware and legacy stuff won't run anyway. But I've since seen photos of arm tablets running the normal desktop, so maybe it's not a problem.
Shifter: it's worrying for me because the iPad isn't exactly a great demo platform. The hardware is nice, but distribution isn't. Metro is the same, apps only available from the store, binaries must be signed & approved, and you can't easily quit an app.
I'd assumed that the new arm tablets would only run metro, because full windows doesn't make much sense on that kind of hardware and legacy stuff won't run anyway. But I've since seen photos of arm tablets running the normal desktop, so maybe it's not a problem.
What I'd really like to see is a backport of the fast-boot feature from Win8 back into Win7. THAT is the biggest feature for me. And from what I've read about it, it seems possible.
You can backport it yourself. Just buy an SSD. Works for me (tm).
Tomoya: Thanks :) And fucking to the CTRL-ALT-DEL suggestions :)
Right. There's zero chance I could have discovered that myself, I was running it in a window in vmware ;) It's another touchscreen feature though, and will it work with regular windows apps or do we get different methods of closing apps in different places? Although if metro apps auto-quit/resume like iOS apps it's irrelevant anyway, we just have to forget closing them :)
And apparently you can go back to Win7 look :)
To get back the old start menu, open regedit, goto
change value of RPEnabled from "1" to "0"
close regedit, you get your old start menu......the catch is, no more metro UI because you just disabled it. To get back the Metro UI, change the value back to "1"
Nice find Tomoya, i have created 2 accounts, one with Metro and one without :)
And 4k intros runs like a charm (after installing Win7 graphic driver), the OS is just a optimized version of Win7 isn`t it?
And 4k intros runs like a charm (after installing Win7 graphic driver), the OS is just a optimized version of Win7 isn`t it?
So just for the fuck of it i installed the dx11 sdk for the dll's and tried some 4k's on Windows 8 64bit with the bundled nvidia drivers...
Traskogen, S.P.H.E.A.R, sunr4y and the mandatory Texas...
As expected, none of them work. For now.
Traskogen, S.P.H.E.A.R, sunr4y and the mandatory Texas...
As expected, none of them work. For now.
@Zplex Ooops, thats... interesting. Nvidia?
nerve: Weird, sunr4y runs here on an old laptop (with bad framerate ofcourse), but it fricking runs :)
In this case Nvidia Geforce Go 7600 :)
Havent tried Win8 on my main PC (Nvidia GTX 570).
Havent tried Win8 on my main PC (Nvidia GTX 570).
Nerve: The other prods didnt run here because they require DX 10 or DX 11, graphics card is to old.
Here it's my dear dear old 8800GT. But at least it seems to be a graphics driver issue and not a dead end.
They need whatnow? :) Damn, vidcaps are killing my ability to figure out how run shit properly. :P
Chaos Theory 4k runs, a white square + a oval shape that changes colours behind it :) Well, nice to see things without shaders active :)
So crinkler based 4k intros runs
So crinkler based 4k intros runs
Yes, it does seem the Windows 8 loader has no problem with Crinkler-compressed intros. It's probably just Windows 7 underneath anyway. :)
Does my intros runs?
I have to test it tonight...
I have to test it tonight...
No big deal. Someone will make an old WinBox (like DOSbox). ;)
That reghack works great! Still, the language bar -selector is metro..

The blue screen is mandatory in every M$ presentation.