Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]
broderick: Why on earth are you quoting a picture posted one centimetre above your post?
so people get what he's referring to i guess :)
Gloom: one centimetre.. is that... actual size? /me hides ;)
gargaj: ..and writing "Emod: GREAT ONE!" is just not intuitive enough when you're commenting on that persons last posted cartoon? :)
one of the Bs in BBCODE stands for Broderick...
Gloom: of course not! (*slaps Glooms forehead with a cold fish*)

lol zest :D

It's time for a new Garfield strip now, isn't it?

lol Maali & Zest! Wonderful.
Maali: good one! but i prefer if you used the name EP instead of JON
and instead of reading Hugi, since he quitted the 30th of march
and instead of reading Hugi, since he quitted the 30th of march
magic: your sense of humor converges to zero...
Rmeht: at thismoment I dont like what has happened, we dont support it, we dont agree on it and we distance from it
it makes me sad. a sad day it is...
it makes me sad. a sad day it is...

Maali: LOL xD