What does Demosceners thinking about NFT?
category: general [glöplog]
BTW, does anyone have a clue about how it works on the legal side? I mean, maybe I'm the first guy to put some picture in the blockchain and generate a NFT for it, doesn't mean I'm the author or genuine legal owner of it. I could have NFT'ed a copy already.
On the legal side, it has the same value as these certificates for owning a part of the Moon, of which the total surface has been sold 50 times over by multiple companies. But you get a nice certificate.
Imagine that demo groups would start releasing NFTs for their demos?! WOW!!!
Like a NFTs for Second Reality... how high would it go?!
Just adding fuel to the fire.... LOL
Like a NFTs for Second Reality... how high would it go?!
Just adding fuel to the fire.... LOL
for it to be truly authentic, it would have to be minted on a 486 though.
That's why it's interesting - who'll be the first? :-)
Satori already released some NFTs. They were first. zden is into crypto since years already though
zden wasnt the first releasing demoscene related NFT's though, mrdoob did a bunch of stuff on htc and the concept art of F*MMXX was also minted.
BTW, does anyone have a clue about how it works on the legal side? I mean, maybe I'm the first guy to put some picture in the blockchain and generate a NFT for it, doesn't mean I'm the author or genuine legal owner of it. I could have NFT'ed a copy already.
It doesn't, and yes you could. The only difference between the Nyan Cat guy putting up the Nyan Cat gif as an NFT and me doing it, is that he has an article on Wired saying "The Nyan Cat Guy Just Put Up Nyan Cat As An NFT" and I don't.
Which means that the only way of actually checking its authenticity is to cross-reference it against traditional, centralised media such as news or a social media presence.
Which in turn means that the whole blockchain thing serves no purpose, and you could achieve the same thing with a Paypal link on a website.
except then people couldn't use it for laundering drug money of course
except then people couldn't use it for laundering drug money of course
This. It just dawned on me, what stops ISIS to mint NFTs on their beheading videos to fund their murder and sexual slavery cult? They have been able to use crypto for donations as long as everybody else of course, but now they can score a publicity stunt at the same time. Fucked up world.
I've heard that whataboutism is nice.
It seems to make no sense unless, but hope it can make some artists earn money from their work somehow. How many proof of X methods are there?
- Proof of work
- Proof of stake
- Proof of space
- Proof of combinations of 256b intros calculated
- Proof of work
- Proof of stake
- Proof of space
- Proof of combinations of 256b intros calculated
“Unless,but”.. looks like original grammar found. Going to mint that one for sure
Where do I buy demo NFT with scenepoints so I can trade it in for more glöps?
The other way round. Use your prize NFT from your local demoparty as proof-of-skill to mine scenepoints.
- Proof of booze (would be nice)
The question "What do you think about NFTs?" is a little like "What do you think about movies?", isn't it.
or "What do you think about serial killers"
NFT = Nevada Furry Terrorizer?

Oh, I didn’t realize we’re talking about “non-flushable turds”. In that case I’m all for it! As for that other NFT thing - please just stop that idiocy. It’s stupid, it’s pathetic, it’s irresponsible.
The question "What do you think about NFTs?" is a little like "What do you think about movies?", isn't it.
fwiw I like movies!
Donate DOGECOIN so that Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland, can buy a unicorn!

Every princess should have her own unicorn!
Address: TBA

Every princess should have her own unicorn!
Address: TBA
There is a grammatical error in the title and it took me 3 pages of posts to notice it. The meaning of the title is clear anyway. I say enough is enough. Discard the the redundant do/does rule for plural/singular now! Prince Harry, I’m begging you.
Non flushable turds!
Non flushable turds!