
TRSI ex-coder Spider/T-Bone is back with a vengeance with his newest release, GfxEditor.com, a brilliant web-app for creating graphic design.

category: residue [glöplog]
Well, the point infact is, that many people believe the web 3.0 will be that people only will use "web-apps". Also see cloud computing.

Google and a few other companies already try this with alot of quality programs. But right now its just in a preview phase when you buy a phone that works that way. Since many "classic" programs are still way ahead.

I was working over a year on a porno comic mag and the people were a bit more pleased. :D
added on the 2010-05-09 11:58:37 by Exin Exin
Not to be bragging but I'm a pretty hardcore coder,

So like all hardcore coders, you also totally fail at graphic design, usability and marketing. Yeah, sounds about right.

To everyone even remotely considering using his site, use Aviary instead, since it's actually good, and it's made by people who aren't babbling idiots.
added on the 2010-05-09 12:22:19 by gloom gloom
After I clicked the link, ignored the layout of the frontpage, searched for a small login button in the upper right corner (?), stole an account since I hate compulsory internet registration I was in.

It said I needed Java for more functionality so I clicked next. After some more licking I got to see the interface, which had a colorscheme that remidned me of Impulse Tracker.

It didn't fit on my screen, so I needed to scroll to get to all the functionality.
I tried to add a teddybear, but I'm stillf confused : where is my canvas ?
Also it needed to load after allmost every button click. I know, I know : it is a webapp bu this is kinda annoying.

So to summerize: Cool project, but not for me.
added on the 2010-05-09 12:24:48 by numtek numtek
Activation email is in html, so I hope your email client can deal with that...

No but I have no problem of deciphering raw HTML to search for an URL. This came in the form of

and so on, perhaps due to the content-Transfer-Encoding being set to base64? Nevermind...
added on the 2010-05-09 12:50:32 by El Topo El Topo
You still have not found a better online tool than mine... And it's pretty obvious you won't find any because I have spent 5 years doing it, and nobody else have had my idea of putting a merchandise shop next to the Camvas, but I guess copy will show up, but not this year... GfxEditor hard to copycat.

I'm afraid this is better...
added on the 2010-05-09 12:57:37 by Defiance Defiance
BB Image
fruitcake time!
added on the 2010-05-09 13:16:08 by el mal el mal
I'm afraid that you just crossed the point where Flash is not cool anymore. It should be all "HTML 5 and stuff" by now (which I basically consider a good thing). :)

In any case, the color scheme (or at least that bright orange-ish color) needs a serious replacement.

That apart: great work.
added on the 2010-05-09 13:24:10 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
So apparently Ajax means "uses JavaScript" and HTML5 now means "doesn't use Flash"
added on the 2010-05-09 13:26:14 by stijn stijn
BB Image
added on the 2010-05-09 13:33:53 by Zplex Zplex
Heh, this thread is awesome! Dude will keep on bragging until his project will fail and then we won't hear anything anymore.

Thanks Pouet, for always being a source of entertainment!
added on the 2010-05-09 13:46:52 by okkie okkie
And meanwhile its honor to be "ex-trsi" ...
added on the 2010-05-09 14:06:48 by _H2o_ _H2o_
Now lets me see them competition... Not nerveus at all.. You wont find nothing... Some may have nice looking website, but the tool is primitive in comparisson to my, but I give, they are great for doing simple image manipulation :)

and your UI design is primitive in comparison to all the other examples various people have tried to draw your attention to in this thread (re: Sumo paint). in stead of bragging, i suggest you purchase a copy of About Face 3 (great book) and learn some user-centric HCI design principles. that interface really is fucking ugly.
added on the 2010-05-09 15:49:23 by button button
from what I know about this stuff it looks like a pretty advanced tool -- i'm not sure if i'd be a customer from the get-go but i sure do appreciate the features. good work, but as said by others -- work on the in the interface and marketing if you really want to earn some cash with it.
added on the 2010-05-09 17:03:05 by superplek superplek
Thank you all for the comments, I really appreciate them...

Someone said:

"sorry, but you should spend serious time to work on your marketing AND user interface."

That's all I'm doing now. I already put 1 markting firm and 1 marketing guru to work for me, so its only a matter of time and the website will have a much better look & feel, and be much easier to use (no accounts needed and so on). I'll will implement all the suggestions that make sense. Thank you again.

It's possible to change the Editor's color theme, just press "Other" on "Project settings" gui-panel, select new theme on dropdown box.

Keep them suggestions comming... Here are 5 Premium codes, knock yourself out:


Just a reminder... This is a beta product, version 1.0, lots of room for improvements and I'm working on it. :)

I know Aviary, its nice but does not beat my app. You can't create & order a shirt from scracth with it in less then 5 minutes, it also lacks all this:

1. It dont have support for doing page layout, and It dont have support for working with multiple objects (images, text, vector drawing, effects, etc..).

