Unrandom scene graphics
category: general [glöplog]
homo/uncreative? let me see you do it dickhead... so if an artist photos something outside his house and recreates it on canvas that isnt art? stfu. The majority of art is inspired by things we see in real life, there isnt anything wrong with it. I do however respect all people who can make original works without any reference.
hehehehe. did it hurt soft spot? i accept it is art if you took your own photos, but taking some commercial photo and recreating it is not. what is point of making painting based on photo you took? you already got photo anyway?
sure majority of art is inspired of things in real life...
sure majority of art is inspired of things in real life...
my feeble attemt released at evoke.
no references used btw :)

no references used btw :)

cp: That's hardly feeble.
Short of taking some commercial photo off the web, that's the cheapest and least creative kind of painted art there is. I wouldn't call it art myself but then there are so many definitions.
And copying a photo to a canvas is a completely different set of skills from creating a new picture on a canvas. If you want to get a feel for which is more impressive, try both someday. ;)
. so if an artist photos something outside his house and recreates it on canvas that isnt art?
Short of taking some commercial photo off the web, that's the cheapest and least creative kind of painted art there is. I wouldn't call it art myself but then there are so many definitions.
And copying a photo to a canvas is a completely different set of skills from creating a new picture on a canvas. If you want to get a feel for which is more impressive, try both someday. ;)
This is very rushed and I never liked it, but it's relevant :)

