
Open Letter to AMI / Tristar

category: general [glöplog]

To some things i agree with your post docd... But it's much better to kill the fire with water and not with gasoline... So i appeal to your healthy common sense... Stop this kind of flaming too because it's nothing other here to start an open disscusion in an open board and inside an open community... Write an email to ami@trs-1988.de and fight for your own with him... :) respect the discretion of the subject and don't bother us with this crap anymore please :)

And AMI... As a friend i told you too... Stop talking bullshit about other guys or groups... If you don't know the rules and activities inside this crews for sure, you have to shup the fuck up about it... you just talk to much about speculations... :)

added on the 2006-08-17 15:33:59 by .. ..
so many ppl flame around on pouet...so i just wanted to be with them. success!

flaming roxx...

the nice thing is, that no one cares about this thread but everyones reading.

you can all stay political correct and hold hands while standing around a bonfire. i dont.

ah, and btw who said that this thread is about a thing which happens 16 years ago?

it is all about things happened during the past weeks.

ah..and by the way - pouet is full of crappy threads, why cant i do one also?

too many sceners are cuddling around here, no own meaning, only agreeing and repeating the meaning of some scenegurus.

ah and gargaj, my grammar maybe uniqe but therefore my dick is quite long.

added on the 2006-08-17 15:50:54 by _docd _docd
Nytrik: do you mean it? :)
added on the 2006-08-17 16:08:42 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
great entertainment , scene wars are great when they are done the oldschool way like strider did back in the days , so i am still taking bets for next boxing fights on partys
added on the 2006-08-17 16:28:04 by Int3r Int3r
ltk_tscc : yep !
added on the 2006-08-17 16:33:50 by nytrik nytrik
nytrik: good idea! i will also join any group for a free BP entrance, and i will produce a lot of demos if i get a laptop! ;)
added on the 2006-08-17 17:08:13 by quisten quisten
send samples of your work then ...
added on the 2006-08-17 17:15:34 by _docd _docd
Friendship Rules !!!
added on the 2006-08-17 17:32:38 by bodo^rab bodo^rab
don't mess around with my niggah DoCD ..

k ?

back off
added on the 2006-08-17 17:53:06 by tEiS tEiS
ähm... by the way. i said nothing to nobody... so what is now going on... ? on evoke realy all was ok, no prob with inter, no prob with anybody so who said i´ve said something... for my opinion there is still actually no need to stress to each other and @daxx... i told nothing to somebody and i wondering myself, what the prob is actually... as u all have noticed i´ve the last.. specially the last days other things to do as starting flame wars...

well, so who starts to talk shit... even with docD there are no probs ( talked together on bp06.. ) so if anybody is talking shit still in my name... enjoy... but its simple to silly to say something about who is doing what....

would be nice if its possible to talk directly with the involved people and not with some birds that try to start a war where no war exists...

for my point - there is no reason to be angry... coz the last 7 days i was simple not involved into anything except a nice demoscene party....
by the way... the sentense that trs should not exists... the last 10 years only , there where enough people that invest blood , pain and love for trs... so maybe its a good choice for you to join one of the meetings in wuppertal or remscheid to learn and understand - or is it not enough if somebody go to jail with honor but without talking about ( secrets.. ) there is no point for us to discuss about it.....

my point is, docD all probs where solved and its simple to silly for me to start a flamewars like in the 80´s. i told you back on bp06 my points and so we both cleared our positions...

and as monty python said.. and now to something completely be different.
wow, you provide entrancefees for BP to your groupmembers? WTF BBQ man where do I sign up?

Fuckings to Tristar!!! $$$ your eyes!
invest blood? $$$, what about manjuice? over the 10 years there has been alot of manjuice invested into TRS!
i've had it with these shitforbrains arrogant capitalist boytoy group-kings... jesus christ... what the fuck is wrong with you? your parents probably never gave you any presents when you were younger, and now you are buying your own, huh?

there is no fucking pride in buying yourself a demoscene image/group. you are not cool because you pretend to speak in the name of some reportedly "legendary" amiga/c64/whateva group... actually people have been laughing at your hapless groupsies for years because all you manage to churn out are substandard compofillers... yeah it gets a lot of votes- but only from your buddies... WOOHOO. not.

let me ask you something- when was the last time you were personally involved in a prod that impressed anyone you haven't bribed? and with involvement, i mean doing code, music or gfx. certainly not pretending to be an organiser or other lame excuses for letting other people do the real work.
added on the 2006-08-17 19:35:44 by havoc havoc
AUAAA, havoc just bit down HARSH.
chill off dude, its just pouet...
added on the 2006-08-17 19:43:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
havoc, the importance of organizers is not to be underestimated. the work of organizers like irata and xxx brought forth long-lasting groups like trsi and haujobb.

some organizers are less lucky and witty though...
added on the 2006-08-17 19:54:59 by dipswitch dipswitch
gargaj: i know it's pouet- it's a great place to communicate between the lines... ;-)

dipswitch: i certainly appreciate organisers who rely on their skill rather than acquired financial and traditionalist tools. yes, there are a few examples of people whose organsing talent can be considered a true skill- but these are few and far between. inane debates a la "i am the legal own0r of Triest He & Rood Kapje because BozeWolf gave me the keys of the candyhouse when he was drunk and i harassed him on irc back in 1992" just piss me off...

like cream put it oh so correctly in their 1999 effort

...do things.
added on the 2006-08-17 20:28:27 by havoc havoc
"or is it not enough if somebody go to jail with honor but without talking about ( secrets.. )"

reality check plz...
added on the 2006-08-18 13:19:21 by astu astu
i never bought someone, thats the point.

and the best way to fight against word of mouth is to put down such rumours by making them public and react.

so havoc, read the fucking context before pissing me on okay?

added on the 2006-08-18 13:27:11 by _docd _docd
"Scoopex" vs. "Tristar". This just sounded too good to be true, so I've been checking in here from time to time. Didn't take long to realize that the respective bloodlines are somewhat diluted though.

So "...do things." I second that.
added on the 2006-08-18 14:13:01 by Archmage Archmage
Shit, macht das unter euch aus, im privaten Rahmen.

Ansonsten: Gude Laune!
added on the 2006-08-19 02:48:01 by ghandy ghandy
Where do I line up to take a piss on both TRS and TRSI? You're all almost as lame as Matt Current!
added on the 2006-08-19 04:03:39 by kusma kusma
shut the fuck now or you'll be members of ISO
added on the 2006-08-19 08:43:02 by astu astu
typography please
added on the 2006-08-19 08:43:32 by astu astu
