
Funny, stupid shit that you've done or has happened to you.

category: offtopic [glöplog]
That happens when kids are left to choose. My dad picket the best machine on the market, a c64 :)
added on the 2011-06-01 09:57:36 by Oswald Oswald
added on the 2011-06-01 09:57:49 by Oswald Oswald
So back in in 2006 or so I was in the office and a coworker next to me stands up and goes for a leak. Given that we'd prank eachother every now and then I switch the N and the M on his keyboard. Before he returns I put them back because I had a better plan. I spent the next hour writing an application called 'rundll16.exe' which hooked the keyboard (that is or was possible in Windows XP) and allowed me to modify events.

So I made it swap N and M inputs randomly, based on a timer and then some. Also, it would try to access a file on my machine's network drive in order to turn the trick on and off.

The second time he went for a toilet break I both physically swapped the keys and launched the executable. After a bit he started to notice strange behaviour (well, duh). I held myself together and kept playing with the toggle. After a while he asked a coworker to look at it, and I turned it off. The coworkers response: "it's all in your head".

After he said that I could no longer hold it together and hurried downstairs after I told another coworker about the trick and how to control it. It went on a little longer until my laughter-ridden face came back upstairs again. It was a good day.
added on the 2011-06-01 10:50:19 by superplek superplek
last week, I spilled a big glass of water on my keyboard (and also on my ipad + iphone, but luckily the keyboard got the worst and they were unaffected). After drying it, the n key actually output 'nm'. It makes coding quite a ballache, and my spare keyboard is a bluetooth one with no number pad :(

(And this may help somebody some time: I removed + cleaned under the N + M keys, it didn't help. Then I did the same with the space bar.. and it worked! Somehow the space bar affects the n+m keys.. odd. After that the V key was sticking sometimes, but that stopped and it works perfectly again \o/ )
added on the 2011-06-01 11:42:42 by psonice psonice
@Oswald: Shouldn't your dad have bought an Amiga then ;-)
added on the 2011-06-01 11:52:10 by JAC! JAC!
One thing that quite pissed me off, but was my own fault: Ignoring the 'static discharge' warnings when upgrading a computer. Yes, I actually managed to kill a device with static!

This was while doing a ROM upgrade on an amiga 1200 (probably version2.something to 3.1). The new ROM worked perfectly, but I somehow managed to kill the old ROM, which I'd already agreed to sell :(
added on the 2011-06-01 12:40:02 by psonice psonice
Juggling a heatsink around with a spinning hard drive dangling out of my A1200. Of course I dropped the thing right on the drive, and it went bzzzzztt.. -click- -click- -click-... The grief of losing ten years of work in an instant is hard to bear. Anyway, live and learn (the following):

- Hard drives can take a lot of abuse, but there's a limit to how much shock they can absorb.
- Sometimes hard drives don't just fail one sector at a time, so keeping two or three copies of everything on another partition it not a good backup solution.
- No matter how many times you try to power up a broken drive, it is still broken.
- Crying doesn't help.
- I am not Mensa material.
added on the 2011-06-01 13:45:05 by doomdoom doomdoom
"a spinning hard drive dangling out of my A1200" - ah, I've been there! Mine ended up in a tower case.. nearly. The board was too long for the case, so I had a HDD + CDROM + PSU in the case, and the A1200 motherboard mounted on the side of the case using cardboard + sticky tape :)

Put that down as another stupid mistake to avoid: buying a case for a weird sized board without checking the measurements at all.

Btw, a lot of abuse can actually FIX a broken harddrive. I had something similar a few years back, dead HDD, evil crunching noises, tons of work I'd not backed up. I tried spinning it as it started up, freezing it, all the usual tricks, nothing. Then I tried hitting it really hard with a metal object, while it was powered up. It suddenly worked again! Only for 30 minutes or so, and most of the drive was corrupt, but I recovered a lot of work :)
added on the 2011-06-01 14:33:40 by psonice psonice
cardboard + sticky tape

I used a MacDonalds hat for years
added on the 2011-06-01 15:08:55 by FunGas FunGas
At one point a coworker and I decided we wanted to drink during the workday. Here's a good tip: those 0.5l cans fit perfectly under a hollowed-out Pringles can!
added on the 2011-06-01 15:17:33 by superplek superplek
plek is definitely winning.
I can relate to psonice - nothing like spending the day in nylon soled shoes, walking on synthetic carpet everywhere then watching your mobo (the duck's nuts back then) after fiddling with it, sizzle, pop, crackle & start to smoke when you turn on the psu .
There was the time I went down to the beach to do some fishing in my (not so) new 4wd Landcruiser. I got bogged up to the rear axles upon trying to exit the beach. A friendly local with another 4wd came to help. His first question was - "Have you locked your wheels?"
I locked the front hubs & drove out remembering to ask him & his son politely NOT to laugh @ me. Too much.
added on the 2011-06-02 08:43:20 by ringofyre ringofyre
JAC, right :P :)
added on the 2011-06-02 12:58:56 by Oswald Oswald
I just remembered a classic weekend that probably counts as stupid and funny :)

Many years back, I shared a house with a friend, who was a real fiend for the weed. This weekend, his sister came to visit him - she's a really straight-laced type, went to cambridge university, works as a scientist (and dresses like on even on the weekend :), and is teetotal.

