TRSAC 2013 - 18th - 20th October - Aarhus, Denmark
category: parties [glöplog]
During the entire afternoon and evening of Saturday, I couldn't figure out why there was white dust on my keyboard after every compo. Slightly less drunken on the Sunday I figured it out: It was parts of the ceiling.
The sound-system had enough bass.
The sound-system had enough bass.

Sobriety Bus of Sorrow xD
SAUFBUS team-performance over time was like

feel like writing a bit more of a complete verbal vomit about how awesomely awesome this party was:
First of all, HUGE thanks to Punqtured, who led us on a glorious tour of Copenhagen and gave us a place to stay on Thursday night. Copenhagen is a gorgeous city and it's awesome to actually go and see it instead of just leaving the airport and going to the partyplace :) And on top of all that, he prepared an AWESOME dinner and breakfast, which was just killer, AND he drove our asses around between his place, the airport, and the partyplace. Seriously man, you REALLY went out of your way to make us comfortable, and it was just fantastic. THANK. YOU. !!
Thanks also to the organizers for once again making this one of my favorite parties of the year, if not THE favorite. TRSAC has this adorable crazy atmosphere while still managing to run shit tons of compos on saturday, where even though there were delays, it was actually seriously hard to notice, because they weren't long and/or something funny was happening and it was easy to just relax and have a great time. Ok, maybe that's not just the organizers, but seriously, you guys really know how to pull this thing off.
Also thanks to everyone behind the DUB awards, because those were fucking hilarious. I regret a bit that I was partycoding through most of it, but it was awesome to win for an extremely funny and mocha-filled category, for which I technically wasn't even nominated for :D Again, this whole event added to that adorable craziness that is the TRSAC I know and love.
Thanks also to Nic0 for letting Punq and I play with the really cool light-up music table, and then telling us we were helping him out and thanking us. Seriously though, that's how it felt; we got to play with this cool toy and "collaborate" and totally lost track of time. I hope us becoming little kids for a half hour on camera was as useful to you as it was just fun for us :D
And of course, thanks to everyone else there, for providing the rest of the atmosphere and craziness and cool tech talks that's just perfect this time of year. Specifically, kb, 0ptimize, kusma, eladamri, leia, offwhite, soba, xtrium, lug00ber lycan, dino, susan, mog, sunspire, dwarf, nic0, farfar, man, this list gets long.. :D .. randy, blueberry, mentor, revival,, and so many more. Can't get enough of this gangsta shit!
thank you thank you thank you, and long live trsac!!1
First of all, HUGE thanks to Punqtured, who led us on a glorious tour of Copenhagen and gave us a place to stay on Thursday night. Copenhagen is a gorgeous city and it's awesome to actually go and see it instead of just leaving the airport and going to the partyplace :) And on top of all that, he prepared an AWESOME dinner and breakfast, which was just killer, AND he drove our asses around between his place, the airport, and the partyplace. Seriously man, you REALLY went out of your way to make us comfortable, and it was just fantastic. THANK. YOU. !!
Thanks also to the organizers for once again making this one of my favorite parties of the year, if not THE favorite. TRSAC has this adorable crazy atmosphere while still managing to run shit tons of compos on saturday, where even though there were delays, it was actually seriously hard to notice, because they weren't long and/or something funny was happening and it was easy to just relax and have a great time. Ok, maybe that's not just the organizers, but seriously, you guys really know how to pull this thing off.
Also thanks to everyone behind the DUB awards, because those were fucking hilarious. I regret a bit that I was partycoding through most of it, but it was awesome to win for an extremely funny and mocha-filled category, for which I technically wasn't even nominated for :D Again, this whole event added to that adorable craziness that is the TRSAC I know and love.
Thanks also to Nic0 for letting Punq and I play with the really cool light-up music table, and then telling us we were helping him out and thanking us. Seriously though, that's how it felt; we got to play with this cool toy and "collaborate" and totally lost track of time. I hope us becoming little kids for a half hour on camera was as useful to you as it was just fun for us :D
And of course, thanks to everyone else there, for providing the rest of the atmosphere and craziness and cool tech talks that's just perfect this time of year. Specifically, kb, 0ptimize, kusma, eladamri, leia, offwhite, soba, xtrium, lug00ber lycan, dino, susan, mog, sunspire, dwarf, nic0, farfar, man, this list gets long.. :D .. randy, blueberry, mentor, revival,, and so many more. Can't get enough of this gangsta shit!
thank you thank you thank you, and long live trsac!!1
AND OKKIE!! AND POO BRAIN!! I can't believe I almost forgot to thank you guys!!! you were hilarious and awesome and I hope to meet you all soon. Also, okkie, next time we gotta do more proper lsdj jamming :D your gameboy is SICK!! oh, and your music entry was sooo rad :D
Sunday morning was like

