Demoscene sub-event at Northcon
category: parties [glöplog]
I am proud to announce that NorthCon Demoverse is officially going to happen. So get working on entries, buy booze and start to party!
A sub-site will be made available at within the next days (and it will be available in english as well ;). Further details will follow soon (I'm currently at work, so no time to write a novel here ;).
A sub-site will be made available at within the next days (and it will be available in english as well ;). Further details will follow soon (I'm currently at work, so no time to write a novel here ;).
woop woop, GO Team Demoverse \o/
Great news! .. now we can spread the word and get things off the ground :)
Great news! .. now we can spread the word and get things off the ground :)
This is going to be awesome.
I repeat: aHHHhhwWwsoOome!

Oh and in case you might be interested: theres free LaserTag on site!!
It might be the time to get some releases ready for the party...phew, work work work :)
While we are still waiting a couple more days for the final GO from the big guys, we can already give you a list of competitions scheduled to be held at the party:
GFX Compos
- Pixel
- Freestyle
- Photo
- Handmade
Music Compos
- Executable Music
- Tracked Music
- Streaming Music
Demo Compos
- Oldschool Demo
- PC Demo
- PC (Size-Restricted)
Misc Compos
- Gamedev
- Animation / Video
- Realtime Wild
This should give you an idea of what to expect, the rules for each competition will be laid out in the next few days! (Probably loosely based on these, subject to change!)
I wanted to point out, that the photo compo reads as: Non retouched photos.
also please delete the first line from the quote in your mind, the party is on!
hmph someone spammed me out from oneliner...
so you start spamming in the currently active threads? what a nice gesture...
We added a dedicated Demoverse section to the NorthCon forums, so you can discuss there as well.
also, not to forget:

(international visiteurs might need to click the english flag in the upper corner to degibberish the site).

(international visiteurs might need to click the english flag in the upper corner to degibberish the site).

oh and sorry about the requirement for an account, its how the Northcon ticket system works.
Registration is easy and free (of course).
Registration is easy and free (of course).
Well the event is underway and the first ticketsales are coming in.
As news we can tell you LULI will bring some oldschool hardware for some retro flair and the timetable should be up very soon-iish as well.
Join us on IRCNet in the #demoverse channel!
As news we can tell you LULI will bring some oldschool hardware for some retro flair and the timetable should be up very soon-iish as well.
Join us on IRCNet in the #demoverse channel!
Ha, and we will have Revision grade Popcorn right at the info desk. Be sure to thank htk of gnumpf for providing his machine and expertise \o/

So, are you danes going to show up? :)
and because we hears there are sceners who like teh zuckerbook here is our event on it:
correction: you meant "suckerborg" ;>
Orga announcement:
We *do* accept remote entries! Please make sure you have them in by Wednesday, 4th of december, 23:59:59, so we can make sure to have them available during the party! (:
We *do* accept remote entries! Please make sure you have them in by Wednesday, 4th of december, 23:59:59, so we can make sure to have them available during the party! (:
really can't tell HOW EPIC THIS WILL BE!