What can Windows do that Ubuntu can't?
category: general [glöplog]
extra notice for the GPL zealots
* AUTHOR: Trevor Woerner
* START DATE: 25 September 2002 - 02:53:46 PM
* MODIFIED: 25 September 2002 - 08:05:28 PM
* FILENAME: add.c
* PURPOSE: source for shared object
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* Copyright (C) 2002 Trevor Woerner
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence, version 2,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public Licence for more details.
* To receive a copy of the GNU General Public Licence write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
int MyAdd( int a, int b )
return a+b;
Aargh, ugly Camel notation, someone please fork this code :-)
Who the hell can confine themselves to one OS? Linux for webserver, Windows for desktop, Workbench for another desktop, WindowsCE for PDA, dual-boot Windows and Linux for laptop... You use the right tool for the job, and you don't worry about what any other bastard uses. Yes, people will go on about 'the ideal desktop' but for God's sake - nothing lasts for ever in OS terms and intelligent people can get used to change very quickly... If we weren't versatile enough to cope with it, we wouldn't be very creative at all.
Interestingly enough, my VAIOs old and new, traditionally arsey for proprietary drivers and stuff, both worked out of the box with Ubuntu - even the obscure new Intel wireless stuff. Something newbie-unfriendly like Slackware still doesn't take too much fiddling if you put the effort in. Parapete - how much time did you honestly put into trying to get your hardware working? I have my own suspicions about the limits of your patience:)
Beyond that, waffle is absolutely right - all operating systems totally fondle kids. That's the price you pay for your favourite applications being able to multitask usefully in this day and age.
Interestingly enough, my VAIOs old and new, traditionally arsey for proprietary drivers and stuff, both worked out of the box with Ubuntu - even the obscure new Intel wireless stuff. Something newbie-unfriendly like Slackware still doesn't take too much fiddling if you put the effort in. Parapete - how much time did you honestly put into trying to get your hardware working? I have my own suspicions about the limits of your patience:)
Beyond that, waffle is absolutely right - all operating systems totally fondle kids. That's the price you pay for your favourite applications being able to multitask usefully in this day and age.
visual studio.
- it's not about the os, it's about the applications.
(the first one to mention gimp or any linux-ide - including emacs - gets a wedgy!)
- it's not about the os, it's about the applications.
(the first one to mention gimp or any linux-ide - including emacs - gets a wedgy!)
Windows has changed a lot since the time you could actually blame it for crashing now and then, but most of the criticism hasn't.
To be really fair, if you're willing to spend a lot of time getting to know *x and setting it up, try spending the same amount of time on Windows, and you might find it's not so bad either. Despite (?) working out of the box, it's much more reliable and configurable than it usually gets credit for, and there's more third-party software than you'll ever need. So, avoid Outlook, IE, Windows Media Player, Norton Antivirus, Office Assistants and the automatic updates, and consider Dopus, MPC, Miranda, Winamp 2.8x and Firefox, just to mention a few of the obvious dos and don'ts.
It might not be ideal for extremely complex or highly sensitive server solutions, but contrary to the beliefs apparently held by much of the Linux community, you can do much more interesting things with a computer these days.
To be really fair, if you're willing to spend a lot of time getting to know *x and setting it up, try spending the same amount of time on Windows, and you might find it's not so bad either. Despite (?) working out of the box, it's much more reliable and configurable than it usually gets credit for, and there's more third-party software than you'll ever need. So, avoid Outlook, IE, Windows Media Player, Norton Antivirus, Office Assistants and the automatic updates, and consider Dopus, MPC, Miranda, Winamp 2.8x and Firefox, just to mention a few of the obvious dos and don'ts.
It might not be ideal for extremely complex or highly sensitive server solutions, but contrary to the beliefs apparently held by much of the Linux community, you can do much more interesting things with a computer these days.
Run demos from the box.
linux cant do what demosceners do!
Complain about party results?
openbsd for the servers.
debian for the multicore-SMP workhorse.
windows for me.
debian for the multicore-SMP workhorse.
windows for me.
Whoa! I didn't expect this much response. I was just making idle conversation, not really anything serious. I know demoscenes don't run on Linux, but I'm not saying that we should all just jump on the Ubuntu bandwagon. I do think everybody should have some form of Linux for emergency situations. I'm going to buy Vista as soon as it's released, but I will still get mostly free and open source software to compliment it. My biggest problem with Vista is that Microsoft has already dropped so many features, but they still have the gall to charge a small fortune. Where does all their money go? If they are so rich, then why the heck can't they keep their promises of new features.
