Atari taking the lead?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
On se perkele et amiga äijä vetä atarilla!
Ja ilman sydeemii tekee scenen parhaimman twisterin
Ja ilman sydeemii tekee scenen parhaimman twisterin

I love the A8s as they're the predecessors of the Amiga - God Bless Jay Miner, the Genius and Father of the Amiga.
No it's certainly NOT. How can it be, when I consider the Atari 8-bits to be great?
Ofcourse it's not... That was just a sarcastic comment going along with the video :-)
My first computer-experience was with an 800 XL of a friend, and I loved it.
Ofcourse it's not... That was just a sarcastic comment going along with the video :-)
Oh for crying out loud, I should learn to see that sort of thing by now, I've been hanging around message boards for long enough! ;)
Oh for crying out loud, I should learn to see that sort of thing by now, I've been hanging around message boards for long enough! ;)
Irony on the internet, always a dare :-)
What we were talking about... Amiga taking the lead?
Everything seems back to normal :P
Everything seems back to normal :P
All in all I have the impression that more and more stuff is getting released for oldskool platforms, do you agree?
More and more platforms are becoming oldschool, don't you agree?
no one cares about platform when the stuff rocks, do you agree?