Unseen: It amuses me that you think I am wade just because I defend copied scene art. If I could paint like him I would choose to be making demos, slides or something over trolling pouet any day. But it's no wonder all the great graphicians have left the scene when there are so many pricks like you and PS scoffing at their hard work.
As Devistator said, if it's so easy, let's see your attempt at copying art. Seriously, back up what you preach...or be quiet.
I agree with those who say copied graphics are not creative and not art. But it is an outstanding talent, especially for guys who pixel or use a mouse. And the truth is that copied graphics by the likes of Wade, Louie, Danny, Made etc are always visually superior to original graphics. As much as I respect no copy artists, their level of detail is usually quite low.
And what's this idea you have that "real" artists don't use reference? Have you seen artists at work in real life or been in an art class? Photos play a role in most artist's work.
As Devistator said, if it's so easy, let's see your attempt at copying art. Seriously, back up what you preach...or be quiet.
I agree with those who say copied graphics are not creative and not art. But it is an outstanding talent, especially for guys who pixel or use a mouse. And the truth is that copied graphics by the likes of Wade, Louie, Danny, Made etc are always visually superior to original graphics. As much as I respect no copy artists, their level of detail is usually quite low.
And what's this idea you have that "real" artists don't use reference? Have you seen artists at work in real life or been in an art class? Photos play a role in most artist's work.
Doom: thats an awesome pic mate, dont know why you dont like it? :)
unseen: you are entitled to your own opinions but there is still great skill to drawing from reallife subjects whether it is first hand or photo'd and then reproduced on a canvas. obviously original works are more creative but to discount observational work as "homo" is a little harsh. Try something yourself some day and see how it turns out..
unseen: you are entitled to your own opinions but there is still great skill to drawing from reallife subjects whether it is first hand or photo'd and then reproduced on a canvas. obviously original works are more creative but to discount observational work as "homo" is a little harsh. Try something yourself some day and see how it turns out..
and i cant believe im actually agreeing with shane.. omg. shocker.
Doom: excellent
I'm very glad you gave that poor girl an arm in the end Doom!
So this thread is basically about one guy fishing for compliments with pics of naked women wearing gas masks.
Devistator: Yup, it makes a change! I've also gotta big you up for the work on Route1066! We'll be best mates before you know it! :)
Tomaes: Isn't that what Pouet and the scene is about anyway? Doom is a great artist and deserves all the compliments.
Re the copy debate: Most professionals who work with photoshop don't just copy photos but actually work over the photos, cutting and pasting and touching them up. Yet they get a lot more praise (and money) and far less criticism than gfxers who draw from scratch using references.
Tomaes: Isn't that what Pouet and the scene is about anyway? Doom is a great artist and deserves all the compliments.
Re the copy debate: Most professionals who work with photoshop don't just copy photos but actually work over the photos, cutting and pasting and touching them up. Yet they get a lot more praise (and money) and far less criticism than gfxers who draw from scratch using references.
the other day i coded from a reference! i'm sorry, i know it's lame! i won't do it again!
All the music I make is absolutely new and never been performed or made before!
okkie: from whom did you stole the time signature of yours?!
yes i have done it, but it doesnt satisfy my artistic needs. its much nicer to draw your own picture than copy somebody else. few people made me realize that it wont turn me better artist if i would keep repainting photos. thanks to xenusion and partikle ;) basically i dont want to "cheat myself" anymore, i know i could do awesome results if i would use grid and copy some awesome photo by some famous photographer or fantasy picture by famous artist. but then if i had no refence, i would be total shit. look for example slayer/appendix stuff. his old copies are technically awesome but after he started to create his own art, i think its 1000x better. anyway, i dont ever go on this subject ever again coz it causes a) bohoo to shane b) i'm newschool lamer :)
so Doom, you like twisting female bodies, don't you ? :)
yes i have done it, but it doesnt satisfy my artistic needs.
Let's see then! I'm assuming that it's on the same level as all those homo graphicians you love to criticize. Maybe better? Would love to see it!
shane: no they're not same level :)
they suck and besides i dont want to show anything that i dont really like...
It's true that professional illustrators use whatever technique gets them the most desirable result in the time allocated. Professional artists are usually more interested in selling a wacky concept these days, and are often painfully talentless when it comes to drawing, sculpting or whatever their medium is.
Tomæs: It was, but you've made it so much better now.
Zest: you have no idea! 8-I
Tomæs: It was, but you've made it so much better now.
Zest: you have no idea! 8-I
shane: mind blowing dithering technics developed through years of overpainting scanned pictures. respect to their efforts indeed. managed to waste years pretending they can draw and yet when asked to draw something useful, they cant unless it comes in the cover of a magazine. sorry, but people who get stuck on a practice phase too scared to suck at the next level are just.. stuck at a practice phase. you can praise their technique all you want, they'll still always be stuck on the practice phase. then come on the scene pretending to be some hotshots and leave having the usual couple of "scene is dead" tantrums and whine sessions on how others dont recognize their mind blowing artistic skill of overpainting. please, get a life, lose an ego, there is more to painting then spending hours putting in pixelled details on referenced pics, if you cant be bothered to try and improve your game when the challenge comes then you're defnitly better off crying in a corner then going about annoying and often also insulting the creative people with your ego bullshit. if you like to massage those people prostates thats fine, but i still think they should rather bite the bullet and try to get past the practicing phase. if they actually do like drawing something original instead of just masturbating at their awesomeness excuse for mind blowing high detailed overscaned referenced dithering technique.
PS. I agree that copying graphics should be left behind at some point. Guys like Made did go on to create some amazing original artwork, but many others never got past that stage which is a shame.
But what do you mean by "overpainting"? I think you misunderstand what these guys do (or at least the good ones). They don't paint over photos - they copy them/parts of them from scratch and often with pinpoint accuracy. As for wasting years and producing something useless, I disagree. The "art" is in the actual creation and dedication rather than the finished piece.
It's comparable to a marathon runner. Running a marathon serves no purpose. He or she could just drive or catch a bus to the finish line and save some time and energy. But they do it for the challenge, to push themselves and prove that they can do what the average person can't. This goes for a LOT of activities, sports and hobbies.
Sure, gfxers could just scan the image and save time too, but my guess is they thrive on the challenge of beating the scanner. This is what many scene coders are about too...human triumph over machines. Let's face it, infinite bobs and star wars scrollers aren't the most artistic creations either.)
Overall I think this is what separates the "oldskool" from newschool attitudes. Sceners of old were all about the challenge, beating restrictions and making something out of nothing. Newschoolers are more about art, creativity and the end result. Neither are bad, just totally different attitudes. I actually prefer the creative side of the scene (Budbrain through to Route 1066) than the technical challenge, but that doesn't stop me admiring and defending hardworking and talented guys when they deserve it.
But what do you mean by "overpainting"? I think you misunderstand what these guys do (or at least the good ones). They don't paint over photos - they copy them/parts of them from scratch and often with pinpoint accuracy. As for wasting years and producing something useless, I disagree. The "art" is in the actual creation and dedication rather than the finished piece.
It's comparable to a marathon runner. Running a marathon serves no purpose. He or she could just drive or catch a bus to the finish line and save some time and energy. But they do it for the challenge, to push themselves and prove that they can do what the average person can't. This goes for a LOT of activities, sports and hobbies.
Sure, gfxers could just scan the image and save time too, but my guess is they thrive on the challenge of beating the scanner. This is what many scene coders are about too...human triumph over machines. Let's face it, infinite bobs and star wars scrollers aren't the most artistic creations either.)
Overall I think this is what separates the "oldskool" from newschool attitudes. Sceners of old were all about the challenge, beating restrictions and making something out of nothing. Newschoolers are more about art, creativity and the end result. Neither are bad, just totally different attitudes. I actually prefer the creative side of the scene (Budbrain through to Route 1066) than the technical challenge, but that doesn't stop me admiring and defending hardworking and talented guys when they deserve it.
masochist perseverance on lightweight challenges dont really impress me much these days. sorry.