NVScene 2008!
category: general [glöplog]
450W here...works fine after a BIOS-Upgrade :)
520 works fine in SLI mode
I got case, power supply, hd etc and can't wait to put system together but stuck in traffic heading to radiohead concert
I thought radiohead had stoped playing overseas because of the polution envolved in all the needed logistics for the concerts.

i don't get it :L
So, in demoscene tradition, they will probably blow up a PC while screaming 'AMIGAAAAH'
or ATIII!!!!
NVision is not NVScene. Rather, NVScene is part of NVision.
And such like that.
But man, the above scenario would be wicked awesome.
NVision is not NVScene. Rather, NVScene is part of NVision.
And such like that.
But man, the above scenario would be wicked awesome.
Very good point there: NVScene takes place during a bigger event. So just because NVIDIA puts Discovery celebrities and actresses and Buzz Aldrin on their site, that's not really related to NVScene in a big way, apart from the fact that NVScene visitors can choose to go see those things if they wish.
..and I'll pitch the Amiga-idea, just for kicks ;)
Fuck, Buzz Aldrin is a demoscener too?? You should tell him there are two trackers named after him!!
BASS Aldrin :)
omfg still stuck at radiohead concert and wanting to be home with demo kit :P
you got it wrong, they give you emo kits at the radiohead concert
Deadline and compo submitting-info up at http://nvision.scene.org/
Please note that starting tomorrow, it will probably take a day or so to get any response from the NVScene crew, as we are all starting the long trip to the US. Some are leaving on friday morning, others on saturday morning. So please allow some time for getting answers from nvision@scene.org
Please note that starting tomorrow, it will probably take a day or so to get any response from the NVScene crew, as we are all starting the long trip to the US. Some are leaving on friday morning, others on saturday morning. So please allow some time for getting answers from nvision@scene.org
Mali: Only the subwoofers.
wasnt there an episode where they ended up proving (kinda) that loud metal music is good for plants? :)
Next on MythBusters: Does ear-splitting trance increase productivity of demosceners? Find out after the break!
anyone who meets up with mythbusters, ask them to do an episode on Jenkem!
micksam7: we all know trance-splitting ear music makes demosceners more productive. we just don't know at what they are more productive...
do you know that the hippie legacy Burning Man festival is held next week too in nevada ? :)
yes, our attendance will probably feel it, together with PAX :(