Are you orgas awake or sober enough again to care about results/releases yet? :)
Funcompo was like

kb_: Yes, I've just come home from work, had dinner - now it's time for girlfriend and couch. BUT results will be added on pouet tonight, and releases uploaded to as well - so stay tuned on that part!
Furthermore, this year we want to do a proper "afterparty" page on the website - so please mail/post/facebook/whatever us links to pictures, stories, whatever.
This was truly a great party, and even though I spend much of it next to the beamer I really felt the looooove saturday night (well, also friday - but even more saturday). The biggest personal joy is to see how other (usually hardworking organizers) are enjoying a party as visitors - just like we do, when we're visiting your parties.
There's so much more to write...
tl;dr - results and releases will be uploaded tonight :)
Furthermore, this year we want to do a proper "afterparty" page on the website - so please mail/post/facebook/whatever us links to pictures, stories, whatever.
This was truly a great party, and even though I spend much of it next to the beamer I really felt the looooove saturday night (well, also friday - but even more saturday). The biggest personal joy is to see how other (usually hardworking organizers) are enjoying a party as visitors - just like we do, when we're visiting your parties.
There's so much more to write...
tl;dr - results and releases will be uploaded tonight :)
Totally read that as:
Looking forward to the releases!
(oh, and thanks for the stream)
[...]when we're visiting your panties.
Looking forward to the releases!
(oh, and thanks for the stream)
Oh! We're doing lists now? Let's see.. This party wouldn't have been the same without the following people:
Flunkium (for the sushi, for bringing Tristan, for picking us up at the railway station, for baguettes and masks and lightsticks and all the rest - this list is too long), Ledge (simply the best), Punqtured (for the awesome preparty with dinner on top), Ferris (for getting tonnes of paper from the toilet for cleaning up after the drunk norwegian pukefest), Dwarf (for ensuring my hangover was less than last year by bringing enough proper alcohol), Optimize (for the protip of how to change our flights home to an earlier time), Lug00ber (for being at the right place at the right time), Offwhite (for adding the handdrawn picture that I didn't see), Revival (for changing the Kindergarden dates to October), The organizers (always the organizers), and last but not least: The guy from Stofa who was at his very first party at enjoyed the hell out of himself.
(And obviously all the rest of you, but I can't write down a list of the _whole_ party.)
Flunkium (for the sushi, for bringing Tristan, for picking us up at the railway station, for baguettes and masks and lightsticks and all the rest - this list is too long), Ledge (simply the best), Punqtured (for the awesome preparty with dinner on top), Ferris (for getting tonnes of paper from the toilet for cleaning up after the drunk norwegian pukefest), Dwarf (for ensuring my hangover was less than last year by bringing enough proper alcohol), Optimize (for the protip of how to change our flights home to an earlier time), Lug00ber (for being at the right place at the right time), Offwhite (for adding the handdrawn picture that I didn't see), Revival (for changing the Kindergarden dates to October), The organizers (always the organizers), and last but not least: The guy from Stofa who was at his very first party at enjoyed the hell out of himself.
(And obviously all the rest of you, but I can't write down a list of the _whole_ party.)
(Also, special greets to Haohmaru for making my trip home so memorable)
Well that was fun <3
So I hope you are all well, you utter, utter bastards and I will see you all - in less than 3 weeks(!) - at Kindergarden.
So I hope you are all well, you utter, utter bastards and I will see you all - in less than 3 weeks(!) - at Kindergarden.
Results added to pouet.
Upload of releases to commencing...
Upload of releases to commencing...
Thanks Punqtured for hyping us to come all the way there, It was definitely worth all the effort! Too bad we had to leave so early in the morning, I hope you guys found our goodbye note ;)
Awesome memorable stuff: The awful chili schnapps, hilarious demo quiz, skating along the 5k run and watching my poo-brain mates slowly die, STRAF, Okkie shouting to Dwarf because our (awful) video entry didn't make the preselection, joining with 6 Frikandel-related entries, Okkie violently smashing the megaphone, Okkie not even being able to use a door handle any more, partying with your pants off, dub awards, our 7AM cab driver asking "so how was TRSAC?" (wtf xD), danish trains, and everyone I talked to! (Ferris I'm gonna try to improve my cubing times before we see each other again!)
Next year we would love to join the Copenhagen tour, and I think we will probably take the plane next time, 30 hours of travel for 36 hours of party is harsh :p See you all soon hopefully!
Awesome memorable stuff: The awful chili schnapps, hilarious demo quiz, skating along the 5k run and watching my poo-brain mates slowly die, STRAF, Okkie shouting to Dwarf because our (awful) video entry didn't make the preselection, joining with 6 Frikandel-related entries, Okkie violently smashing the megaphone, Okkie not even being able to use a door handle any more, partying with your pants off, dub awards, our 7AM cab driver asking "so how was TRSAC?" (wtf xD), danish trains, and everyone I talked to! (Ferris I'm gonna try to improve my cubing times before we see each other again!)
Next year we would love to join the Copenhagen tour, and I think we will probably take the plane next time, 30 hours of travel for 36 hours of party is harsh :p See you all soon hopefully!
TRSAC was like: Pre-Compo-Mayhem

Ted doesn't know SHIT about underpants.
....Okkie not even being able to use a door handle any more...
Ahahahahahaha :-) That sounds pretty hilarious.
Ok, just the "wild/animation" folder left now.
All files should be in the upload dir of in less than 45 minutes (and then a admin has to move them to the public folder)
All files should be in the upload dir of in less than 45 minutes (and then a admin has to move them to the public folder)
Ok, a bit too optimistic - 50-60 minutes is more likely :)