
What's the story behind the Plastic PS3 demo?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
The category should be wild, not PS3, since no binaries are available.

Simple and right imho.
added on the 2008-10-21 14:18:35 by tobé tobé
keops: STFU with that full paid job already. Ask anyone from other groups what was the whole budget of PS3 demos and then put a stick into your ass in advance. And now you can delete this cursed prod once and for all from pouet. I hope the other groups won't do that mistake and won't put their stuff here. We are back to regular scene coding now.
added on the 2008-10-21 14:20:14 by bonzaj bonzaj
Bonzaj: well, we don't know how much you did or didn't make, and that is not important, actually.

We are not personally attacking you and it is of course perfectly fine that you make a demo like this. We are not doubting your integrity at all. (even though name calling doesn't help your case) This is about if LiR should be considered a demo pur-sang or more as a demoscene inspired stand-alone project. I'm not sure if it's a demo-demo (with paying for the binaries and all) but the fact that you showed it at BP instead of competing kinda shows where you stand.

If you had competed and won, that would have been discussion worthy, this whole thing is more semantics and whole lot of nit-picking, not a personal attack. :)
added on the 2008-10-21 14:30:20 by okkie okkie
i love semantics! best way to waste time :D
added on the 2008-10-21 14:32:10 by Zest Zest
Bonzaj : easy dude, there is no personal attack anywhere. I simply wrote that the question thrown by I don't even remember who made sense.

I also wrote that it was nice that you guys got paid by Sony to work on that demo, which is the least they could do since they are the ones who came to you to ask you to make this PSN thing and they knew it would take a lot of time to develop.

I totally agree with Okkie btw.

Last thing, I didn't know you had a problem admitting publicly you got paid for it to the point of telling me to shove a stick up my ass but whatever :)
added on the 2008-10-21 14:38:00 by keops keops
i think you should all just quit making demos. life would be so much simpler.
added on the 2008-10-21 14:44:18 by reed reed
reed: and then join the pouet administration resources? ;)
added on the 2008-10-21 15:01:36 by Puryx Puryx
fucking communists you are.
added on the 2008-10-21 15:21:22 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Yeah. Sceners sound a lot like linux zealots sometimes, even if they hate them.
added on the 2008-10-21 15:26:38 by xernobyl xernobyl
i still think OpenLinger is a good idea.
added on the 2008-10-21 15:27:30 by Gargaj Gargaj
_-_-__ ... like you know something about communism heh
added on the 2008-10-21 15:55:18 by comankh comankh
Comankh like that changes anything.

I meant it as a jest to mean that your opposing position was *very* dogmatic. (And I apologize to anybody who actually lived in a communist dictatorship)

It just freaks me out that the scene as pictured on pouet is a harbor for total control freaks that seem so intent on creating an hostile environment for anybody who's trying anything slightly different from the norm.

I just cant fucking stand it, it's in the guts.
added on the 2008-10-21 16:05:38 by _-_-__ _-_-__
but is it really hostile?
added on the 2008-10-21 16:15:52 by Gargaj Gargaj
heh knos i wish you had said that whenever i tried to bring any unorthodox idea :p
added on the 2008-10-21 16:20:23 by Zest Zest
What gargaj said.
I don't see anyone being hostile. I just agreed on rob's idea expressed on his comment on the prod page. No one is making personal attacks. It has to do with pouët's puropose in life, and we all love it. Is posting comercial demos allowed? And if so, why not submiting exe music? At least those have (free) binaries, and as such we can indeed see it runs real time. If not then why we have videos, wilds, and animations here at pouët?
added on the 2008-10-21 16:32:39 by xernobyl xernobyl
/me magically fixes all the grammar
added on the 2008-10-21 16:33:15 by xernobyl xernobyl
knos - ok then, lets start to make commercial demos/interactive art, put it on pouet as payable downloads and see how it will divide us. how many will buy, how many will pirate (nice, plastic demo linked with hoodlum intro, +3) and how long such market will survive...

i'm not opposed to scene outreach, there are many ways to do it - call it vj'ing, installations, demoscene inspired games, so called wild category ... they are not regular prods, even if sceners made them. thery have strong reference to the scene, that is.

i'm just saying that LiS is not a demo per se, it is something different. bonzaj pioneered something new, and i find it hard to see it here and in a sony store by usual means. he may pretend that is demo, interactive demo... so people will ... interact with it, erm, play?
added on the 2008-10-21 16:38:38 by comankh comankh
Bonzaj, you're overreacting again. Take a deep breath and cool down, man.

I agree LiS should be placed in 'Wild' category if binaries are not available for free. The point most Bonzaj's counterparts don't see is that what is actually available here on Pouet IS a demo. If you haven't tried LiS on your own, you have no idea what it's like. Hint: google its name adding 'walkthrough', then you can find a video of somebody playing it. LiS's menu contains an entry called 'demo' and that's roughly what you could see on BP or here as a video. Shortly: LiS CONTAINS a demoscene demo. Plus it includes explanation on what scene is. Isn't that at least worth keeping it on Pouet? It has and still will help promote demoscene among people who don't know a tad about it.

This week we're having a demoscene show here in Poland. Bonzaj was so kind to agree to come and show his work, as did other Polish sceners. I think having written on the poster that we'd be showing the first PS3 thing produced in our country is going to bring a lot more people to see and listen about the demoscene. That's what I call demoscene promotion. Why should anybody give a damn if he (well, actually that includes other people and me, too) got paid for LiS? Our goal here and now is to promote demoscene. If we are to be so idealistically non-commercial, I think it should include not being concerned about what anybody of us does apart from the scene and how much (if at all) they are paid for that.

And think what somebody who wants to know about the demoscene will think if they stumble upon Pouet, which is one of the primary sites you can find when googling the term. Rants, bullshit, porn, endless +1 by many trolls. I started wondering if I should recommend this URL to people who want to get some info on demos and stuff. Or maybe think wishfully they don't click "the famous BBS"?
added on the 2008-10-21 16:44:05 by Fei Fei
Rants, bullshit, porn, endless +1 by many trolls. Fei, you've beet to parties, isn't it all about demoscene?
added on the 2008-10-21 16:53:33 by comankh comankh
I thought it's boozing, having fun, scaring the hell out of the Czech and destroying the Hungarian team in Wii Tennis ;).

Anyway, I don't say it's terrible having it here. I only wanted to point out that the purists should first burn other heretics here.
added on the 2008-10-21 16:58:01 by Fei Fei
added on the 2008-10-21 17:11:20 by Gargaj Gargaj
polish vodka > palinka
added on the 2008-10-21 17:13:55 by comankh comankh
Fei, I generally treat pouet.net like 4chan.. so I think it's best to avoid linking to it.
added on the 2008-10-21 18:16:11 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Bonzaj & Fei : in pouet 'history' i don't remember (m)any added prod(s) being deleted because of their unorthodoxy : actually (and fortunately) pouet is pretty inclusionist. which doesn't prevent dishonest and grumpy remarks, but heh without them it wouldn't be demo-cracy :)

and thanks again for LiS, that's the way to do it (c) to my eyes ;D
added on the 2008-10-21 18:51:47 by Zest Zest
Forget the 'unwritten' rulez.. LIS should be treasured like every other demo and fits pouet perfectly. From an 'outreach' point of view LiS
probably will make the scene known to people who never heart of it.
As I see it LiS is a PS3 wild demo ;) Buzka ;-)

now for some sarcastic sentences:

p.s. like State of The Art by spaceballs from 1992, didnt Skid Row fix LiS already? :-)

p.s.s. what about a PC port ? :)
added on the 2008-10-21 19:20:13 by magic magic
