
A party without alcohol???

category: residue [glöplog]
OH NOES! How are people supposed to be creative without being able to ingest large amounts central nervous system depressant!?!

added on the 2011-02-02 15:23:53 by Sdw Sdw
one hell of a deja vu indeed :)

alcohol-wise you've had the choice for a while now, you know (breakpoint vs the gathering). i guess having to actually make the choice is just more apparent this year (revision vs the gathering).
added on the 2011-02-02 16:07:18 by reed reed
reed: Not quite. You can drink all you want on EasterGarden, so alcohol alone isn't really be a good reason to go to Revision over TG/EG. Not that there isn't other good reasons to choose Revision, of course.
added on the 2011-02-02 16:35:56 by kusma kusma
Yes, none of us have ever enjoyed a beer or two at parties like Assembly, which shares the no alcohol policy with The Gathering, have we now Reed? ;)
added on the 2011-02-02 17:44:48 by gloom gloom
I never drank alcohol at assembly! what a disturbing idea!
added on the 2011-02-02 17:47:57 by styx^hcr styx^hcr
They should have a policy where they only sell you alcohol if you enter a compo.
added on the 2011-02-02 18:12:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
i think we've already established that, to some sceners, drinking beer at a shadow party such as boozembly just feels like too much unnecessary hassle, and those sceners would gladly attend another major event with a more straightforward setting instead, if one happened to take place at the same time :)

(for the matlocks trying to read between the lines - no, i'm not saying that alcohol per se would be a definitive factor on whether to go to a demoparty or not, it's just one of the many things that tend to tip the scales one way or another. and it's also the topic of the thread :)
added on the 2011-02-02 18:17:55 by reed reed
can one drink baby seal oil?
added on the 2011-02-02 19:09:55 by el mal el mal
can i snort coke if i bring my own bottle ?
added on the 2011-02-02 20:27:22 by alien^PDX alien^PDX
Maali: you should try the typical petrol stuff. Won't be around much longer!!
added on the 2011-02-02 20:56:59 by ferris ferris
oh noes, diversity in party choices :(

I for one hate hate hate, that the two parties is at the same time. I'd like to visit TG some time before I die, and I'll miss all of my norwegians frie... people that recognize me when I come to bother them.
added on the 2011-02-02 20:57:12 by nic0 nic0
Nico: there's always 2012. Just have to stay alive another year. Stay strong!
added on the 2011-02-02 21:27:37 by lug00ber lug00ber
idea: put some mushrooms in your non-alcoholic beverage.
added on the 2011-02-02 23:01:10 by joooo joooo
Or sugar!
added on the 2011-02-02 23:42:49 by msqrt msqrt
Being someone who probably has taken in more alcohol than all of you combined (except for Arcane/HJB) I actually think this might be a nice idea.
added on the 2011-02-02 23:59:05 by superplek superplek
Being someone who probably has taken in more alcohol than all of you combined (except for Arcane/HJB) I actually think this might be a nice idea.

Unless you're dry plek that sounds like a challenge to me.
added on the 2011-02-03 05:08:33 by ringofyre ringofyre
They should have a policy where they only sell you alcohol if you enter a compo.

I loled. Imagine the shitstorm of productions named "My ticket to booze" and the like...
added on the 2011-02-03 14:11:25 by raer raer
Enter a compo and qualify would be a nice addition :)
added on the 2011-02-03 14:14:45 by msqrt msqrt
Being someone who probably has taken in more alcohol than all of you combined (except for Arcane/HJB) I actually think this might be a nice idea.

History tells us DDT, Pantaloon and MAWI are the champions of that particular title :)
added on the 2011-02-03 15:19:47 by tFt tFt
added on the 2011-02-03 15:30:26 by dq dq
HUm, it looks like a completly new rule indeed. I guess they just made that up for this years edition only. Such a refreshing concept.
added on the 2011-02-03 16:15:48 by numtek numtek
How are people supposed to be creative without being able to ingest large amounts central nervous system depressant!?!

I bet there will be an ocean of nervous system stimulants there though in the form of different brands of cola. Which is the stepping stone to speed, crack cocaine, nitrous oxide and other depravity.
added on the 2011-02-03 16:44:34 by El Topo El Topo
BB Image
added on the 2011-02-03 17:26:15 by SiR SiR
... just stopped alcohol over 1 week ago. \o/
added on the 2011-02-03 17:52:14 by lsl lsl
