i'm considering adding NUP access
category: general [glöplog]
yeah ok, that was technical issue, not a socal one. sry :D
My $.02 is that, as said before, moving the registration to IRC will prevent people like myself (without IRC) from registering, and thus all you'll be left with are the people who are determined to circumvent the system in the first place.
An option to ignore specifically them, specified either by the user and Poii's script or some rules (pr0n) is one thing. Preventing people from getting ON the site and posting is another matter entirely.
As I understand the term, someone else deciding what you can and cannot see is censorship and bad; personally choosing what you want and don't want to see is personal choice and good.
Yes, it has its dangers. if the poii script had been around back before Optimus took a hiatus, he would have been on my list. Since then, he's become a respectable user, and I might not have known had I blocked him.
But that's something that I think individual users are going to have to decide.
Sparcus's suggestions seem reasonable. They wouldn't seriously hamper legitimate users.
An option to ignore specifically them, specified either by the user and Poii's script or some rules (pr0n) is one thing. Preventing people from getting ON the site and posting is another matter entirely.
As I understand the term, someone else deciding what you can and cannot see is censorship and bad; personally choosing what you want and don't want to see is personal choice and good.
Yes, it has its dangers. if the poii script had been around back before Optimus took a hiatus, he would have been on my list. Since then, he's become a respectable user, and I might not have known had I blocked him.
But that's something that I think individual users are going to have to decide.
Sparcus's suggestions seem reasonable. They wouldn't seriously hamper legitimate users.
Yeah, cuz, information only travels thru irc and pouet bbs.
crusader: personally, sometimes I click on the big trumpet to show the AW to make sure I'm not missing something, and that I made the good decision when marking this or that user as an AW. That way, the PAWT script had been there before, I think I wouldn't have missed the change of behavior ( in the right direction ) of Optimus.
how about an own pouet BBS VIP SECTION, for ep only?!
if you're really interested in some kind of dupe user check, sceneid logs all the ip addresses. of course a really persistent troll could always use different email address, different computer (with different ip address), etc. nothing's foolproof.
what was actually the original problem? just go for moderation if you want to clean up some crap. preventing or making new user registration harder is not the right way to go...
what was actually the original problem? just go for moderation if you want to clean up some crap. preventing or making new user registration harder is not the right way to go...
melw: i was just tired of having to delete a dozen threads from kids breaking into a "i hate pouet couz pouet hates me so im gonna flood the bbs with shitloads of useless empty threads now and you cant stop me couz i'll just create new accont and do the same ha ha ha" fit, and tired of keep reading idiots with too much free time annoy every other user, and tired of spammers, not to mention attention whores. im back to not giving a shit about moderation now. -_-
just wanted overview of ppls opinions on the subject. am not planning implementing anything anytime soon.
NUP Access, attention whores script, ...
All protections will not stop me from expressing myself.
The new technology era is about expression : mobile phone, network, internet, skype, irc, forums, ... All are about exchanging, if you don't go in this way then you don't have understand anything at all, sorry guys.
ps: you aren't pleased by myself it seems.
Well more protections and annoyance you will put and more creativity you will face : in demos even in 64 Kb they have succeeded in making full demos, and when you will put more and more protection on pouet you will face scripts writers, network hackers who will find themselves happy to find weaknesses and using them to the max. Some will take by hacking the logon of others, ... This is really a bad idea : I've never seen a protection not beeing cracked and pouet will not be the exception. Ip addresses ? Ha ha ha ! I can hide myself behind an anonymous proxy and change it automatically using a list I can get on the net.
Morever if trolls annoys you then ask you why trolls appears ?
1/ Because I don't see all the bbs topics at a glance and so post something as a new topic which in fact isn't one.
2/ Because ppl here find myself interesting and annoying and start each time fighting with me and so much output and input is generated. This isn't only my fault but others too : they have to not fight with me and I will not fight with them.
3/ Because some newscomers came and do mistake here as they don't know the rules : show them when opening an account and after each 20 logins so we can remember them. Close the account for one week if not followed.
Plz also try to contact directly by emails ppl you don't love saying them "this is bad, you must know that, and do that now etheir we will close your account for some times". And let us making change in our post before making them posted : I mean add a preview window before we can post effectively.
Together we can improve pouet.
All protections will not stop me from expressing myself.
The new technology era is about expression : mobile phone, network, internet, skype, irc, forums, ... All are about exchanging, if you don't go in this way then you don't have understand anything at all, sorry guys.
ps: you aren't pleased by myself it seems.
Well more protections and annoyance you will put and more creativity you will face : in demos even in 64 Kb they have succeeded in making full demos, and when you will put more and more protection on pouet you will face scripts writers, network hackers who will find themselves happy to find weaknesses and using them to the max. Some will take by hacking the logon of others, ... This is really a bad idea : I've never seen a protection not beeing cracked and pouet will not be the exception. Ip addresses ? Ha ha ha ! I can hide myself behind an anonymous proxy and change it automatically using a list I can get on the net.
