No new logos?
category: general [glöplog]
where do i send this???
i sent it to... uh... someone already...

i sent it to... uh... someone already...

Hmm, nice idea with the 3D arrows...
hey, this logo looks cool!
hello , i'm posting my first logo for pouet

simple and nice logo, garzul. i like how the dropshadow-ish border bleeds just about the right amount. however, if i were you, i'd remove the black frame, and fix so the shadow at the bottom left fades completely out. then perhaps add some text at the bottom right to increase the visual weigth there. (just tryin' to give some constructive feedback here)
it might be a bit too photoshopish
too microsoft wordart i would have said
but yeah simple and nice
It looks like a font with a photoshop filter, not a logo. Maybe like something from a "make your own 3D" app.
And yes, the composition looks like something from WordArt.
As for the other one (mrtheplague), I am tempted to say "You can send it to /dev/null", but I guess that would be something Xenusion may say. :-P
And yes, the composition looks like something from WordArt.
As for the other one (mrtheplague), I am tempted to say "You can send it to /dev/null", but I guess that would be something Xenusion may say. :-P
at least it's not fugly (but it's only my point of view)
kusma: nice logo! :)
Dudes, don't post your logos here, I have no time to watch this thread ;) send them to or it will just stay on this thread
Dudes, don't post your logos here, I have no time to watch this thread ;) send them to or it will just stay on this thread
post them here *and* send them to analogue!
Yes please! I'd like to see more logos posted here, too. =)
Second logo for pouet :

well that's just terrible.
Do yourself ( and ourselves ) a favor. Erase PhotoShop's Filter menu from your memory.
Yes sorry , logo make by The gimp . My not a graphist :( respect too me !!! =)
I wonder if someone thinks mine is at least a bit suitable for pouet?

Gimp, PhotoShop, PhotoPaint, ... same fight.
Filters = Cancer.
Filters = Cancer.
Freeze: Nope. Do another one. You can do better, I know it!
Garzul: Well if you are no graphics artist, don't expect your logos to be voted for. As p01 and everyone else already said: Filters are crap. I'd try to avoid them and only work with basic stuff like "blur" or "add grain". (Or whatever it's called in eng.)
Garzul: Well if you are no graphics artist, don't expect your logos to be voted for. As p01 and everyone else already said: Filters are crap. I'd try to avoid them and only work with basic stuff like "blur" or "add grain". (Or whatever it's called in eng.)
a very skilled graphician can use filters in a very good way = saving time and making itsometimes better than handdrawn.
Filters are ok for a subtle use ( e.g. smart blur, slight grain, smart sharpen, ... ) ... otherwise they are cancer :p