
Good bye: untergrund.net will be shutting down on December 15th

category: general [glöplog]
But: volunteers welcome. Not saying it is impossible, just not easy.
added on the 2024-10-16 18:49:43 by scamp scamp
Scamp, first of all many thanks for providing free hosting for the demoscene for the past 25 years.

I still have my old site on untergrund.net which admittedly I haven't updated for a while (but that's not to say I will never do it) but there are many more important websites hosted there so I hope a solution can be found.

I wouldn't really like the demoscene to be mostly retreating to Discord and a handful of Facebook groups.
added on the 2024-10-16 20:11:00 by exocet exocet
With a 25 years old kernel PCem might be an option, it can run Windows XP but it's an emulator and might be too slow apart from other issues since it was definitely not made for web hosting ;)
added on the 2024-10-16 20:21:22 by Kabuto Kabuto
Let's be honest. A change of operator/server owner makes the most sense.

Is this possible scamp?

Especially when it comes to Chiptune.com and the Amiga Demo Archive,C64 Diskmag Wiki and many more it would be a shame if they disappeared.

I think if this shutdown is food for thought for anyone, the message has gotten through.
added on the 2024-10-16 20:24:36 by _docd _docd
docd: please read THIS (not the other) threads in full.

None of this has to do with emotions, and none with who hosts this in future, it's a technical challenge someone needs to work on.

I know you always have very good intentions and are trying to de-escalate. but there is no de-escalation needed here, people writing scripts and managing the transition are needed.

truck is right now trying to find such people. Those who want to volunteer on the tech work contact truck, all others including myself: stand by.
added on the 2024-10-16 20:32:50 by scamp scamp
ok cool
added on the 2024-10-16 20:34:53 by _docd _docd
to scamp:

actually, personally I'm more concerned about releases that are hosted on Untergrund.net. For example, many release links on Pouet.net lead to Untergrund.net. Maybe at least access to these files via HTTP can be preserved?
added on the 2024-10-16 22:29:39 by bitl bitl
bitl: There are only 127 untergrund.net links from Pouët prods that I have not already been able to archive as part of my nightly pouet-mirror.sesse.net runs; the other 8994 are fine, plus a bunch of links that no longer are referenced. (Some of those are 404, most are 403; I don't know exactly what happened.)
added on the 2024-10-16 22:52:22 by Sesse Sesse
bitl: See previous page of this thread for an explanation. The FTP can not be moved as long as the "main" site is up, as it's mounted over there and shares user permissions.

As soon as the "main site problem is next to impossible to transplant" is solved in one way or another, it can live on read-only, be moved to someone else hosting it (keeping the links intact) or serving redirects to some other server without links breaking.

I have my own stuff on there, and my own links to it ;)

But the more backups, the better, of course.
added on the 2024-10-16 22:56:03 by scamp scamp
I really hope you have found peace as you claim Scamp. But to be completely honest- It just doesn't really sound like that, the sense of anger and confusion is what prevails. With all due respect- You say that you've been doing stuff for me for 30 years while we met for the first time only ~15 years ago. You claim that I'm "believing some bullshit people claim I (ed: Scamp) have said about you which I didn't"- but I have absolutely no clue who those people would be, what you could allegedly have said about me, or why I should even give a damn about that. Last but not least, you claim I "constantly try to bash me (ed: Scamp) wherever you could", which just sounds weird to me because our last serious interaction was when I helped to spread the slide for your party. Sure enough, we haven't always agreed on matters, and I'm not the kind of person to hold back my opinions in any scenario. But fact of the matter is, we hardly know eachother on a personal level and as a logical consequence of that, the amount of real estate you own inside my world of thought is rather minimal. I would have hoped the reverse to be also true, but that seems not to be the case, and that is unfortunate to say the least.

So yeah, again, I hope your recent outings on this site are a misrepresentation of your current state of mind, and that you may find a more obviously/outwardly peaceful path soon.
added on the 2024-10-16 22:59:45 by havoc havoc
I am not good at human-to-human conversation, and it's normal that when I write someone "hello, I would like to order a pizza" that they assume I am planning to kill them.

You may or may have not noticed that I am perceived differently face-to-face.

F2F I can say the exact same things as I write, but suddenly that pizza shop no longer applies I want to burn them down, but understands I want a pizza.

My defect, my problem, you don't have to like my position on the autistic spectrum, as a matter of fact, I also don't like my position on the autistic spectrum. In general I would have preferred to have a leg missing instead of being unable to communicate with the outside world since I was a kid. Not everybody gets dealt the hand they want.

Anyway: I helped Outline once, and I never "un-helped". So, no, I don't know what's going on on your side. That's why I mentioned it and randomly guessed potential motivations.

And look: My point is I have never said any bad word about you behind your back, and don't understand your rage.

On the other hand: Check your Discord backlog how much time has passed since you have last spread pretty disgusting stuff about me out of completely thin air there, knowing I am not around, and feeling "safe" to spread that shit.

See, now you know.

My communication style is toxic. For other people, it's the ethics and behavior that is toxic.

And I will pick an autist with bad communication style any day over an autist that is just in the game to fuck up other people so they feel just as miserable as themselves.

You spend a hell lot of time every day trying to drag down people. That is not a nice thing to do.

I on the other hand just come here every couple of months to shit on your carpet so some people maybe wake up and see what is going on.

Yes, when it is about the game of "what it is more important - what you say or what you do?", I am your end boss.

Stop making people miserable as a project. Doing it by mistake is acceptable. Doing it on purpose is not.

added on the 2024-10-16 23:52:53 by scamp scamp
