category: offtopic [glöplog]
I discovered it all last night, pasted it right after to Alien. I sent him a mail right away and he didn't reply yet. So, I guess the reply to your "I hope roy will answer to this" will be "He didn't".
i noticed he is also advertising on his cool bbs page to buy this stuff ( ironically, positioned at a point on the page where he blabla's over his blog posts on copyright laws. is this guy for real?
^wat? i certainly didnt make that gifanim ;)
^wat? i certainly didnt make that gifanim ;)
oh god not this lamer again, he has an amazing ability to not see other peoples p.o.v, stubborn ass lamer.
iks but its your facebook buddy! (kenets aussi dailleurs)
OMG, i mean using others gfx without giving credits and asking for permission is not ok at all but selling it? I am a bad graphican but to be honest: What the hell is that supposed to be and why should anyone spend 4$ to have a 8x8" copy of it?! Or a damned cup?! o0.
I don't think he has even one customer...except maybe:

But i don't think this will happen 'cause no one here wants to give him his money for stealing gfx i hope ^^.
I don't think he has even one customer...except maybe:

But i don't think this will happen 'cause no one here wants to give him his money for stealing gfx i hope ^^.
according to roy about his pic/collage on deviant art:
Artist's Statement
I created this little collage just for fun. It started with the need for a small image for the top section of the page about my BBS at my personal website.
I found a photograph of my old US Robotics HST Courier Standard (14.4K), which I bought in 1992 to be able to enter the realm of "elite boards".
I also created the small image for my web page... see...
<a href=[link] title="bbs"><u>here to see for yourself</u>.
However, while I was optimizing the photograph of the modem (the original photograph showed an ugly old modem covered in dust) did I played around with Photoshop a little bit and got off track. So I said to myself, what the hell and allowed myself to have a little fun with it.
This picture is what came out of this. Not too bad actually, don't you think?
Artist's Statement
I created this little collage just for fun. It started with the need for a small image for the top section of the page about my BBS at my personal website.
I found a photograph of my old US Robotics HST Courier Standard (14.4K), which I bought in 1992 to be able to enter the realm of "elite boards".
I also created the small image for my web page... see...
<a href=[link] title="bbs"><u>here to see for yourself</u>.
However, while I was optimizing the photograph of the modem (the original photograph showed an ugly old modem covered in dust) did I played around with Photoshop a little bit and got off track. So I said to myself, what the hell and allowed myself to have a little fun with it.
This picture is what came out of this. Not too bad actually, don't you think?
yes we can read ourselves
yeah He just like fucked around some with the hue and contrast in photoshop and suddenly that alien-logo came out of nowhere. now when the secret is out, everyone can be alien/pdx with a few keyclicks.
goddamnit dubmood i hope kenet doesnt read that
So when does Roy reply in this thread? :D

I'll pay a DOLLA! :D
Cool, you can also buy mousepads, Mugs, magnets and postcards with that logo/picture. ;)
Cool, you can also buy mousepads, Mugs, magnets and postcards with that logo/picture. ;)
This means that I gave up the copyright on the work and that you are free to use it for your purposes (commercial or not) and are also allowed to make modifications to it.
I think Carsten has extrapolated a little here...
That's why it's called "pirate bbs stuff"
is this viral marketing?
sure enough this sucks, but it's not really surprising considering past events :(

^^^^ brilliant
goddammit, this thread makes me wanna buy one of those cups, but i will resist, maybe ...
cool, alien I took your logo of roys picture and sold it because it said I could. no hard feelings ok?, or no more hard feelings that is.
awesome stuff ringofyre. can I have that on 100 tshirts please?
You get a free coffee mug if you order 1000.