Solaris - 8th at Kindergarten, aka What was the demoscene again?
category: general [glöplog]
trace, you need to start working fulltime back.
Shifter: o wait, that you have a super clever and innovative nick there..
****************: It's not about me, it's about the people I believe would also do stuff for the scene if the feedback was a bit more friendly. I been around for years and know how to handle the feedback and know who should I listen and who shouldn't.
gloom: I think that answers your point about me and 'everything that goes on is about me', It's not that, is just that I guess I care too much.
And yeah, if the scene keeps in that non-friendly way, now that the kids that grow up have it harder to understand what's it all about, or even write a line of real code (not script). It won't help. And gloom, you know that you care about this.
****************: It's not about me, it's about the people I believe would also do stuff for the scene if the feedback was a bit more friendly. I been around for years and know how to handle the feedback and know who should I listen and who shouldn't.
gloom: I think that answers your point about me and 'everything that goes on is about me', It's not that, is just that I guess I care too much.
And yeah, if the scene keeps in that non-friendly way, now that the kids that grow up have it harder to understand what's it all about, or even write a line of real code (not script). It won't help. And gloom, you know that you care about this.
knos: oh what, that you also have a super clever and innovative nick there...
_-__-_: never!
_-__-_: never!
come on, you know you want it to relieve you from your internet addiction :)
And, are you seriously discovering my pouet persona only now.
And, are you seriously discovering my pouet persona only now.
trace: i think you might have misunderstood -- the quoted comment was leias, not yours. :) ..and hell yeah, i care about this, that's why i said i basicly agree with everything you said.
leia: hey, i tried to vote for almost an hour, but since everyone with access to partymeister had went home to sleep, it became impossible for me to do so. :)
leia: hey, i tried to vote for almost an hour, but since everyone with access to partymeister had went home to sleep, it became impossible for me to do so. :)
I'm not discovering that now, but it's quite annoying, If you're away from the demoscene for a couple of months, then you're back and everybody uses weird nicknames, and you know who is who, it's quite annoying really.
gloom: oh!! I see it now :) It's always good having another person that think as you do \o/
..oh, and nina -- no, i did not miss the point. you may try to dismiss it with a laugh and a wave, but the fact of the matter was that your first reaction (your absolutely honest first reaction) was to say "hey, fuck you trace - why do you bitch about all of the stuff i do all the time?!?"
i think _you_ missed the point that trace was trying to make, which most definitively had absolutely nothing to do with who was arranging the party.
conceited is the word. look it up.
i think _you_ missed the point that trace was trying to make, which most definitively had absolutely nothing to do with who was arranging the party.
conceited is the word. look it up.
trace: may i remind you "pouet != scene && scene != pouet"? :)
Thank god Pouet isn't the scene. :-)
actually it is
pouet != scene, but the demoscene has A LOT dependency to pouet. And here it's where 75% of all the talks about it goes on. So improving this place will improve the demoscene too. It's all related, you know that butterfly effect don't you?
Trace: you're just jealous because you can't figure out how to change your pouet nick. Jesus, get a grip.
gloom: I don't want to "argue" with you AGAIN over things we clearly disagree on, so I'll call it quits, I already said sorry to trace for misunderstanding him, and explained it both here and to him in person. I still disagree with his points, but that's a matter of how we see the demoscene, and that's not gonna change anyway so there's no point going on.
[joke mode too]
Ham, bring it home!

[/joke mode too]
Ham, bring it home!

[/joke mode too]
trace: I have 90% of my talks about the scene on IRC, and the other 10% are divided on CSDb, real life and lastly Pouet. I can't recall any scener I know personally who doesn't view Pouet as something just slightly more than a joke. That attitude is reflected not only in the BBS but also in the thumbs.
radiantx: So you're saying that the newbies go directly to the IRC? sure :)
It is worth a thumb up but what the fuck is with that bitching? Why the fuck would assembler be any harder to code than c or any other language?
yeah really I don't get it either.
and even if it was, we don't usually give bonus points to sprinters that would choose to run an olympic 100m in reverse.
and even if it was, we don't usually give bonus points to sprinters that would choose to run an olympic 100m in reverse.
waffle: Not harder, just different. It's kind of a "lost art" these days, and it is the roots of the scene (disassembling/cracking). Paying homage to that is worth praise, IMO, especially if you're new.
[probably serious mode]
What? My butterfly are made with 100% 68020 asm!
[/probably serious mode]
What? My butterfly are made with 100% 68020 asm!
[/probably serious mode]
"lost art"? it's not even in mode 13h
leia: you may dismiss it as "arguing" all you like, but the fact of the matter still remains; you think way too many things said in a demoscene-context has to do with you, when in fact, very few of them actually do.
this is by the way my only beef with you (and indeed, with most people in general, so you're not special in that way either) so the sooner you actually pull back the shades and get where i'm going with this, the less "arguing" we'll have in the future. :)
oh btw; major fuckings to whoever destroyed one of the latches on the power-converter we rented for KG - i got a serious smacking-around when i returned it this morning, something i really didn't appreciate very much. i just thought i'd toss that in at the end. :)
this is by the way my only beef with you (and indeed, with most people in general, so you're not special in that way either) so the sooner you actually pull back the shades and get where i'm going with this, the less "arguing" we'll have in the future. :)
oh btw; major fuckings to whoever destroyed one of the latches on the power-converter we rented for KG - i got a serious smacking-around when i returned it this morning, something i really didn't appreciate very much. i just thought i'd toss that in at the end. :)
Ok you two, cut it out.
(choose a random two and apply liberally.)
(choose a random two and apply liberally.)