Morever if trolls annoys you then ask you why trolls appears ?
1/ Because I don't see all the bbs topics at a glance and so post something as a new topic which in fact isn't one.
2/ Because ppl here find myself interesting and annoying and start each time fighting with me and so much output and input is generated. This isn't only my fault but others too : they have to not fight with me and I will not fight with them.
3/ Because some newscomers came and do mistake here as they don't know the rules : show them when opening an account and after each 20 logins so we can remember them. Close the account for one week if not followed.
Plz also try to contact directly by emails ppl you don't love saying them "this is bad, you must know that, and do that now etheir we will close your account for some times". And let us making change in our post before making them posted : I mean add a preview window before we can post effectively.
Together we can improve pouet.
Oh well ep, you've been better before. What was that? Some kind of lame trolling? First you name several ways of comunication in random order, then you say we have to change to keep "on top"... The first person who came into my mind was Ohase.
You're speaking about making demos and intros? Wow, Ohase did the same. You try to threat us with hackers and script kiddies? *yawn* I've invested several days of my live just to find out what's behind the person of ohase and why he's doing it.
Proxies, fake accounts, appearing as other person.. I've seen that all before, you make yourself ridiculous.
You give us hints how to handle newcomers? Belive me, "we" know already what's a good way: read #1, read #2.
Well, we improve pouet every day. Maybe you see only ps coding here a bit (which is very understated), but look at all those people who add prods, who add party information, who report wrong data and broken download links. They all improve pouet. They don't need a troll, even when he's the right hand of a former respected member of the scene, to improve pouet.
Back to my Ohase comparisms (and the german scene). He wanted to be part of the scene, he wanted to be accepted by the others but without respecting the rules. It came to big words and no releases, even more big words... He even attended a party (Breakpoint 2003) but we didn't see any releases. Now, nearyl 2 years later we see him, Freddy Endrullis, as a person who was just a person with mental problems and noting more. And well, every time I read your posts, I read the imaginary five letters: Ohase. And everytime I know, the person behind that post doesn't have any clue.
If you really want to be a part of the demo scene, make some demos or intros, bring them to a party (there are at least 3 at easter) and try to become more seriously. And stop writing useless Hugi articles, there are nearly now people who take that mag as a serious scene mag. And since I'm still believing you and Adok could be one person, I'll suggest you should contact a neurologist.

Never forget, this will happen to you, too.
You're speaking about making demos and intros? Wow, Ohase did the same. You try to threat us with hackers and script kiddies? *yawn* I've invested several days of my live just to find out what's behind the person of ohase and why he's doing it.
Proxies, fake accounts, appearing as other person.. I've seen that all before, you make yourself ridiculous.
You give us hints how to handle newcomers? Belive me, "we" know already what's a good way: read #1, read #2.
Together we can improve pouet.
Well, we improve pouet every day. Maybe you see only ps coding here a bit (which is very understated), but look at all those people who add prods, who add party information, who report wrong data and broken download links. They all improve pouet. They don't need a troll, even when he's the right hand of a former respected member of the scene, to improve pouet.
Back to my Ohase comparisms (and the german scene). He wanted to be part of the scene, he wanted to be accepted by the others but without respecting the rules. It came to big words and no releases, even more big words... He even attended a party (Breakpoint 2003) but we didn't see any releases. Now, nearyl 2 years later we see him, Freddy Endrullis, as a person who was just a person with mental problems and noting more. And well, every time I read your posts, I read the imaginary five letters: Ohase. And everytime I know, the person behind that post doesn't have any clue.
If you really want to be a part of the demo scene, make some demos or intros, bring them to a party (there are at least 3 at easter) and try to become more seriously. And stop writing useless Hugi articles, there are nearly now people who take that mag as a serious scene mag. And since I'm still believing you and Adok could be one person, I'll suggest you should contact a neurologist.

Never forget, this will happen to you, too.
The new technology era is about expression : mobile phone, network, internet, skype, irc, forums
GREAT! then go there express yourself!
I can hide myself behind an anonymous proxy and change it automatically using a list I can get on the net.
great! you've passed hacker level 0. now learn what a honeypot proxy is :P
Together we can improve pouet.
ep: MadenMann's advice is too wise, here's mine if you want to gain respect: you don't need to make any compo, just go to Breakpoint escorted by 5 girls, that would score a max! they don't even need to be your real girlfriends, nice escort girls would do the job and i'm sure they'll make a price for 5!
Some people have something funny/usefull to express, some like to troll a few times, i dont care, but i still think its pathetic to troll ALL the time, and NOT use your regular user. Poor fuckers with to few friends. I pitty you. Maybe all you need is a little chat with uncle quisten? ;)
Sir MadenMann I'm serious.
If you still break my balls, I will come to your home by previously finding your real name
and address.
And I will break your balls, really.
