
scene music stolen

category: music [glöplog]
nosfe: you wanna pull a tupac on timbaland? i'm not so sure if tempest wants to be the biggie smalls ;)
added on the 2007-01-18 08:49:59 by havoc havoc
gloom: that is not her original song i think... "So in light of that I just bit him back and did My version of mylove on his backing track"
added on the 2007-01-18 08:57:22 by neon neon
neon: Haha, yeah, that's very smart of her. Good going. :) Just goes to show one should not read news so early in the morning.
added on the 2007-01-18 09:36:50 by gloom gloom
Well, there is this "point" from the "lollzoros" and that is that the demoscene music generally is pure crap. And the only ones who produce music on the demoscene is constantly sampling and ripping snippets more or less lika timbaland does. Personally I think that the record labels are checking through scene.org files now for copyright infrig. from our part. My guess is they will sue the shit out of scene.org for hosting copyrighted material in the next few months.

Thanks scene.org. But some people just had to trash it all. It was a nice time having you around, even tho I did not enjoy your awards.
added on the 2007-01-18 09:40:42 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
They're gonna take away vanillaiceremix.mod!
added on the 2007-01-18 09:48:19 by tempest tempest
Doom: I have downloaded GIGS of music illigal from the net but not ONCE claimed that I have med thouse tunes and sold them to Nelly Furtardo and got royaltis for it! NEVER!

dubmodd: GWAHAHAHA! phaze 5 would be to change the constitution that gives every afroamrican artist named "Timbaland" right to ALL songs on earth. Just so they dont get stolen or exploited.
added on the 2007-01-18 09:50:22 by Icon Icon
tempest; what about all the axel-f.mods!!!

added on the 2007-01-18 09:56:50 by okkie okkie
okkie: Just go for the parody-defence. :) I doubt that mod.axelf or any of the other stuff can be judged any harder than for example karaoke-CDs :)
added on the 2007-01-18 09:59:08 by gloom gloom
What? Defence? Defense even. Jesus H. Christ dude..
added on the 2007-01-18 09:59:28 by gloom gloom
nice comment on symlink:
(translated) It's especially tragic, if the original is better than the copy. Go away Timbaland!
added on the 2007-01-18 10:14:31 by unlock unlock
They're gonna take away vanillaiceremix.mod!

G.M CHRYSLER! we have to do something!
added on the 2007-01-18 11:35:25 by superplek superplek
added on the 2007-01-18 11:38:17 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
fuck this, I wake up every morning and there are no news or words from mr timbaland. We need to go bigger.
dugmood: I agree. Sometime soon, someone somwhere in the US needs to go "HOLY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, BATMAN!" and start doing something about this.

I can't believe that no US press seems to want to carry this.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:07:17 by gloom gloom
I can't believe that no US press seems to want to carry this.
Perhaps they are:

1) simply not interested, since Timbaland still isn't a household name but a producer whose work appears under other people's titles

2) consolidated enough so that running a story might compromise profits from another branch of the same corporation.

3) cynical enough to think that shit like this happens and even expect it from the music industry.

4) self-centered enough that since the ripped musician is not American, it's totally ok.

5) Waiting for the American-style lawsuit, which will never come. Sure, if you do the research, it's pretty obvious what has happened but why exactly should a news corporation pay attention to youtube?

Has anyone tried running the news story to news agencies such as Reuters and the like?
added on the 2007-01-18 12:34:38 by Preacher Preacher
Icon: Chillax, dude. Timbaland is just being tight. Look at um greasy chocolate muscles. Stop hatin' him because he is black. Nazi!

Anyway, how do you know Tempest didn't rip the song from Timbaland? Where's your proof that he wrote it in 2000? You can't prove it.

And even if it is the same song, there are lots of keyboards that have built-in beats, songs and other sounds. Maybe they just both used the same samples? Ever think of that? No you haven't because you were too busy being a racist and stealing music from hardworking artists like Timbaland. And oh, that video supposedly proving that Timbaland stole from Tempest, that's illegal too because it contains copyrighted music. I hope it gets pulled off youtube.

And anyway the one that plays both songs side by side is fake. You can't synchronize two songs that were recorded on different clocks.

I couldn't care less about any of this.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:37:15 by doomdoom doomdoom

Has anyone tried running the news story to news agencies such as Reuters and the like?

added on the 2007-01-18 12:41:55 by v4nl4me v4nl4me
Doom: Well you are real funny! Calling me both a nazi and a racist makes me just laugh my ass off. If you hade seen my girlfriend you should know how stupid you are. For the rest of your statement: Go back to youtube and make your real intelligent comments.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:42:34 by Icon Icon
Doom: man, aren't you the smartest one of the bunch. You seem to collect every nonsense-argument around.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:43:03 by tempest tempest
BB Image
added on the 2007-01-18 12:47:40 by Piru Piru
Could we not turn this into a picture-posting thread btw? There is already a thread for that kind of thing, so please; let's keep this one readable.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:53:46 by gloom gloom
Yeah, especially since this thread is being linked to from outside pouet as well.
added on the 2007-01-18 12:54:40 by Preacher Preacher
Preacher: Very good and solid points, and I am afraid that many of them are the reason why they haven't picked them up. However; Timbaland is not just a producer but a performer as well, and has appeared in videos with many famous artists, so I don't think he's _that_ obscure. :)

Further more; yes, we should do the Reuters-thing, and we will. I have some information that a serious article is being written, and when that is done, I will sure as hell send it to all the news-agencies I can find.

Just sending random people mails that say "OMG LOOK! He, like, just TOOK the song and stuff! Check this blog!!!!111" doesn't really cut it. :)
added on the 2007-01-18 12:56:08 by gloom gloom
