

category: general [glöplog]
Normally, in debates like these i hide in the background, but this
Oh it's simple: At this point I fucking hate you all.

made me change my mind.

Be assured, there is a group of people that regularly visit Pouet and appreciate the effort and work that goes into Pouet, just that these people don't post comments very often, don't flood the BBS and don't visit that many demo parties, they just occassionally make demos.
I know that this group of people exists because i am one of them.
Apparently this group of people has failed to give you and all the other admins supportive feedback when it was needed and for that i am sorry.
added on the 2024-09-21 22:31:20 by Paranoid Paranoid
elephant in the room, maybe, but easy to solve with some less anal rules regarding delegation
(which is not directly targeted to gargaj, but, pouet has historically been a one-man-show analogue->ps->gargaj->next spinning plates guy which is the ACTUAL problem i'd like to address)
