Unlimited Detail Technology?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
But if it's not true, it'll come back and hit him...
Actually, I should've written "it'll come *flying* back and hit him..."
Dammit. I lose.
Dammit. I lose.
See? Just have a little patience, man. My bet: we'll see _unlimited_ animation. Skeleton? Deformers? Pffffffff. That's for the polygon industry. Master Bruce will individually animate each and every ATOM!
Yes grumpy forum people, we do have animation, but you'll just have to be patient.
See? Just have a little patience, man. My bet: we'll see _unlimited_ animation. Skeleton? Deformers? Pffffffff. That's for the polygon industry. Master Bruce will individually animate each and every ATOM!
Hyde: I thought about that shit YEARS before anyone else.
8-but B: But did you make a video about it and put it on youtube?
Didn't think so.
Didn't think so.
8-but -> 8-bit
8-butt buggery makes more sense, maybe you were right hyde?
Didn't one of their older demos have animation? I vaguely recall some very simple animation with a character made of many separate parts, and just the one.. maybe that was some other voxel type engine though.
Didn't one of their older demos have animation? I vaguely recall some very simple animation with a character made of many separate parts, and just the one.. maybe that was some other voxel type engine though.
Yeah yeah, thanks dude. :P
I wasn't good enough for that. XD
I wasn't good enough for that. XD
ulimited detail seems to remain to future.
psonice: No, it was Unlimited Detail. "They" accomplished it by swapping between something like five different models of the same bird to produce a very awkward and wildly unimpressive flying animation.
"They" is in quotes because I firmly believe it's still just one guy. Well, maybe a guy and his mum, but surely not an actual team. Because honestly, who would work with that guy.
"They" is in quotes because I firmly believe it's still just one guy. Well, maybe a guy and his mum, but surely not an actual team. Because honestly, who would work with that guy.
Still seems like snake oil to me:
- no real indication about performance (He says "20 fps on CPU", but what does that mean? Is that for QCIF resolution on a cluster of six dozen 8-core Xeons, or for 4K resolution on a 2 MHz Z80?)
- very repetitive geometry
- Minecraft-ish low-res world geometry, WTF?
- only axis-aligned objects
- no animation at all
- almost no lighting (I couldn't even see the simple binary shadowing they mention, let alone any kind of AO or specular)
- very unprofessional and dubious website
- the CEO talks like a lunatic ;)
- no real indication about performance (He says "20 fps on CPU", but what does that mean? Is that for QCIF resolution on a cluster of six dozen 8-core Xeons, or for 4K resolution on a 2 MHz Z80?)
- very repetitive geometry
- Minecraft-ish low-res world geometry, WTF?
- only axis-aligned objects
- no animation at all
- almost no lighting (I couldn't even see the simple binary shadowing they mention, let alone any kind of AO or specular)
- very unprofessional and dubious website
- the CEO talks like a lunatic ;)
If that stuff was running on the GPU, it could get as good as the gigavoxel tech.. :)
Old news, butnot so esoteric and actually nice videos.
youve got to admire them for managing to bullshit enough to get that £1.3m grant from the aussie government though. they'd never have got that if they'd actually been honest and reasonable.
anyway, i'm off to go raymarch a volume texture distance field. it's generated from a mesh that contains up to 31 trillion polygons - in fact you might say it's "the largest breakthrough since 3d graphics began". bye!
anyway, i'm off to go raymarch a volume texture distance field. it's generated from a mesh that contains up to 31 trillion polygons - in fact you might say it's "the largest breakthrough since 3d graphics began". bye!
smash! OMG! That is OVER 9 TRILLION! ;)
smash, you're not the first doing this, just so you know ;)
and you'll realize that volume textures for storing models consume too much memory for real life applications soon enough too ;)
nystep: yea, we've been there for a while.. :)
i've heard particles run really smooth on the LHC supercomputers!

lol. yeah. didn't think of delta force...
amazing. they use unlimited brown pixels!
Delta force was a seriously cool game :)
Outcast, anyone?