Anyway, thanks for participating, but his discussion has nowhere to go. I will buy Vista, and I will keep Ubuntu for emergencies. Hopefully, it won't be long before I release my first demoscene. :-)
Anyway, thanks for participating, but his discussion has nowhere to go. I will buy Vista, and I will keep Ubuntu for emergencies. Hopefully, it won't be long before I release my first demoscene. :-)
Steohawk - Demoscenes don't run on linux? Can I install one on Windows, then? Do I need a crack?
The Pouet BBS doesn't do 'idle conversation', I'm afraid, hence the moderate flamings you've been given ;) You're right that the discussion has nowhere to go, since your contribution to it is an early-90's era Microsoft question that will never be answered, but in a sense it never went anywhere at all. Subjectivism and contrariness win the day.
The Pouet BBS doesn't do 'idle conversation', I'm afraid, hence the moderate flamings you've been given ;) You're right that the discussion has nowhere to go, since your contribution to it is an early-90's era Microsoft question that will never be answered, but in a sense it never went anywhere at all. Subjectivism and contrariness win the day.
The moderate flamings are as common to this BBS as porn is to a Google image search for beavers. :-) You're perfectly right. My topic isn't really centered around Linux, but Microsoft. They make a fortune off of their evermore expensive OS, but they keep failing us with their broken promises. What gives?
Well you could try asking 1995, see what they think. It's a fucking business, for God's sake, not a charity. If they make a fortune, they don't need to worry about breaking promises. Let's not worry about advocating the Machivellian in us all here: wouldn't you do the same? Altruism, of course, might prevail, but when international business laws are centered around the idea that failure to exploit almost any conniving and underhanded means of making money can result in your shareholders taking legal action against you, you do what you do best as the biggest corporation in the world - charge a lot for a shoddy product.
Obviously your expectations are quite (naively) high - mine aren't. I'm not angry or embittered, I just don't let it worry me.
Obviously your expectations are quite (naively) high - mine aren't. I'm not angry or embittered, I just don't let it worry me.
My expectations are high, but not naive. They are based on the information released by Microsoft, and then later recanted. The only reason that Microsoft is doing so well is the lack of competition. If there was competition, then they would have two choices. Give the people what they want or loose money. That's how free enterprise works. No company is perfect, but they can't treat the public like crap without losing money to their competition. Since Microsoft doesn't have that problem, they feel like they can do whatever they want. This lazy attitude will hurt them sooner or later.
Well they're naive expectations if you believe a company that's deceived you in the past, time and again.
Anyway - mind how you gauge this market. People who sell operating systems are in the business of selling to people who don't know what they want. For every one concerned, technically-minded, blogging, whining naysayer and champion of consumer rights, there are fifty lackwitted plebians who just want a machine that'll let them check their email and watch funny Youtube videos. If you don't want to be treated like muck, then I suppose you'd better stay clear of Microsoft - by your own assertion. If their attitude hurts them, it'll hurt them - it just might take a few more decades. If you want to sit there shaking your fist at the Gods at this injustice, then you could probably find better ways to spend your time;)
And in true Pouet BBS tradition, I'm arguing a point in which I have no genuine idealistic investiture. Somebody has to...
Anyway - mind how you gauge this market. People who sell operating systems are in the business of selling to people who don't know what they want. For every one concerned, technically-minded, blogging, whining naysayer and champion of consumer rights, there are fifty lackwitted plebians who just want a machine that'll let them check their email and watch funny Youtube videos. If you don't want to be treated like muck, then I suppose you'd better stay clear of Microsoft - by your own assertion. If their attitude hurts them, it'll hurt them - it just might take a few more decades. If you want to sit there shaking your fist at the Gods at this injustice, then you could probably find better ways to spend your time;)
And in true Pouet BBS tradition, I'm arguing a point in which I have no genuine idealistic investiture. Somebody has to...
They were my expectations, but I never believed them. I'm not angry or bitter. About everything else, you're right. :-)
I'll be using version 1.0 of this from now on:

so, does pouet work on linux?
Renoise, Cubase, Corel, Photoshop, ASIO drivers, drivers, drivers, drivers...
There is more in the scene than code and routines, and Linux just can't help there.
There is more in the scene than code and routines, and Linux just can't help there.
It bewilders me that so many people (including blundering forum-idiots) still try to impose their LinuxRuleZZZZz!!!!!ness onto others who simply couldn't care less.
doom: please dont consider winamp. consider foobar2000.
Conspiracy intros.
I don't know... Ubuntu seems to crash a lot better than Windows. I'm using Ubuntu now and it's about to crash :S