2. Aviary has their functionality splittet in muitple apps, where GfxEditor is all in one.

3. Aviary dont come with over 900 fonts and 15.000 images.

4. It can't do search on Wikimedia, Flickr and Picasa (My tool had search using Bling, Yahoo and Google, but I removed it because of Zazzle sellers where complayning about, it would be too easy to steal images)

I can keep going on and on, but I'll leave the rest its for you to figure out... Or just watch my videos, they speak for themselves, you can't do much of the stuff I'm showing in the videos with Aviary or another tool for that matter...

Thank you for the support.
"Thank you for the support."

Your welcome.
added on the 2010-05-09 17:20:40 by Zplex Zplex
I just started watching your video and can't decide wether it's a real life sartire or a joke.

Hint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyK-3Em8__c - he's doing it wrong, too.
added on the 2010-05-09 17:28:54 by rp rp
rpfr: Agree...

This BBS got an attention mainly because there is a TRSI word in the title.
Just face it.

Despite you've put lotsa work in it, personally, I see here (especially with your videos) an attitude like "Hei! Try this cool tool! It is the best available, this cool tool" with a commercial-like behaviour as well as an expect for some splendid free ideas/improvements.

added on the 2010-05-09 17:57:32 by sim sim
isn't adobe working on an online edition of photoshop? ifso this project will die :)

You mean like http://www.photoshoponline.com and photoshop express?
added on the 2010-05-09 18:12:29 by tomaes tomaes
He must be Arnold Schwarzeneggers unknown child.

added on the 2010-05-09 18:13:02 by Zplex Zplex
My attitude could be better, I guess... It's because I have lots of emotions on this project... As I said, there are lots of room for improvements, also with my attitude :)

Someone said:

"Despite you've put lotsa work in it, personally, I see here (especially with your videos) an attitude like "Hei! Try this cool tool! It is the best available, this cool tool" with a commercial-like behaviour as well as an expect for some splendid free ideas/improvements."

Well, I know I'm not perfect... But when you have released a beta product, you supposed to get user feedback, right? So that's what I'm doing. And thank you all again for comming with the comments, I apreciate.

That's all I'm doing now. I already put 1 markting firm and 1 marketing guru to work for me, so its only a matter of time and the website will have a much better look & feel, and be much easier to use (no accounts needed and so on). I'll will implement all the suggestions that make sense. Thank you again.

hope he'll tell you to bugger off from pouet!
added on the 2010-05-09 19:08:48 by el mal el mal
I already put 1 markting firm and 1 marketing guru to work for me, so its only a matter of time and the website will have a much better look & feel, and be much easier to use
I think you seriously misunderstood what marketing-people do. They take what you have and try to sell it - which no marketing guru on the planet will be able to do with what you currently have. What you need is a DESIGNER. Also, any marketing person (doesn't have to be very guru about it) would have told you to shut up on the internet about how great you are and how great your product is. It is a shame nobody was hired in time to stop you from doing that.

It's possible to change the Editor's color theme, just press "Other" on "Project settings" gui-panel, select new theme on dropdown box.
You say that like it's a good thing. Feature-bloat: remove.

You can't create & order a shirt from scracth with it in less then 5 minutes
You say that like it's a good thing. Feature-bloat: remove.

Aviary has their functionality splittet in muitple apps, where GfxEditor is all in one
You say that like it's a good thing. There is a reason Adobe has Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign, and not PhotoIllustrationDesign. Also - serious feature-bloat: remove.

Aviary dont come with over 900 fonts and 15.000 images.
You say that like it's a good thing? Also: did you actually pay licensing fees for all of those fonts? If so: wow, and: how-to-spend-your-money-fail.

It can't do search on Wikimedia
Neither can Photoshop, but I think even you can agree that that's a pretty solid photo editing program. Also - feature-bloat: remove NOW.
added on the 2010-05-09 19:59:47 by gloom gloom
Pretty lame that you spammed the releases page with advertising. You're not really making many friends here like this. http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=4297
added on the 2010-05-09 20:04:39 by Mtl Mtl
Also, did it ever occur to you that maybe (pulls figure from air) 90% or so of the ex-sceners that come here, and maybe more of the still active sceners are now working on commercial products in their 'full time' jobs.

We somehow manage to refrain from posting about our totally non-scene related commercial products, because we realise its called spam and generally not welcome.

Btw - if anyone is looking for some brilliant eCommerce software that is the best in the world, let me know.
added on the 2010-05-09 20:13:33 by Mtl Mtl
