
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
.... since when has a demoscene related game to be released on a demoparty to be allowed on pouet?
added on the 2007-06-11 22:40:47 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
ltk_tscc: nobody said or wrote that.
added on the 2007-06-11 22:42:44 by keops keops
dunno, define 'demoscene related', because releasing games by someone who released a demo, too, seems to be not enough.
added on the 2007-06-11 22:43:52 by unic0rn unic0rn
most demosceners also make games, if that would be the only rule of thumb to accept games into pouet this would easily become a game archive aswell.
it's a thin and subjective line. please dont take it personally.
i can tell you that being a groupless game weighted abit on my decision to delete them.
added on the 2007-06-11 23:52:30 by psenough psenough
ps: I was thinking about that but did not dare post about it ;)

A lot also make sharewares/freewares, retarded flash games, etc...
added on the 2007-06-11 23:54:15 by keops keops

I wasn't able to add the windows AND linux option to the platform dialog (could just choose one) so please add the linux platform thanks.
added on the 2007-06-14 16:25:58 by thec thec
dont know how to hold down the ctrl key for selecting multiple values? O_o
added on the 2007-06-14 19:03:08 by psenough psenough
added on the 2007-06-14 19:45:01 by keops keops
404 not found, mp3-file..
"delete that!"
added on the 2007-06-16 10:18:49 by v3nom v3nom
please fix this entry - it's actually amiga aga, not amiga ecs
added on the 2007-06-16 15:05:19 by lvd lvd
oh well, and please change 64b to 64kB
/me's getting dumb... ;)
added on the 2007-06-16 15:09:13 by lvd lvd
To admins... I wonder if pouet has left some stuff during last breakdown? I was missing some screenshots that I had surely uploaded.
added on the 2007-06-16 15:33:13 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
ps: yes I do know that, the problem is the list didn't pop up at all, like the kkapture codec bug we all know about.... :) so I could just use arrow down/up to select and ctrl+arrow up was bound to something else in my OS :)
added on the 2007-06-16 20:36:58 by thec thec
JAC!, we cannot fix those unless someone supplies alternative download links.

venomsoup, the tickle-me-hellmo's will fix that for you, i cannot.

lvd, that was already done (dunno who did it..)

lotek, if you are sure it was there before the crash, and it isn't there now, then i guess common sense dictates it was lost ;)

thec, get yourself a mouse and a real browser :)
added on the 2007-06-16 20:42:42 by havoc havoc
venomsoup: removed

ltk: hmm.. jeffrey claims hazard was on boot system only, no hd corruption... but maybe something still got lost.. how many are missing exactly?
added on the 2007-06-16 20:50:41 by psenough psenough
craps... i tried to fix pulsar's screenshot, but it won't let me?! saying there already is a screenshot... am i no longer leet enough to lick the claw?
added on the 2007-06-17 12:45:29 by havoc havoc
Fixed Pulsar's shot. Worked fine.
added on the 2007-06-17 14:29:29 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
scenecon2007 official hp is different from 2003 and should be changed to:
added on the 2007-06-17 14:58:09 by Luca/FIRE Luca/FIRE
lucaoffire: Done
added on the 2007-06-17 15:09:26 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
the .prg link also changed in a .D64 one (zipped), so plz change it to this new:
added on the 2007-06-17 18:33:57 by Luca/FIRE Luca/FIRE
havoc: i think you just didnt refresh the prod page once it was replaced.. O_o
added on the 2007-06-17 19:52:10 by psenough psenough
ps: nope, must've been something else, it just didn't let me replace the shot, and neither did i get the usual editprod and submitsshot link on (any) prod page. entering submitsshot.php manually worked, but recognized me in normal user mode somehow, so wouldn't let me replace the shot either... most confusing of all, it seems to work without a hitch now?! WTF?!

anyhow, it works again, so i'll just blame this freak incident on barrie (barrie being the root of all evil- welcome to dutch /|\ scene injoking ;))
added on the 2007-06-17 22:22:27 by havoc havoc
