Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Its like hes part man and part machine!!! OMG!!!

Random image email? Hmm, I should check my mail more often.

mermaid ^_^
ROLF. :)

Mmm.. I am confused now. Can't decide who rules teh world..
haha mermaid wtf, this even tops certain crazy mails by a certain french scener i used to get... respect! =)

LOL!!! best image ever.. <3
yeah, BASS possibly is a good assistent
Time for a few ass toys!

German underground beer:

Underground beer? Haha... if you count beers which are available in every gas station shop in the south of Germany and Austria and approx. 1.000.000 people drink it every day... well yes, then it's "underground".
Next time you go underground check this nice DIY underground beer:


Indy 3 WTF?
Next time you go underground check this nice DIY underground beer:


Indy 3 WTF?
omg bingen has a kloster!
omg irokos is a cosplayer!

ahah cosplay is the genius gift given by the japaneses to humanity!
freeze: You misunderstood me. It was simply the first time that I noticed that Hacker-Pschorr actually has "hacker" in its name.
