Sound design - how did they do that?
category: music [glöplog]
To achieve something a bit similar in V2 you could use modulate the frequency of osc 1 (sine) with osc 2 (triangle) whilst modulating FM depth by lfo and an envelope to achieve something similar to the sound posted.
At least in theory. I guess it would require V2 to modulate at audio rate in order to sound halfway as good. Probably you'd also have to stack the patch with another one for additional phatness.
At least in theory. I guess it would require V2 to modulate at audio rate in order to sound halfway as good. Probably you'd also have to stack the patch with another one for additional phatness.
Just as easy as in Renoise :PHow ironic is it that generating that waveform (though not the following modulation) would be SO EASY in Fast Tracker II? :)
@rpfr: My first test was with sine modulated by triangle, then sine and saw. Not until I changed to a triangle modulated by saw did I get anywhere near. I know the waveform image appears to be sine, but it may be that it's from recording/sampling and the representation in the rather simple free waveeditor I use (I rarely mess around with wave files anyway)
@numtek: Easy to achieve soundwise - far more diffucult to fit the resulting .xm/.xrns into a 64k intro ;-)
@numtek: Easy to achieve soundwise - far more diffucult to fit the resulting .xm/.xrns into a 64k intro ;-)
Thing with V2 is that its LFOs are probably way too slow and don't allow for proper modulation to shape the wave into a result close enough to what you're trying to achieve.
So far i only know 1 virtual synth which lfo is capable of audio rate modulations while sounding good (AudioRealism Bass Line Pro).
Tricky thing this.
So far i only know 1 virtual synth which lfo is capable of audio rate modulations while sounding good (AudioRealism Bass Line Pro).
Tricky thing this.