What's the story behind the Plastic PS3 demo?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
New video of THE forrest. Now also droging in car and hitting à pig. ;) looks Nice..
New video of THE forrest. Now also droging in car and hitting à pig. ;) looks Nice..
Small update:
This website suggests that the name of the new PS3 game might be called: Datura
This website suggests that the name of the new PS3 game might be called: Datura
magic: you bastard, you've ruined all our plan by posting those links here. You need to remove your previous posts from this thread before you ruin more, or sony lawyers will get you! Haven't you seen what they did to those hackers!!1!
Hurry up and post it on fix me beautiful!
Hurry up and post it on fix me beautiful!
I remember asking this but I didn't really get a definitive answer at Riverwash so I'm just gonna derail this thread - any sceners worked on Hard Reset? (besides Scorpik, a.k.a. Polish Game Audio Provider Deluxe)
I'm not sure about Hard Reset but Dead Island was coded by at least two Polish ex-demosceners.
The manual doesn't have any familiar names to me, except for Scorpik and Cedyn.
Krzysztof Deoniziak = Rork. :)
Bonzaj: lol :) nice joke :) Anyway I read you confirmed it here:
Hope i can buy your new game soon. looks awesome!
Hope i can buy your new game soon. looks awesome!
(the sad thing is that, right now, Magic is actually a tiny bit afraid that Bonzaj might actually be angry with him)
(some people might consider it "the funny thing", tho)
(I like italics and parentheses because it looks like whispering secrets)
(actually, this is my narrator voice)
rumors go, magic is too stupid to read italics, so we actually can talk about him behind his back!
(sssh! you forgot the parentheses! he can hear you!)
(ohnoes, i blew the secret :(((((()
(is it true by the way that magic bribed the Polish secret service with a stash of 3rd hand Geforce2 cards in order to get an internet-tap on Plastic, Mawi and that other Polish group (not Potion)?)

from the trailers, the game looks quite artistic, the only spooky thing about it is the eerie looking bodiless arm hanging around, but i guess this is art! :)
hand i meant, hand.
magic: what -- you've only seen the poster and trailer? So you mean you haven't played it yet? How does it feel to be so far behind?