Pouet is fast
category: general [glöplog]
page created in 10.851069 seconds.
earth created in 518400.000000 seconds.
D.Fox has the lead.
page created in seconds.
page created in 0.020651 seconds.
page created.
..and you should all be satisfied with that. end.
..and you should all be satisfied with that. end.
skrebbel- Frameworks can either help or hinder—it depends on how they are designed. A bad framework (like one I saw recently that simulated Java's "import" by searching the code directory for source files on every hit) can hurt a lot, but a good framework (that's lightweight and provides a very streamlined autoloader) can keep a site well organized and even facilitate certain optimizations that would be unmaintainable to implement into spaghetti code, like for example grouping unrelated calls to the cache server into a single multiget.
page created in 0.010050 seconds.
php spaghetti code is often significantly faster
i can assure you that in this case, cleaning shit up would certainly speed things up too.
yesso / gargaj, of course, of course. i was just saying that fast php code doesn't imply good php code. that said, i doubt 19ms to generate a single page is necessarily fast, but ok. bet it's all the DB anyway.
Real webmasters code their own servers and tcp stacks in hex.
Real webmasters don't read this thread.
gargaj, not every system is supposed to have beautifull code. also, consider that what you find beautifull today might be ugly tomorrow.

page created in 0.019071 seconds. so fast :)
page created in 0.019034 seconds. faster !!!
Bug report: "second" is not supposed to take the plural "s" if it's less than 2.
depends on how you read it. "Half a second" vs "0.5 seconds" me thinks.
oh and, not using a framework is not the same as having spaghetti code :-)
oh and, not using a framework is not the same as having spaghetti code :-)
And vice versa ;) /guilty
Page created before this thread even started.
Page created before the invention of the abacus.