7th Annual Scene.org Awards
category: general [glöplog]
my bet:
i wont remember much of the cermony.
i wont remember much of the cermony.
my bet: sofa sceners won't see it at all.
No Atrium for best soundtrack ? :(
no Daydream for best soundtracK? :(
No E.T.A for best graphics ?
my bet: i'll be out boozing during the ceremony.
my bet: at last one of my PCs will die again during the ceremony. In that case, you'll find me up at the FOH. Boozing.
Also, Smash has leading even if he's a lousy zeropunctuation imitator.
Also, Smash has leading even if he's a lousy zeropunctuation imitator.
kb: at least he would have the accent :D
The term also often refers to the very position of the main mixing desk.
FOH = Filthy Old Halibut. It's an old pub just nearby. I'll be there too, playing Frogger on the filthy old arcade machine sitting in the corner, just left of the men's room.
wtf, no sheisse :(
Ok. I thought of "Field of honour" and immediately thought: "What does he mean? Wasn't that "Field of mud" last year?... :D
best soundtrack nomination: http://www.discogs.com/Extrawelt-DistTheme/release/1239792 (not that it matters i guess, but it would've been much cooler if Nine Inch Nails would've been nominated)
Gargaj: then we would have some "real" to discuss ;)
best 4k: receptor
Texas is boring compared to that.
Texas is boring compared to that.
puryx: i meant that the link above is the vinyl of the soundtrack for the einklang.net demo that was nominated for best music, which i find a bit iffy.
Gargaj: hmm.. you do have a point there... (sorry did not click the link in the first place)
...which is why i mentioned NIN (which was the soundtrack of the XPLSV demo for NV). just sounds too close for nominating linger in shadows for best graphics.
no field trip in the best graphics category? what?
scheiss kommerz
All I can say that I don't agree with much of the best soundtrack nominations. All these didn't struck me as that exceptional. The mentioned tracks "Daydream" and "Atrium" (or from "Zine #13 Headlines") had a much better quality and could actually stand on their own.
But well, tastes are indeed different.
But well, tastes are indeed different.
the best soundtrack* nominations are fucked up each year with predictable accuracy. they simply copy-paste the nominations from the "best demo" category, and think that nobody will notice...
[* among others...]
[* among others...]
I BTW would select "ETA" over "Field Trip", because "ETA" uses sound effects which are much more difficult to compile than just using a music track like "Field Trip" did (a kick ass one I might add).