The GFX / Warez Group Logo Collection
category: general [glöplog]
:) dipswitch goes legit! when are you picking up your MCSE? your lease-Opel? your golfclubs? your lanzarote tickets? your plasma-tv? ;)
i dont have a drivers license, i prefer traveling to northeast europe, my tvcard is totally sufficient, and i dont even know what a mcse is... =)

the legal man 2005 :D
aaaahahaha thx for reminding me what it would be if i grew my hair 2 more years... :P and the beard is off now as well.
haha :D
wonderful :)
wonderful :)
"i dont have a drivers license"
a warezdude without a license. why doesn't this surprise me? :)
a warezdude without a license. why doesn't this surprise me? :)
cuz you looked in the mirror?
Hikr: I use a legal copy of Visual Studio. Demosceners probably don't warez more sw than software companies themselves anyway.
The way I see it, if you copy a piece of software, and that software is already an illegal copy, then the copy you make becomes a legal one.
I'm gone for a week, and *man* was it worth it. Comedy gold ensued here!
Your massive collections of them do not speak for you.
And the people who are supporting this venue and/or are being huffy about pirate material being used without consent may suffer from retardation (who am I kidding, you girls are freakin' nuts)
i don't really collect the demoscene logos
Your massive collections of them do not speak for you.
And the people who are supporting this venue and/or are being huffy about pirate material being used without consent may suffer from retardation (who am I kidding, you girls are freakin' nuts)