.werkkzeug 1.5
category: general [glöplog]
eye: I don't know. I just felt the need to end all discussion here by triggering Godwin's law a lot.
stelthz: I thought the reference is clear enough.
stelthz: I thought the reference is clear enough.
I THINK you should just get a gf and sell the scene out.
Getting a GF is sometimes -HARD-, believe me, for ppl who are shy and stuff. BUT STILL GET ONE STELTHZ.
There should be a scene dating service.. hooking up shy sceners with nerdgirls.. hmm.. maybe i can use the leaked siggraph version of Werkkkzug3 to make a promo for that....
iks: I have a radeon, does that one count?
:(((( i love stelthz.. he used to be so funny troll, but nowdays he is just angry:( he doesnt even make any uns33n jokes anymore. but i guess we still have moredhel.
Don't worry, we still have optimus. He recently jacked off stalking a kakiarts girl. Teh fun remains.
Optimus is doing whatnow?
and you're lying, there are no girls in the demoscene!
and you're lying, there are no girls in the demoscene!
MadenMann: the Godwin trick doesn't work too well on Pouet. Look at the random Hitler thread. But referring to "get a GF" is likely to mark one as an NVidia Nazi. :))))
As to the topic, perhaps the scene has to take a few steps back into the elitism. Oh, wait, it almost leads to death. Or, whatever. I don't know.
As to the topic, perhaps the scene has to take a few steps back into the elitism. Oh, wait, it almost leads to death. Or, whatever. I don't know.
doesnt reading stuff like that just make you want to give up ever doing anything for the scene ever again?
smash: hmmm... no, not really I guess?
Smash: totally.
On the other hand, there is still a bunch of hardcore, respectful and passionated people who genuinely appreciate the work sceners do and look forward to every single release from crews they like. If you ignore the trolls and usual annoying people who are not specific to demoscene, it's still worth it ;)
(not to mention the pleasure taken in creating totally free artistic stuff without corporate pressure or commercial considerations)
On the other hand, there is still a bunch of hardcore, respectful and passionated people who genuinely appreciate the work sceners do and look forward to every single release from crews they like. If you ignore the trolls and usual annoying people who are not specific to demoscene, it's still worth it ;)
(not to mention the pleasure taken in creating totally free artistic stuff without corporate pressure or commercial considerations)
Smash: of course not.
keops: yeh, that's exactly what i think - "thank fuck for that small hardcore". (and try and ignore the others.) :)
heh, come on.. one guy creates a fuss and we all fall over it? There have always been idiots around.. screw them.. don't give them any second thought.. this clown will disappear aswell..
I am amazed at the almost total lack of the word "lamer" in this thread...
This is probably because this trollthread DEGRADED into a "serious discussion" :)
Thinking about uploading the OSDK on pouet under the name Werkkkzug3

Words are only spoken (ahum, typed) at pouet.net..
You are only influenced and manipulated as much
as you let it. The only flaw is that we are human
and react on them as a human.. ;)
Don't believe the hype ;-)
btw. releases speak for thereselfs..
So never stop releasing productions for the demoscene..
Thank you for your attention ;-)
You are only influenced and manipulated as much
as you let it. The only flaw is that we are human
and react on them as a human.. ;)
Don't believe the hype ;-)
btw. releases speak for thereselfs..
So never stop releasing productions for the demoscene..
Thank you for your attention ;-)
oh thank you magic.. i feel so much better now
i'm touched :(
WHoahahahhaa ;)
Yes, I AM getting confused. I did not even try to troll.
That guy who started this threat may not be a troll, but at least a zealot. Nothing worth ranting 100 lines about. Ryg should get some counceling by Chaos who probably had to deal with zealots for decades now..
That guy who started this threat may not be a troll, but at least a zealot. Nothing worth ranting 100 lines about. Ryg should get some counceling by Chaos who probably had to deal with zealots for decades now..
why does everyone always bring Chaos into this? leave the poor kid alone!
oh and yes, magic in the thread \o/ please let us see posts from Adok and some of the other assclowns that we have dancing around here..
oh and yes, magic in the thread \o/ please let us see posts from Adok and some of the other assclowns that we have dancing around here..
mysql> select distinct accesslog.userip from accesslog left join accesslog as accesslog2 on accesslog.userip=accesslog2.userip where accesslog.userID=11250 and accesslog.userip!='' and accesslog2.userID=20464;
| userip |
| 172.174.39.xxx |
1 row in set (51.08 sec)
mysql> use pouet
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> update users set level="fakeuser" where id=20464;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
surprise surprise.. -_-
| userip |
| 172.174.39.xxx |
1 row in set (51.08 sec)
mysql> use pouet
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> update users set level="fakeuser" where id=20464;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
surprise surprise.. -_-