Revision 2015 - 3rd to 6th April - Saarbrücken, Germany
category: parties [glöplog]
The real hotel might be in Riegelsberg
ho yeah Trixter will be there! Awesome! :D
The real hotel is under the table in a sleeping bag!
Or a matress in the sleeping area!
(if some cunt doesn't decide to drunkenly pass out on mine AGAIN... -__-)
If that happens again notify the infodesk, I think the'll happily solve the situation with a bucket of water! (or at least I will) :)
At least you didn't get puked on.
numtek, as in "here, the guy is gone, now enjoy your soaking wet sleeping bag" ? :)
kb, double edged sword if there ever was one \o/
and hotels are already pretty booking up, apparently. so better hurry unless you rather enjoy a wet sleeping bag!
Ah, the downsides of justice. :D
Shhtt If you say that out loud while everyone is sober the trick doesn't work!numtek, as in "here, the guy is gone, now enjoy your soaking wet sleeping bag" ? :)
Actually we had that situation last year.. but when we arrived, ready to roll the sleepcreep from the matress down the stage we found an empty matress.. problem solved - another scener happy - back to the infodesk.
Quote:The real hotel is under the table in a sleeping bag!
Or a matress in the sleeping area!
(if some cunt doesn't decide to drunkenly pass out on mine AGAIN... -__-)
Or outside on a concrete bench :)
Or outside on a concrete bench :)
Looks almost as comfortable as the KuschelstufenTM.
Or outside on a concrete bench :)
This option is probably best, as you have people there at all times to comfort you when you wake up with post-drunk depression

Strange things happens there :)
*** Attention please ***
We're looking for Amiga coder alive and kickin' to help us with finishing a project started right after Revision 2012 :) Drop me an email at sgeezus (at) hotmail (dot) com
(Yes, we'd love to be bitch-slapped by TBL again :D)
We're looking for Amiga coder alive and kickin' to help us with finishing a project started right after Revision 2012 :) Drop me an email at sgeezus (at) hotmail (dot) com
(Yes, we'd love to be bitch-slapped by TBL again :D)
Alas, I think emoon is busy with working on ProDBG instead of Amigaaaaaaaah this year ;)
*** Attention please ***
We're looking for Amiga coder alive and kickin' to help us with finishing a project started right after Revision 2012 :) Drop me an email at sgeezus (at) hotmail (dot) com
(Yes, we'd love to be bitch-slapped by TBL again :D)
BriteLite (aka the human code machine) to the rescue!! ;D
BriteLite (aka the human code machine) to the rescue!! ;D
Unfortunately I won't have the time to take on a whole demo for Revision this year :/
Oh no, the scene is dying!
no, the scene is already dead (since 1993)
wrong. scene is UNDEAD ;>
scene is held together by patches, bandages, duct tape, STICKERS and BOOZE AND PARTIES
if anyone wanna go from Stockholm get in touch with FlowerSFX there is still some places left in the minibus
No key fobs? :(by fgenesis:
scene is held together by patches, bandages, duct tape, STICKERS and BOOZE AND PARTIES