How do you handle Sceners that have stolen their work from someone else?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
It depends on who it is stolen. When you rip a complete game from an unknown author, no one cares in the scene. But if you rip some bubbles of someone or a cracktro tune, they will call you a thief forever even if they used ripped Samples in their shitty chiptunes from others.
Welcome to demoscene.
Welcome to demoscene.
Welcome to the retarded threads of to the Internet.
And everybody wins.
And everybody wins.
Your answers are unessential variations on those preceding them: the scene is akin to entropy, reducing to nought others' work by lossy copy-pasting. Eventually, it will apply to itself and die. Novel ideas are given only to believers.
This answer is made out entirely of copy-pasting.
How do you handle Sceners that have stolen their work from someone else?
With popcorn while perusing the Pouët BBS.
By instantly thumbing up 8k cool remix!
I like turtles