Demos on magazine cover dvd
category: general [glöplog]
damn that's nice selection. can you send me one free mag plz ;D
gargaj, uns3en - ok, just ONE AND ONLY ONE TIME ;) Give me your adresses to my email... And I won't send'em too fast, in summer I think. What in a exchange? Mindcandy? :P
Pirx - good idea, I'll ask those people, especially rrola. I love this stuff.
Pirx - good idea, I'll ask those people, especially rrola. I love this stuff.
I'll also make a scan if CDA will print anything 'bout scene... I was talking about bringing files to the dvd.
GaJiN: A copy would be nice :)
Don't forget dudes it's a gaming magazine, in Polish. I don't know what do you expect ;) Demoscene will be only on dvd. Still, ok gloom. Send me you adress. Will be sent in summer, but again JUST ONCE :D I've also to buy my own issue, hence that!
Thanks for your support and for the inclusion of some prods, GaJiN!
GaJiN: I don't need the entire mag, just a scan of the pages inside of the mag which describes the demos on the DVD is fine -- I assume there is such a thing?
thx za publikacje.
Gloom - if there will be anything printed in magazine at all, I'll place a scan of it.
wie8, Axel - no problemo ;]
wie8, Axel - no problemo ;]
i think it's a very nice effort. many people got hooked on demos in earlier times through demos included on game magazine disks - so, who knows, maybe this way of gaining interest still works?
it's also very nice that you included some polish releases like the ind intros and the auld invite - so that the people will not think "oh okay, that's just some weird stuff from the west", but they will be like "hey, in our country they are doing this too, and very good as well!"
i hope you will get more space next time, so some full-size demos can be included.
it's also very nice that you included some polish releases like the ind intros and the auld invite - so that the people will not think "oh okay, that's just some weird stuff from the west", but they will be like "hey, in our country they are doing this too, and very good as well!"
i hope you will get more space next time, so some full-size demos can be included.
Gajin: how about telling those gamers that there's a party in Poland and they can come and watch those demos live? Like Plastic's PS3 prod. We'll be showing it live.
dipswitch - I hope so...
Fei - dorzuciłem już zaproszkę na Riverwash. Postaram się zdobyc trochę miejsca w piśmie na "pisemną" wersję, ale to i tak wszystko leży w gestii Smugglera.
Fei - dorzuciłem już zaproszkę na Riverwash. Postaram się zdobyc trochę miejsca w piśmie na "pisemną" wersję, ale to i tak wszystko leży w gestii Smugglera.
GaJiN: pzapodaj mi maila do Sugglera (na voyager AT, sprobuje go przekonac, w koncu kiedys razme pracowalismy ;)
Czy ktos bylby moze chetny napisac jakiegos tutoriala dot. kodowania? Pirx, masterm, co Wy na to?
Hmm... z jednej strony z checia bym cos napisal, z drugiej jednak to ciezka sprawa jest. Nie widze wiekszego sensu pisania tutoriala o czyms bardziej zaawansowanym dla pisma o grach (w koncu to nie developer's magazine). Z drugiej jednak strony tutoriali o tym jak zainicjowac OpenGL'a sa dziesiatki, jak nie setki, a z kolei jezeli napisalbym o czyms ciekawszym to bardzo wielu czytelnikom bedzie brakowalo wlasnie tych podstaw kodowania 3D, aby zrozumiec o czym mowie. Mysle, ze lepszym pomyslem byloby wykorzystanie troche tego "papierowego miejsca" na ogolny artykul o demoscenie. Takie promo jakby. Co to demoscena, czym sie zajmujemy itp. ;]
English version: (Gajin suggested that he could convince one of the magazine's editors to give us some "space" on the paper and asked If I could write a coding tutorial).
Well. It's quite though decision. I don't see much sense in writing a tutorial about something "advanced" for a gamer's magazine. It's not a developer's journal. On the other hand there are hundreds of tutorials about how to initialize OpenGL and writing about something intermediate and more interesting would result in a great deal of confusion because many readers would not have the knowledge about basics of 3D coding to understand it. I think better idea is to write something about demoscene in general. Some kind of, let's call it, "promo". What is demoscene, what are we doing and so on.
English version: (Gajin suggested that he could convince one of the magazine's editors to give us some "space" on the paper and asked If I could write a coding tutorial).
Well. It's quite though decision. I don't see much sense in writing a tutorial about something "advanced" for a gamer's magazine. It's not a developer's journal. On the other hand there are hundreds of tutorials about how to initialize OpenGL and writing about something intermediate and more interesting would result in a great deal of confusion because many readers would not have the knowledge about basics of 3D coding to understand it. I think better idea is to write something about demoscene in general. Some kind of, let's call it, "promo". What is demoscene, what are we doing and so on.
what masterm said.
what wie8 said, it makes much more sense. Then pointers on how/where to start, sure.
GaJiN, jeżeli miałoby to być dla magazynu z grami, to zaawansowany tutorial programistyczny nie ma sensu, raczej wypadałoby zaprezentować coś ogólniejszego, jak słusznie stwierdził masterm. W odniesieniu do inter, którymi się zajmuję, takie coś już jest: Quarterrific Assemblessings. Przystępne dla laików, można wykorzystać wszędzie.
