Apple,Mac & all that Jazz
category: offtopic [glöplog]
So macbook is the tip to get cooler and cooler. I am so going to put an Apple sticker on my daughter's stroller.
There is no longer any reason to buy a Macbook, but it took the rest of the industry long enough to catch on:

i love my macbook pro.. although it does run windows 99.9% of the time.
i bought it because im still yet to find another laptop which offers the same combination of performance, build quality, solidity and low weight / form factor (and yea, i can afford it).
i bought it because im still yet to find another laptop which offers the same combination of performance, build quality, solidity and low weight / form factor (and yea, i can afford it).
i love my macbook pro.. although it does run windows 99.9% of the time.
Oh. Dear. Me.
whats wrong with that? you think i want to run that running joke that is xcode? :)
doomdoom: mac is OS X, the hardware is just a lump of stuff around it.
there is still a reason to buy a mac :)
there is still a reason to buy a mac :)
i bought it because im still yet to find another laptop which offers the same combination of performance, build quality, solidity and low weight
(what i was trying to point out is, i bought it cos it was practical - not because im in any way in love with apple, osx or anything. i'd have bought another brand happily if there was something available that compared)
i bought it because im still yet to find another laptop which offers the same combination of performance, build quality, solidity and low weight
(..and I also bought it because I actually like working in OSX -- but then again, I'm not a coder).
The topic of this thread made me think of Stetsasonic :)
Marq: I also thought the mac bashing time was over, but seems 4chan is at it again :)

