Active Demoscene IRC?
category: residue [glöplog]
long double baguette buffer overflow exploitation detected!
knl: ouais, manquerait plus qu'il nous sorte qu'on parle un patois de gens pas civilisé, genre le chti.
well, i'd go for "long double baguette;" personnally.
well, i'd go for "long double baguette;" personnally.
unsigned tinybaguette


baguette properly protected against buffer overflow!

while (baguette_slice != NULL) {
baguette_slice = strtok (NULL, " ,.-");

baguette_slice = strtok (NULL, " ,.-");

Do you mind if I fread this baguette?

salinga wtf :D
baguette *baguettes = new baguette[3];

btw, Adok, is NOT on IRCNet, it's on EFNet. Don't know about all the others
At least #suomiscene is spot on. :D
fwiw, the list adok posted is, of course, ancient.
these channels are dead.
[16:10] <@thg^dcs> ZERO tolerance
[16:11] < BarflyEXT> less than zero
there's also little to none tolerance towards lamers :)
the official assembly channel has been !assembly (not #assembly) for a number of years now.
what a retarded remark :) (no idea what's up with the channel these days, i just wanted to point that out)
apart from those - i'm willing to bet some (if not most) of the national channels are dead as well.
also, as has been mentioned by several other people, #breakpoint and more recently #revision are probably the places to be if you're looking for some international non-platform-specific occasionally non-idling company.
#trax - Musicians' talk. By the way: Both in #coders and in #trax you won't meet demosceners only - even though most of the people there do know what the demoscene is.
#pixel - Definitely not only for graphicians. This used to be one of the main channels for debate about general scene-related issues. Nowadays there is some competition. Read on... - Quite a popular channel for all sceners, established in 2002/2003.
#thescene - International scene channel founded by Surfing of RamJam and his friends. It's not only for PC - you'll also find Amiga and C64 sceners there, and maybe people from other platforms, too.
these channels are dead.
#suomiscene - Finnish scene channel. There are usually a lot of people around. There seems to be little tolerance with foreigners trying to start a discussion in a language other than Finnish.
[16:10] <@thg^dcs> ZERO tolerance
[16:11] < BarflyEXT> less than zero
there's also little to none tolerance towards lamers :)
#assembly - The channel named after the world-renowned Assembly party is mostly frequented by Finnish people, and they primarily use the Finnish language for communication there.
the official assembly channel has been !assembly (not #assembly) for a number of years now.
#demofr - Main French scene channel. They use some kind of altered French, which especially differentiates from the main language in the way they spell some words.
what a retarded remark :) (no idea what's up with the channel these days, i just wanted to point that out)
apart from those - i'm willing to bet some (if not most) of the national channels are dead as well.
also, as has been mentioned by several other people, #breakpoint and more recently #revision are probably the places to be if you're looking for some international non-platform-specific occasionally non-idling company.
apart from those - i'm willing to bet some (if not most) of the national channels are dead as well.
Yeah scene IRC channels are teh deyth these days. I'm wondering if that's cause sceners found other places to chat, or do they just not feel the need to these days?
tabbing between browser windows is more 2.0
baguette overflow

thread successfully pouet^Wbaguettized.
MOAR OVERFLOW? (which is actually not the way to write "more"... adok could say)

In france, we play baguettes.
*leans back, waits for the shopps*

baguette me beautiful
phobium: that would be too obvious!
#ukscene is relativly active :)

typedef void* BAGUETTEHANDLER;
