Ringo's' Random Real Women Thread
category: residue [glöplog]

the goggles, their performance is wholly insufficient

oh, sorry ! this aint the "random shemale thread" ,right ? HAHAHA....
haha, thats what you get if you see women just as sex-objects :p
I would just like to point out - none of the images I post are of women posing naked or of a sexual nature (bar 1 which was a test - so far no one has caught me out on it). Most of the pics I come across are models' portfolios or stuff posted on public picture posting sites (flickr etc.). I don't aim to post pics of a sexual nature nor do I condemn people for what they post here. If you want to post pics of shemales - go for it. I post pics of women who aren't supermodels and whose pics haven't been shopped to death. If it's rudey-nudey I'll usually post a NSFW tag. I don't see my wife as a sex-object and I have had to explain some aspects of sexuality to my daughters already. Maybe someone needs to start a shemale pics or hetro-male-oriented pr0n thread to clarify the situation. In essence if you find my pics objectionable - please feel free not to look here.

For reference.

For reference.
Of course what anyone else posts here is beyond my control. But the title of the thread should be a guide - those of you unable to understand that should maybe head to the back of the queue.
well as it seems your facing the same audience as you would on 4chan, so why not move on and look for a saner platmform to show real women pictures?

For those of you who keep suggesting 4chan - I'm actually more of a b3ta man myself thank you.
go away
Now that's just rude, that is!

What Havoc meant was: Get the fuck out.
xernobyl: oh so eloquently put!
I'm a master of grammar!

rasmus WON !
CLOZE plz !!!!
CLOZE plz !!!!
Beaten by a pic of a lady-boy. Now I must retreat and hang my head in shame...

Translation please.

I'm imagining something along the lines of - Be your own puppet.
Oh, night all.

I'm imagining something along the lines of - Be your own puppet.
Oh, night all.
There's an awful lot of ugly German women in this thread :(
Also, that dude posting all these pictures is a really creepy dude.