Smash: I feel the same about it, totally got your point.
Do any of you who actually do "real work that actually makes money to your state" use Mac?
Yeah, basically what smash said (although I use OSX most of the time). I 'switched' about 5-6 years back, for pretty much the same reasons - I wanted a laptop with decent power, a fast GPU, decent battery life. Without being giant and needing wheels because it was so heavy. I was looking for a PC though, back then macs were PPC and didn't run windows (not counting emulators). I seriously couldn't find one, like at all, and the ones that were somewhere close were seriously expensive, so I took a risk and bought a powerbook as a bit of an experiment.
That worked out pretty well: I could do almost everything I needed to on it, and for the rest I still had a windows tower. But I noticed something interesting: I was much more productive on the mac. The amount of pissing about before work could be done was near zero, so I spent more time working. The extra productivity would easily pay for any difference in cost compared to a windows laptop. Looking at it that way, it was cheap and effective.
That's for my own work, but actually I use macs mostly in my day job now. I do network admin stuff, managing a big (and mostly windows xp/7) network - around 5000 machines. Almost all of the network team use macs. We use vmware for any windows stuff that's needed. It works brilliantly, osx is generally solid, windows is generally good these days but when it needs a refresh you just copy a new vmware image. 5 minutes, fresh install :)
why is apple at some listings more worth than both GE and Microsoft?
Last quarterly profit from MS: $6.62B. GM managed jut $0.5B. Apple: $13.06B. Apple is worth more because... *drumroll* they make a lot more money. They don't sell that many macs (although it's growing quite fast it seems), but they sell a shitload of iOS devices. I saw an article last week, saying they sold more iOS devices in 2011 than all of the macs ever sold. The numbers are crazy.
smash, ringofyre doesn't know what xcode is.
I'm not even sure tft knows about pro music gears working on pro music softwares ;)
i bought it because im still yet to find another laptop which offers the same combination of performance, build quality, solidity and low weight / form factor (and yea, i can afford it).
Goes for me too, it's a matter of picking what I think is the best product for the amount of money. Been running Windows on Macbooks pretty much ever since it was possible, obviously for Windows-based development.
For casual stuff I use OSX more and more, I really like it for that purpose. And it's nice to have for some Unix-based coding/research I do every now and then.
There's just no sense in discussing this.
And yes DJs with Macbooks look stupid. But I just think that because of my vinyl fetish. So I'm just as opinionated.
I wrote all the two last years Razor 1911 intros on my current MacBook Air, running a naked version of Windows XP (just VC++ is installed) inside OS X (with Parallels Desktop) so I can use the very friendship OS while coding win32 application without any problem.
Why on a 1700 euros computer?
It was the only one (at the time I bought it) who wheight 1.2kg and run the OS in less than 10 seconds + OS X is (by far) the OS who remind me the most my beloved Amiga Workbench.
I do not want to troll, I do not say it's a better setup than another, it's just the one I choosed and I'm pretty happy with it :)
Ho and yesterday night I installed Ubuntu as dual boot on the same computer :D
Why on a 1700 euros computer?
It was the only one (at the time I bought it) who wheight 1.2kg and run the OS in less than 10 seconds + OS X is (by far) the OS who remind me the most my beloved Amiga Workbench.
I do not want to troll, I do not say it's a better setup than another, it's just the one I choosed and I'm pretty happy with it :)
Ho and yesterday night I installed Ubuntu as dual boot on the same computer :D
rez: Does Parallels give you proper speed and all? I'm thinking about using it for an XP install.
@superplek: it's le very super good piece of software, I got all speed I need, with CPU and GPU too :)
You got all the power especially when you switch Parallels Desktop in fullscreen but I generally code in windowed mode, so I feel (and i am for real!) being in OS X while coding some win32 :)
Really, that totally worth the price!
You got all the power especially when you switch Parallels Desktop in fullscreen but I generally code in windowed mode, so I feel (and i am for real!) being in OS X while coding some win32 :)
Really, that totally worth the price!
So in windowed the graphics performance is (considerably) worse than fullscreen?
Psionice: Yet, in the US Smartphone marketshare-ranking, apple is only 3rd. HTC is first. And i have a really old HTC telephone (P3300, with WM6.5). It still works like on its first day, while all the guys i knew who bought an iphone back then now switched to android....
I was in one of them electronics shops the other day looking at an iPad next to a Samsung Galaxy Tablet or some such, and it was striking how much more polished iOS seems. Apple seem to actually care about things like input latency and smooth scrolling. Also, they don't have the problem that Android has, with every hardware manufacturer skinning the OS with its own second-rate applications (until you decide to root the device.)
exin: not only is your data outdated and wrong, it's followed by a statistically completely irrelevant "what my opinion is.." :)
Also, if you go for models themselves, here is the oct/nov 2011-table:
Apple, which seized the No. 1 crown from Samsung last quarter, and leapt past Samsung and LG to become the best-selling U.S. handset brand, according to NPD. The iPhone maker grabbed 43 percent of all U.S. smartphone sales, while Android devices accounted for 48 percent of devices. First-time buyers prefer Android (57 percent) to iPhone (34 percent). Smartphones in Q4 represented 68 percent of all cell phones in the U.S., up from 50 percent in the year-ago quarter.
Some perspective: HTC today reported fourth-quarter results and blamed Samsung and Apple for a 26 percent income drop. What’s more, HTC devices are nowhere to be seen on NPD’s list of the top five best-selling devices in the U.S.
Also, if you go for models themselves, here is the oct/nov 2011-table:

I was wondering about that "htc ahead of apple' claim, after seeing htc's profit warning based on poor sales, and apple's crazy sales for the same period. I'd say it must be quite a long time since htc was ahead. Samsung was ahead not too long ago though.
And that subjective bit about everyone switching to android - also totally subjective but here pretty much everyone i know has switched to iPhones (here in the office out of 8 of us only 1 doesn't have an iPhone, and that's because he's an alcoholic with no cash for a decent phone of any kind ;) It's obvious from the sales figures that my experience (and yours) are totally irrelevant though - both the iPhones and android (and blackberry here for some reason) are selling well.
And that subjective bit about everyone switching to android - also totally subjective but here pretty much everyone i know has switched to iPhones (here in the office out of 8 of us only 1 doesn't have an iPhone, and that's because he's an alcoholic with no cash for a decent phone of any kind ;) It's obvious from the sales figures that my experience (and yours) are totally irrelevant though - both the iPhones and android (and blackberry here for some reason) are selling well.
So in windowed the graphics performance is (considerably) worse than fullscreen?
no no no, not really much, it's just a little bit better, but not too much :)