Splines presentation
category: general [glöplog]
Ok, here is my stupid programm with source included http://optimus.demoscene.gr/mystuff/programs/apps/splinedrawsdl.htm
Keys: arrows to move around, brackets for zoom in/out (produces bugs ;P), mouse left/right/wheel for drawing and stuff. The shit is really buggy and I don't know if I'll continue the project ;P
Keys: arrows to move around, brackets for zoom in/out (produces bugs ;P), mouse left/right/wheel for drawing and stuff. The shit is really buggy and I don't know if I'll continue the project ;P
Turn it into competition for adobe illustrator.
Seriously, I did a better program in VB3 back in the days. And whats up with everybody, is the word "university" so hard to spell?
Here, maybe I ask some english question I can't find an answer.
What is the right term for uniwork? How do you call with one word (or two three) in english a work you do for university. I mean, a university project, but not the big one that you do in every domain (though, the math department is the one of the few here that doesn't have one) but a work (an ergasia for greek readers), that you do to pass one lesson or so.
HOw the fuck do you call that in english for universities?
work sounds strange, it's like I say I went for a job, where the university pays me. No!
Can't find the word, please help me.
What is the right term for uniwork? How do you call with one word (or two three) in english a work you do for university. I mean, a university project, but not the big one that you do in every domain (though, the math department is the one of the few here that doesn't have one) but a work (an ergasia for greek readers), that you do to pass one lesson or so.
HOw the fuck do you call that in english for universities?
work sounds strange, it's like I say I went for a job, where the university pays me. No!
Can't find the word, please help me.
University course work
Mmm,. that sounds good! Thanks.