Tibble Demoparty #1
category: parties [glöplog]
Send the Stroopwafles to :
Tibble Gymnasium
Attundavägen 1
Box 151
183 22 Täby
mark the letter bittin/TibbleLAN
Tibble Gymnasium
Attundavägen 1
Box 151
183 22 Täby
mark the letter bittin/TibbleLAN
bittin: ok, I'm in!
@skarab got the files and uploaded them to the compo machine :)
dwarf: it depends on how you define remote!
and i booked a ferry for next year!
Maali: congrats for your new job at burger king
i prepare the curly fries!
Send mine :)
entries from Bugo, skarab and psonice at the compomachine now also :)
here are the remote stroopwafels:

this is somehow surreal
i'm on a ferry, eating stroopwafels and i'm gonna arrive at the party sometime midnight, is that ok?
also, do you have a NES since my entry is on a C-64?
also, do you have a NES since my entry is on a C-64?

This thread is amazing.
i'm boozing a shitload of coffee atm while watching the stream. when i'll arrive next year i might be a bit jittery. i hope you don't mind!
http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tibblelan but stuff have not really started yet :p
Great, there's a stream, now I'm not that bummed out that I can't go \o/
how many visitors are there? it looks very busy!
damn, it looks awesome on the stream!
party has not started yet i will move all the stuff in some minutes and configure and then people will come at 18:00
Salinga: could you do a sofascener thing please
im totally ZIKED! cant wait to see the releases!
LAN is configured now just wait to stop working :)
What time are the demos shown?
maali, can you put up a stream of you watching the tibblelan stream with your girlfriend? i'd like to watch that