Well, it so happened that on the saturday morning I got a block of really fantastic weed. So when she arrived, I was crashed out on the living room sofa, totally out of it. Good first impression :)

Later, we all went to the pub, where I met another friend. Me and this other friend decided to go outside for a while, to smoke a spliff, about 5 minutes after arriving and buying drinks. Well, my housemate just couldn't resist, and gave his sister a really lame excuse that we were going to see if another pub was open, and we just left her there alone for 10 minutes. Fuck knows what she was thinking at this point :D But, it gets worse..

When we got back from the pub, my housemate was really desperate for some more of this weed. So, he tells his sister that they have to get up really early the next morning, to catch a bus somewhere, and he persuades her to go to bed really early. Like 9pm or something.

Then, he sneeks downstairs, and we both went into the bathroom (which is downstairs in that house, off the living room) to smoke a bucket or two (it's a kind of bong, the bathroom sink was the best place to do it). We're half-way through this, when his sister comes downstairs to use the bathroom :O

Of course we'd locked the door, so she sits down in the living room to wait. There's no other way out of the bathroom, so all we can do is hide the bong, open the window a bit to clear the smoke, and then walk out together, straight past her, saying nothing. He must have been embarrassed as hell, I was fighting hard to not piss myself laughing :)

Nothing much happened the next day, and she didn't say anything about it, but after she left she told his parents he was gay :D He starting taking his girlfriend to his parents house very soon after that ;)
added on the 2011-06-02 13:19:45 by psonice psonice
on Guadeloupe earlier this year, after an academic congress, coworkers and i got drunk at the pool of the hotel. at some point we ran out of booze and decided to "get more booze". dressed up in swimming wear (in fact my swimming pants was still dripping :P) we ended up in a full-black new nightclub, being looked at really weirdy either for being white trash or for being in swimming wear. but quickly the people there loved us and many pictures were taken. the bouncer probably thought it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing that these lunatics would show up :DDD
added on the 2011-06-02 14:22:38 by el mal el mal
Maali: Haha, that must have been a great evening.
pics or it didnt happen.
added on the 2011-06-02 15:08:00 by Gargaj Gargaj
Another stupid but funny thing from that same house. Once we went out and got drunk, then came home and I crashed out and went to bed. Woke up a while later, desperate for a piss, so I went to the toilet. Came out, and my housemate was back, watching tv in the living room. So I sat down for a bit on the other sofa, and watched tv for 15 minutes or so.

Then I looked down.. and realised I was stark bollock naked. Which came as quite a shock to both of us! Quite how we'd sat in the same room for 15 minutes, and neither of us had noticed that, i have absolutely no idea. It's lucky the other housemate wasn't there, she would probably have called the police :D
added on the 2011-06-02 15:19:42 by psonice psonice
story goes on: a norwegian friend who was with us to that nightclub insisted of scoring weed. he went outside the club, met some weird geezer who said 'sure, come with me to the house at the end of the road..' after _2_ hours he came back, all high and claiming he spent those 2 hours smoking & talking with Bob Marley's former bassist who apparently lived there.
added on the 2011-06-02 15:49:09 by el mal el mal
another story, different island: we were driving with our rented 4WD over some sandy road. but it was "forbidden to go there".. signs everywhere.. but the beach was pretty there, so we drove the 4WD on the beach. relaxed a bit and then decided to drive back to our hotel. buuut, Hans had accidentally kicked the 4WD in tow-mode and couldnt turn that off again... so we were CLOSE to calling the renting company until i had a deja-vu i once saw on discovery channel that you need to tap the break twice quickly. so Hans did that, and yeppers, we could quickly drive the hell outta there :)
added on the 2011-06-02 15:52:21 by el mal el mal
Night before yesterday I was apparently very tired when I went to bed. I awoke 4 hours after going to bed from my left arm being "dead" and shoulder tingling.
In my right ear there was an earplug, but the left arm was positioned with my left hand near my ear and still holding my other earplug. :)
added on the 2011-06-03 15:20:58 by Photon Photon
last night when i came home from celebrating fathers day with lots of alcohol, i put a pizza in the oven and fell assleep waiting for it. when i woke up around midday, the pizza was merely cole and the oven shut off and i was still hungry. im lucky that nothing caught fire.
added on the 2011-06-03 17:44:38 by vectory vectory
I'm the webmaster of 7dx-party.org as well as one of the party organizers. I was hosting the site at myhosting.com. A few years ago, one of the visitors complained about some broken links. I checked it and complaint was true, music compo entries were unreachable. I checked the FTP and saw that they were gone! But only missing things were those mp3s. Instead of suspecting from a hack attack, I thought myhosting.com was responsible for this. Unfortunately, I was right... They told me they don't allow illegal stuff like mp3s etc. They scan all servers and clear all mp3s time to time. I told them "but mp3 is a file format. how do you know which are legal, which are not?". They kept telling me "mp3s are illegal!". of course mp3s they were deleted was our party's music compo entries. :) i moved 7dx-party.org hosting to hostgator. happily lived ever after. :)
added on the 2011-06-04 14:51:54 by Skate Skate
"Morality rots the minds of men." (c) me
added on the 2011-06-04 21:34:24 by Photon Photon
I've shown my dick on random image thread on pouet; it was a simple gesture, but I'm stil obliged to move not to be weird. It was only provocation, on the time, I was harrassed by the littest dick of my country close to my town. They were hallucinate me, and they wanted to be heard too, and I would want to know what they were saying. Posting to random image thread makes it possible and I've controled them to stop the harrassment. At now, only few women hallucinate me in synthetic friendships, and I hope live better soon.
added on the 2011-06-05 12:01:02 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
I once trusted a womans.
added on the 2011-06-05 22:06:15 by trc_wm trc_wm