GaJiN, if it's intended to be shown in game-related magazine, advanced coding tutorial isn't so reasonable, would be better to present something more general, as masterm rightly said. If it comes to the intros I'm familiar with, there already is Quarterrific Assemblessings article. Accessible for laymans, can be published everywhere.
Jasne ludzie, że trzeba zacząc od totalnych podstaw, to nie ulega wątpliwości. Chodzi jeno o to, żeby sprzedac to ludziom raz że w miarę atrakcyjnie, dwa że napisał to ktoś kto się zna na rzeczy, i po trzecie żeby można było łatwo podejrzec efekty poszczególnych odcinków.
Nie wierzę w kącik koderski na piśmie, były z 6-7 lat temu kursy TPascala (sam się z nich uczyłem ;]) i C++, były bardzo popularne, ale w końcu zostały zlikwidowane. Wolałbym coś w okręgu kącika, ukierunkowane na klasyczne efekty. No i najlepiej by chyba było tłumaczyc to krok po kroku i dodac kompilatory. Ech, trudno będzie znaleźc optymalną formułę, żeby zachęcic i nie zamknąc sie w getcie prostoty.
Poza tym, kursy obsługi trackerów, modelingu też by się przydały.
Pirx, dzięki za ten kawałek, na pewno go zamieszczę.
Sure people we gotta start from the very beginning. The idea is to make these tutorials, primo, interesting, secundo, done by someone who knows his job, tercio, to have possibility to check fast the results.
I don't believe that CD-Action will give a place in a magazine for coding tutorial now, 6-7 years ago there were some tutorials in TPascal and C++, which were very popular, but after some time they drop dead. I would prefer something demoscene-related, directed to classic effects. And telling everything step-by-step and adding compilators. It will be hard to find the optimal formula, to get people interested and to not close in ghetto of simplicity.
Tutorials for using trackers, modelling programs etc. would be great, also.
Pirx, thanks for that stuff, I'll add this next time.
Nie wierzę w kącik koderski na piśmie, były z 6-7 lat temu kursy TPascala (sam się z nich uczyłem ;]) i C++, były bardzo popularne, ale w końcu zostały zlikwidowane. Wolałbym coś w okręgu kącika, ukierunkowane na klasyczne efekty. No i najlepiej by chyba było tłumaczyc to krok po kroku i dodac kompilatory. Ech, trudno będzie znaleźc optymalną formułę, żeby zachęcic i nie zamknąc sie w getcie prostoty.
Poza tym, kursy obsługi trackerów, modelingu też by się przydały.
Pirx, dzięki za ten kawałek, na pewno go zamieszczę.
Sure people we gotta start from the very beginning. The idea is to make these tutorials, primo, interesting, secundo, done by someone who knows his job, tercio, to have possibility to check fast the results.
I don't believe that CD-Action will give a place in a magazine for coding tutorial now, 6-7 years ago there were some tutorials in TPascal and C++, which were very popular, but after some time they drop dead. I would prefer something demoscene-related, directed to classic effects. And telling everything step-by-step and adding compilators. It will be hard to find the optimal formula, to get people interested and to not close in ghetto of simplicity.
Tutorials for using trackers, modelling programs etc. would be great, also.
Pirx, thanks for that stuff, I'll add this next time.
GaJin! I request a mag too please :) My beloved Titan chipdisk is in <3
Would it be possible for you to get me one as well please?
Would it be possible for you to get me one as well please?
Send me your address to my email:
It won't get fast, somewhere in the summer. What in exchange? Mindcandy? ;]
It won't get fast, somewhere in the summer. What in exchange? Mindcandy? ;]
Beer at evoke :)
First of all, this is a great idea, and cudos for making it happen.
I only saw this thread now, and I realize that it is probably too late to do any changes.
But I think that you should try and think about how a person with no knowledge about the scene would react to the different prods.
Here, especially I see "Pimp my spectrum" as a problem. It was made as a comment on the poor condition of the 64k scene. Without knowledge about this (and without knowing who "farbrausch" is) I doubt that the intro will make much sense.
Also including bits'n'pieces without including debris seems a bit strange.
Yeah, why don't you include debris - it is only 177kb :+) ?
Btw, I feel certain that neither mentor, puryx, blueberry nor maytz have any problems with including atrium and bits'n'pieces. Hopefully they will respond here before deadline.
I only saw this thread now, and I realize that it is probably too late to do any changes.
But I think that you should try and think about how a person with no knowledge about the scene would react to the different prods.
Here, especially I see "Pimp my spectrum" as a problem. It was made as a comment on the poor condition of the 64k scene. Without knowledge about this (and without knowing who "farbrausch" is) I doubt that the intro will make much sense.
Also including bits'n'pieces without including debris seems a bit strange.
Yeah, why don't you include debris - it is only 177kb :+) ?
Btw, I feel certain that neither mentor, puryx, blueberry nor maytz have any problems with including atrium and bits'n'pieces. Hopefully they will respond here before deadline.
Hep! Nice idea to include demoscene productions in a mag. I remember we had that many years ago in a Danish magazine, but then this whole new inet thinggie came around and ruined everything ;) Well, you can freely include any prod I have coded.