
Why is 90% of the releases from Kindergarden utter crap?

category: parties [glöplog]
slummy: too right you are - squirrelz does indeed have a massive release history. just seeing some of those titles makes me feel ashamed i even drew the matter into question. man, is my face red.
added on the 2004-09-22 19:41:42 by gloom gloom
gloom: maybe instead of ranting bullshit here you should do your organizer job and add the releases somewhere? :)

and for the n'th time.. i did NOT say progress released crap OR that they hadn't released anything ever, i said they didn't release anything now.
added on the 2004-09-22 20:37:00 by leijaa leijaa
gloom: maybe instead of ranting bullshit here you should do your organizer job and add the releases somewhere? :)

pilgrimage may have suckier releases but considering the usual party-protocol (i.e. scene.org upload) they managed to do a 2-3 day overhead on kindergarden...
added on the 2004-09-22 21:01:54 by Gargaj Gargaj
Umm... wasted potential.

just take all the letters from pointless posts in this and other useless threads, put them in the correct order and you might get a decent 4k which probably even compiles... and show a blinking robot.

added on the 2004-09-22 23:29:24 by dixan dixan
dixan! :)
added on the 2004-09-22 23:38:46 by jeenio jeenio
I didnt get the chance to be at the party unfortunately, but I know that the organizers deserves all the respect they can get for organizing demoparties here in norway. also.. lets be friendly and productive! now, was it a first place winner in the democompo?
Bender is a robot
added on the 2004-09-23 00:33:17 by tryfex tryfex
I would have liked to be at the party, but I'm going to Hong Kong today, and didn't have much money to spend on going to Oslo.

I wouldn't have contributed much anyway, probably just a lame pic and some even more lame amiga intros.

My 2 cents: It doesn't have to be ugly to be funny! :-)

See you all next year!
added on the 2004-09-23 08:21:19 by sprocket sprocket
sprocket: you globetrotter you. :)

activator: yep, it's coming.. bugfixing for ati in progress (no pun intended xbit :)

leia: well, for one it wasn't really my job, but yeah - after some hefty VNC-action, i've packaged most of the files and they are now in the incoming dir at scene.org
added on the 2004-09-23 11:15:26 by gloom gloom
It is nice to flame prods, but please upload them finally. Let others do it too :)
Anyway the party ended 5 days ago...
added on the 2004-09-23 11:20:31 by pohar pohar
the demos (apart the two we were asked to delay because of finishing the release-versions) were available from both kindergardens website and pouet.net even before the party was officially over.
added on the 2004-09-23 12:07:27 by gloom gloom
... anyway.. now all the files are on scene.org and i STRONGLY reccomend people to check out the music compos. especially the 64k executable music compo..

the democompo isn' t all, like some people choose to believe
added on the 2004-09-26 14:47:40 by leijaa leijaa
The 64kb music executable from Loaderror seems to be missing. Any place where i can find it?
added on the 2004-09-26 16:35:56 by z5 z5
im just adding some more stuff into the package to make it more of a release. Waiting for some feedback from the rest of the group before I release it. ... one problem is also that the music fucks up on UAE.. grr..
added on the 2004-09-27 01:57:40 by loaderror loaderror
The 64k executable music compo was absolutely brilliant. I loved all the entries, well, ok there was one that had this 'door noise' that had too much HYPE to it, but that I suppose is to be expected. I hope that there are additional compos of this sort at other parties, cuz it was just killer. (and multiple platform as well.)
what do you mean with "multiple platforms" ? :) The second place was amiga.. And yeah, as long as the exectutables ran on any of the compohardware we had, they were allowed :)
added on the 2004-09-27 05:53:19 by leijaa leijaa
this seems like a good enough place to annouce it; the gathering will keep this great idea alive and we will be hosting a 64kb executable music competition as well.
added on the 2004-09-27 07:38:17 by gloom gloom
added on the 2004-09-27 13:04:53 by kusma kusma
Loaderror: Making sure that your stuff runs on emulamers isn't your job, it's up to the emulator authors.
NOT AS MUCH AS MANAH MANAH!!!!!nineteenfourtytwo

Leia: you know, like, multiple platforms, not just Plek Complex, but Amiga. And I was going to suggest maybe in future someone might enter an executable sid... which, ya know, prolly would be less than 64k (:
sid in a 64k exe music compo would be really really cool :)
added on the 2004-09-27 13:27:08 by kusma kusma
DJ Fistfuck : kind of true.. I dont trust my own code though. Ive heard the bug on my amiga too, it just doesnt happen very often . :)
added on the 2004-09-27 14:11:28 by loaderror loaderror
oh.. and the 64k music compo idea is brilliant
added on the 2004-09-27 14:18:58 by loaderror loaderror
big props to altparty for bringing the idea to the world! (as far as i know)
added on the 2004-09-27 15:56:05 by kusma kusma
fact 1:

this seems like a good enough place to annouce it; the gathering will keep this great idea alive and we will be hosting a 64kb executable music competition as well.
added on the 2004-09-27 by gloom

fact 2:

- you win the gathering compos but attend ms/bp instead.
added on the 2004-09-22 by ps

let's get it on :D
added on the 2004-09-27 16:23:53 by Gargaj Gargaj
