
Dipswitch tries to rewrite history yet again on Demozoo

category: residue [glöplog]
What the fuck is wrong with you Baudsurfer? In all seriousness - get help.

Who else is here to give help, if not us, ordinary poueters?

I don't know the story, but this thread looks to me like public lynching. Not nice, not nice ;)

Also the text on demozoo is in fact shaming Baudsurfer. Let's be fair. There is some controversy around it, sure. Hillarious/lame story, sure. But why it has to be all mentioned in the main description of the group? If anyone is interested he can dig deeper, no? And if you already mention it is "new" RSI, why the shaming part?

Something like this IMHO would sound better/more neutral:
"In 2008, Baudsurfer revived the group. The group has little connection to the old RSI, as many old members are no longer part of it."
(of course doesn't have to be this wording, but as a general idea)
added on the 2016-08-29 01:44:08 by tomkh tomkh
I agree with tomkh.

Anyway, if I were Baudsurfer I would join "Green Sector" or "Sector Surfers" or whatever other cool name and forget about all this "drama".
added on the 2016-08-29 02:06:57 by ham ham

"The group has little connection to the old RSI, as many old members are no longer part of it."

wrong. the correct formulation would be:

"little connection" --> "no connection"
"many old members are no longer part" --> "no old members are part"

that's the whole point.

also, i don't see no lynching or shaming, neither here nor over at demozoo. the group description merely states the facts. we have no intention of shaming anyone - you can also read the very respectful comment by menace in the demozoo "fix me" thread, as well as my comment on the first page of this very thread. the regrouping of RSI releases was a collective decision of the demozoo staff. when baudsurfer tries to portray it as a sort-of personal crusade of mine, he is wrong. i merely executed a collective decision, and have absolutely no desire for personal flamewars.
added on the 2016-08-29 03:05:41 by dipswitch dipswitch
If the only common thing is the name, then I would't talk about "the group" having been revived. Only the name has been taken into new use, not the group.
added on the 2016-08-29 06:57:46 by yzi yzi
After some serious thought I'd call it "Red Hector Inc." in honor of the Finnish pop musician.
added on the 2016-08-29 07:24:47 by Marq Marq
what I don't understand is why he insists of being a small footnote under the RSI banner. It's like trying to take credit for the fact that you went to the same kindergarten with someone who later became famous.
added on the 2016-08-29 09:56:23 by Preacher Preacher
Err, no. He claims "that he was among the original group founders" [quote: demozoo]

Doesn't sound like a small footnote to me.
added on the 2016-08-29 12:18:55 by gaspode gaspode
So is it disputed or is it a fact?

And if it's a fact, why not state it as a fact?

Or is it a fact that it is disputed?;)

I don't suspect you have any personal interest in undermining Baudsurfer credibility, but does it really matter in this case?

What matters is (I believe) - if the formulation in the new RSI description is sarcastically undermining Baudsurfer credibility or not? If it is, maybe it is worth considering to tone it down.
added on the 2016-08-29 12:24:54 by tomkh tomkh
I don't know the story

If anyone is interested he can dig deeper, no?
added on the 2016-08-29 12:28:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
Gargaj: yes, I was digging a little bit,but I don't know the story first-hand.
added on the 2016-08-29 12:30:06 by tomkh tomkh
tomkh: then please read the group description on demozoo, it's very accurate! in fact, more accurate e.g. wikipedia after a certain 'founding member' decided to add his rendition of glorious history to that page.
added on the 2016-08-29 12:54:05 by el mal el mal
The real fact is : can we say RSI died as it merged with TRISTAR under the TRSI banner ? TRSI is still alive so TRISTAR AND RSI are alive under this new form. Right ?

Baudsurfer claiming he was (as a sysop) member of the original RSI (and even on of the founders) without giving any clue is probably not the point. He should tell us from when to when he was part of RSI and give proofs (There should be some left in: texts, diskmag, intro scrollers or even better in BBS dentros with his name as a sysop ?...)

The fact is that RSI has merged with TRISTAR and is still alive into that form nowadays.

So, it sounds pretty fair from demozoo to write RSI - new as it is a new form of RSI (if ever linked to it)...
I see no offence in the description of RSI - new. No drama needed.

This is my personal point of view.
added on the 2016-08-29 13:09:55 by ok3anos ok3anos
So again,why not stating this fact directly on demozoo? For now, the description to me just sounds like a sarcastic/humoristic play on a drama "around" it, with a relatively clear message that Baudsurfer is fishy. I don't know if he deserves it or not,from what you say,maybe he actually does,but it is public shaming. Let's not try to hide it.

For example:
"In 2008, Baudsurfer revived the group. The group has no direct connection to the old RSI."
This would be enough to me.

Ok3anos: I also see no offence in calling his group "new RSI".
added on the 2016-08-29 14:13:39 by tomkh tomkh
I think you're just being contrary for the sake of being contrary.
added on the 2016-08-29 14:18:58 by Gargaj Gargaj
So again,why not stating this fact directly on demozoo? .

Because Baudsurfer stated it on pouet ;)
added on the 2016-08-29 14:22:19 by ok3anos ok3anos
Gargaj: no, I am not;)
added on the 2016-08-29 14:22:20 by tomkh tomkh
BB Image
added on the 2016-08-29 14:40:08 by okkie okkie
oh and the RSI HQ is located on Haiti.
added on the 2016-08-29 15:40:03 by el mal el mal
That's the whole point:

Those who think it's true until it's not proven and those who think it's false until it's not proven...
added on the 2016-08-29 15:48:27 by ok3anos ok3anos
how about:
scroll txt = redsector are: bill, greg, irata, kangolkid, merlin, mr.chip, mr. zeropage
added on the 2016-08-29 17:25:05 by SCA SCA
@Marq: And I would call it "Next Sector".
added on the 2016-08-29 18:15:55 by ham ham
How about...
- Red Vector (nicely scalable)
- Red Rector (academic prestige)
- Bed Sector (mm-mm!)
added on the 2016-08-29 18:53:33 by Marq Marq
My new nick is Fred Sector!
added on the 2016-08-29 18:56:24 by okkie okkie
Red Rector (academic prestige)

No way, Marq! Are you kidding? It is too similar to "Red Rectum".
added on the 2016-08-29 19:50:23 by ham ham
How about Bamiga Sector?
added on the 2016-08-29 20:02:35 by Scali Scali
