The Demoscene Mash-up Project first preview!
category: general [glöplog]
Gloom, Okkie: Don't forget to include pornonoise from dixan and synteesi. And don't forget to give it some more
okkie: sorry, didn't mean to hijack your glorious thread. :)
teh german: OF COURSE it will have BASS!
teh german: OF COURSE it will have BASS!
How is it going? Okkie? gloom?
as long as it isnt our BASS! version of it -_-
still working on it! got some nice ideas in the pipeline.. waiting for some acapellas still *coughkbandwayfindercough* :)
fuck those remixes.
This could get difficult given the fact that they're immaterial and thus quite non-fuckable.
But you can burn them all on a CD and try your luck with that; according to credible sources this might work for you.
But you can burn them all on a CD and try your luck with that; according to credible sources this might work for you.
I'd play drummroll.wav right now, if only I had it on me.
try drumroll.wav .. maybe that one's there :P
Paparizou YM, now who's gonna do this?! =)))
I heard your mom is working on it!
that´s some wonderfully bad singing right there!! XD

gasman: haha, good one. :)
maaaaadenmannen: yeah the work.. i kinda put it off for a while - yeah, i'm lazy.. though - i'm feeling like picking it up again soon, though not alone. if someone (preferably a musician :) would like to go co-op on the job (it's a big job), just let me know.
maaaaadenmannen: yeah the work.. i kinda put it off for a while - yeah, i'm lazy.. though - i'm feeling like picking it up again soon, though not alone. if someone (preferably a musician :) would like to go co-op on the job (it's a big job), just let me know.
gasman: r0xx0rs
hmm, any news about this one? CD finished? ;-)
gasman: nice one.
gasman: 0wnage
I'm sure there was a more recent mash-up thread, but I can't find it, so ATOMIC THREADBUMP.
Here's some Friday-night arsing around. Wayfinder vs Jazzcat - Popular Traffic
Here's some Friday-night arsing around. Wayfinder vs Jazzcat - Popular Traffic
@gasman: Nice one ...
Did also a Mashup with one of these songs some time ago.
Wayfinder vs Jester - Popular Memories
Did also a Mashup with one of these songs some time ago.
Wayfinder vs Jester - Popular Memories
The Popular Demo seems to be a The Popular Mashup Song.