
Ten years of Pouet

category: general [glöplog]
From the changelog :

[2000-10-05] - added the oneliner, to put more interactivity on the index
added on the 2010-05-16 18:18:20 by faraday faraday
Is that May 10th or October 5th?
added on the 2010-05-16 20:04:47 by jua jua
added on the 2010-05-16 20:09:36 by kb_ kb_
more like condolences then congrats
added on the 2010-05-16 21:10:23 by psenough psenough
Is that May 10th or October 5th?


lol... that was not a yes/no question.
added on the 2010-05-16 22:09:34 by qwesza qwesza
It's pretty simple, let's take this line from the change log:

[2000-12-21] - fixed the groups link in the search result page

2000 the year, 12 the month, 21 the day, months can't be 21.

It's October 5th.
added on the 2010-05-16 22:16:59 by Defiance Defiance
added on the 2010-05-16 22:32:12 by faraday faraday
Jolly good. Cup of tea then, Bruce. Let's celebrate!
added on the 2010-05-16 23:23:51 by raer raer
you do realize the changelog wasnt there since the very start, right?
added on the 2010-05-17 00:17:35 by psenough psenough
yyyy-mm-dd is the one remaining unambiguous numeric date format. If anyone were ever to start using yyyy-dd-mm, then it would be entirely reasonable for the software development communities of the world to descend upon that person as one and defile their genitals with potato peelers.

Just saying.
added on the 2010-05-17 00:28:52 by gasman gasman
added on the 2010-05-17 04:50:59 by LiraNuna LiraNuna
I was referring only to how you read the date in question, and not when pouet was online for the first time...
added on the 2010-05-17 09:44:28 by Defiance Defiance
Thank you, Pouet and everybody who's involved.

Thank you, demoscene.

Now i can go shoot myself.
added on the 2010-05-17 13:50:12 by doc^21o6 doc^21o6
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added on the 2010-05-17 14:07:40 by raer raer
added on the 2010-05-17 21:12:46 by wullon wullon
I remember when this was all fields
added on the 2010-05-17 23:38:34 by spiny spiny
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added on the 2010-05-17 23:54:45 by Noctis Noctis
Pinball \o/
added on the 2010-05-18 14:30:47 by alk alk
back to this time, pouet was the scene and the scene was pouet.
Full dump of the oldest Pouet.Net page on Archive.org :)

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added on the 2010-05-18 17:30:32 by evil evil
When will the pouet logo image be replaced with a canvas tag?
added on the 2010-05-18 21:04:52 by neoneye neoneye
Uhm... analogue's account (id 1) is from 25th June 2000...

... in the evening :-D
added on the 2010-05-19 08:22:35 by Jcl Jcl
so 25 june 2010 evening will be the pouet birthday party.
added on the 2010-05-19 09:33:03 by krabob krabob
Gargaj: WebGL pouet logos would be cool :)
added on the 2010-05-19 09:42:49 by xTr1m xTr1m