This will be no more virtual and you will understand what it means.
I suggest you beginning a real therapy because demo / pouet are drugs.
And to speak your language, see these:

The first rule of anarchy is no rules !
The second rule is respect !
The third rule is if you break my ball, I break yours too !
And if you aren't happy I fuck you more and more and more.
And if it comes to real fight believe me you will understand what suffering means !
Je te laisse dans ta cour de recreation avec tes copains merdaillons, ton QI je m'en tapes et ton intelligence aussi : t'es tellement intelligent que tu en ai devenu con. Tu passes ton temps a resoudre des problemes que ton / tes systemes info creent, tu as tout le temps la reponse a toutes les questions, sauf que tu ne te poses aucunes questions par toi meme, donc pour moi tu es un robot. Pigeon d'une industrie qui te bouffe ton argent, ton temps et ta vie et en plus t'es heureux: tu es un fou et inconscient.
Tu parles d'hugi sans rien savoir: j'ai passe plus de 100 heures a creer les articles du prochain numero. S'il ne te conviennent pas ni a toi ni aux autres je m'en fiche. Mais si tu ne me respectes pas
attends toi a des represailles.
End of discussion.
If you still break my balls, I will come to your home by previously finding your real name
and address.
And I will break your balls, really.
This will be no more virtual and you will understand what it means.
I suggest you beginning a real therapy because demo / pouet are drugs.
And to speak your language, see these:

The first rule of anarchy is no rules !
The second rule is respect !
The third rule is if you break my ball, I break yours too !
And if you aren't happy I fuck you more and more and more.
And if it comes to real fight believe me you will understand what suffering means !
Je te laisse dans ta cour de recreation avec tes copains merdaillons, ton QI je m'en tapes et ton intelligence aussi : t'es tellement intelligent que tu en ai devenu con. Tu passes ton temps a resoudre des problemes que ton / tes systemes info creent, tu as tout le temps la reponse a toutes les questions, sauf que tu ne te poses aucunes questions par toi meme, donc pour moi tu es un robot. Pigeon d'une industrie qui te bouffe ton argent, ton temps et ta vie et en plus t'es heureux: tu es un fou et inconscient.
Tu parles d'hugi sans rien savoir: j'ai passe plus de 100 heures a creer les articles du prochain numero. S'il ne te conviennent pas ni a toi ni aux autres je m'en fiche. Mais si tu ne me respectes pas
attends toi a des represailles.
End of discussion.
ohh... you touched my tralala... hmm... my ding ding dong...
ep pulled an iblis!! haha..
hei ep, why dont you come to breakpoint and show us all what suffering really means. i'm curious to witness how you can fuck us all more and more when we dont respect you for beeing a moron.
you claim to have spent over 100 hours writting articles for next issue of hugi... big respect!! hugi needs more talented devoted writters like you in their staff. keep up the good work.
you claim to have spent over 100 hours writting articles for next issue of hugi... big respect!! hugi needs more talented devoted writters like you in their staff. keep up the good work.
[...] is mean [...] - especially because the targeted person does not understand it, since he doesn't speak German. I disapprove of this, Madenmann. *thumbdown*
added on the 2005-01-24 by Adok
Oh well, I hope ep get's his thumb, too.
ep: Well, it is neither hard to find out my real name nor to find out my address. If you're not smart enough, ask other people for it. Gargaj has access to it, kb has, some (many?) others have, hell, even RaD Man has access to my address. ;)
Oh and, you suck. I missed the kewlers logo. :(
If you physically threaten MadenMann EP, don't bother to show up at breakpoint or any other party.
We are drunk - and we have a bonfire
We are drunk - and we have a bonfire
Je te laisse dans ta cour de recreation avec tes copains merdaillons, ton QI je m'en tapes et ton intelligence aussi : t'es tellement intelligent que tu en ai devenu con. Tu passes ton temps a resoudre des problemes que ton / tes systemes info creent, tu as tout le temps la reponse a toutes les questions, sauf que tu ne te poses aucunes questions par toi meme, donc pour moi tu es un robot. Pigeon d'une industrie qui te bouffe ton argent, ton temps et ta vie et en plus t'es heureux: tu es un fou et inconscient.
Tu parles d'hugi sans rien savoir: j'ai passe plus de 100 heures a creer les articles du prochain numero. S'il ne te conviennent pas ni a toi ni aux autres je m'en fiche. Mais si tu ne me respectes pas attends toi a des represailles.
are you sure you want a translation of this diarrhoea ?
"i'll kick you in the schoolyard!"
(English is well known to be far more concise than French ;)
If you're not smart enough, ask other people for it. Gargaj has access to it, kb has, some (many?) others have, hell, even RaD Man has access to my address. ;)
And here I had to wonder a bit since I had no idea, but now I remember :D
Dear Adok, I want to remind you to give a thumb down to EP for his attac against me in his native language. Remember I don't understand french (even when it sounds often quite cool).