RIP MeteoriK...almost!
category: general [glöplog]
Well I'd intended to put 'RIP MeteoriK...almost!', but why not 'Viva La Meaty!'?
there you go
was stabber a somali ?
Cheers Gargaj. My first real pouet scandal! Could have been worse - I didn't post any child-porn anime or clubbed seals...
uns3en_ - a) no; b) what the fuck? That's a rhetorical question mark - no real need to answer.
While you're at it can you also resurect me? Trace killed me some time ago :D
Let me guess, it was a nigger?
Let me guess, it was a nigger?
no it was probably person that enriches english culture so you should not mock them. even though they don't have job they're equal those who are not living welfare.
Acctually he was an hungarian nazi.
The guy was black as it happens. I heard a rumour that white people sometimes do stabbings too though.
Er - he wasn't black, parapete.
I heard a rumour that white people do child molestings, death camp eugenics and race-hate attacks. Probably nothing more than a rumour, though!
Well meaty said that the perpetrator said "you get me?" a lot so I just made a racist assumption.
But I said that to you on IRC last week after I told you I was going to give you a beating for every time you've ever posted 'too long; didn't read' on a messageboard, and you didn't make a racist assumption about me.

parapete: I can understand your assumption because - of course - the above "type" of people would never use the term "ya get me" and stab people with knives...
lol, give me a break.
If I was stabed by an indian guy I would make him cook for me.
Amitari, my comment was meant in jest of course. I don't know how much meaty will appreciate me discussing his ordeal on here but I seem to recall him saying that the attacker stated that he was going to "stab him because he's white". That's what I made the assumption from. If a white person said that to another white person it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense. OTOH stabbing someone for no reason doesn't make a whole lot of sense...
attacker stated that he was going to "stab him because he's white"
Well you could have made THAT point a little clearer, so we at least had some idea of the basis of your assumption. This is not the first time I've snapped at you because you failed to give a complete picture for some of your initially idiotic sounding posts. :P
Anyway, this attacker, whoever/whatever he is, needs to be put down. I was beaten to a pulp a couple of years back in Derbyshire (of all places) by a similarly retarded type and his sidekick. It's not a nice experience. :|
Well actually he was Arab (accordingly to meaty).
This is not the first time I've snapped at you because you failed to give a complete picture for some of your initially idiotic sounding posts.
I'm happy that your posts, however, are completely idiotic even when you do give a complete picture!
Skrebble: Thanks and I'm glad you appreciate my efforts! With each new post I strive to reach a height of idiocy yet to be matched on Pouet. It’s not an easy, particularly when you’re competing with world-class morons, but at least I genuinely do try. Unlike Pete and his half-baked attempts :o
capital xD
lol@amatari, nice pwnage
And im surpriced, and happy too...there actually are non bitch sceners who can throw a good punch (or kick). I would never have expected that, i better moderate myself from here on out :p
And im surpriced, and happy too...there actually are non bitch sceners who can throw a good punch (or kick). I would never have expected that, i better moderate myself from here on out :p
ahhhhh,.....he is english, now it adds up!