E V O K E 2 o o 5
category: general [glöplog]
What a lame ripoff. Much to learn you have, young huxley san. ;)Doing the Madenmann:
I was going to involve nazis, but Godwin's law would kick in before I could type 'Hilter'.
Okay, more info for ya!
Like last year you have the chance not only to support us by putting our banner on to you webpage but also to benefit by winning some nice prizes. Our banner system is back online and details my be found here.
And while you're at it, why don't you download the official Evoke 2oo5 Theme Song "Favorite astronaut" by Netpoet? It is available for download through www.downlords.net and we recommend to listen to it while including our banner into your website.
Also, interesting especially for Germans:
If you are coming to evoke from somewhere in germany you might want to use the service of the new "Mietbuszentrale". They offer trips across germany for as low as 9,- Euro. All you need to do is to register at their webpage and hope that there are enough people who would like to travel the same route.
Like last year you have the chance not only to support us by putting our banner on to you webpage but also to benefit by winning some nice prizes. Our banner system is back online and details my be found here.
And while you're at it, why don't you download the official Evoke 2oo5 Theme Song "Favorite astronaut" by Netpoet? It is available for download through www.downlords.net and we recommend to listen to it while including our banner into your website.
Also, interesting especially for Germans:
If you are coming to evoke from somewhere in germany you might want to use the service of the new "Mietbuszentrale". They offer trips across germany for as low as 9,- Euro. All you need to do is to register at their webpage and hope that there are enough people who would like to travel the same route.
wow. that mietbuszentrale concept is going to rock europe. if it works. i hope. :)
also, i'm coming to evoke!
also, i'm coming to evoke!
Nice song from Netpoet!
anyone going from berlin to evoke? i'll be near berlin at that time and i'd like some hints how to travel there..
nosfe: Take the Citynightliner (prices start at 29 Euros) from Berlin to Cologne, you'll have to go thu evening and arrive fri morning. Your plus: A nice breakfast with MadenMann at some McD or BK near the train station. ;)
[Nachtzugreise / Citynightline] [routes]
[Nachtzugreise / Citynightline] [routes]
i can't take a train on thursday since on friday i still have to be in beelitz.
time for some news again...
A (preliminary) timetable listing all compos and deadlines is online --->here<---. .
Combined Ticket
Two parties, two towns, two weekends. Buenzli and Evoke make it possible: Having two successive weekends of party. Winterthur and Köln, Switzerland and Germany, Buenzli and Evoke.
With the combined ticket, you save some bucks on the entrance fee of both parties! Team up with all those people that visit Buenzli as well as Evoke, having two great weekends among their friends.
The Buenzli and Evoke combined ticket costs you EUR 42.- and can be bought at the doorway of Buenzli, 19.20.21 August 2005 and is still valid one week later, at Evoke, 26.27.28. August 2005.
Register yourself to Buenzli and Evoke now!
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hope to see as many as possible of you guys and girls at evoke! this year we have the best location we ever had since 1997. and it seems like there will be some good competition in the compos. so it's definetely worth it! don't miss the athmosphere!

A (preliminary) timetable listing all compos and deadlines is online --->here<---. .
Combined Ticket
Two parties, two towns, two weekends. Buenzli and Evoke make it possible: Having two successive weekends of party. Winterthur and Köln, Switzerland and Germany, Buenzli and Evoke.
With the combined ticket, you save some bucks on the entrance fee of both parties! Team up with all those people that visit Buenzli as well as Evoke, having two great weekends among their friends.
The Buenzli and Evoke combined ticket costs you EUR 42.- and can be bought at the doorway of Buenzli, 19.20.21 August 2005 and is still valid one week later, at Evoke, 26.27.28. August 2005.
Register yourself to Buenzli and Evoke now!
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hope to see as many as possible of you guys and girls at evoke! this year we have the best location we ever had since 1997. and it seems like there will be some good competition in the compos. so it's definetely worth it! don't miss the athmosphere!

This year I won't come, you can say phew or something.
as far as I know there are some more people from Berlin:
pretty sure: mad, digisnap, cynic, admiral and me
propably: hellfire, helge
The citynightliner sounds cool. Maybe we could organize and meet in the train.
pretty sure: mad, digisnap, cynic, admiral and me
propably: hellfire, helge
The citynightliner sounds cool. Maybe we could organize and meet in the train.
pixtur: kick hellfire to come, as he already missed breakpoint =)
ill be there!!!
helli lives in berlin now?
you're all supposed to attend this too: http://dalezy.untergrund.net/bpm/
(and don't forget to come to inérciademoparty 2005)
you're all supposed to attend this too: http://dalezy.untergrund.net/bpm/
(and don't forget to come to inérciademoparty 2005)
nula: cool!
berliners: why dont you unite for one HUGE bustrip? =)
all: please --->register<--- if you want to come. it doesn't mean any obliogations for you, but it makes planning for us easier. plus, it's always fun for people to see who else will attend, so please, if you plan to come, invest those few minutes! and sorry if your national flag is missing, we'll definetely put up more flags next year.
berliners: why dont you unite for one HUGE bustrip? =)
all: please --->register<--- if you want to come. it doesn't mean any obliogations for you, but it makes planning for us easier. plus, it's always fun for people to see who else will attend, so please, if you plan to come, invest those few minutes! and sorry if your national flag is missing, we'll definetely put up more flags next year.
oh, speaking for hellfire was a mistake. Sorry. Got confused.
dipswitch: registering is ok, but I doupt that it will help to orgenize a bustrip. Maybe I am little put to ground from our earlier tries of organization.
dipswitch: registering is ok, but I doupt that it will help to orgenize a bustrip. Maybe I am little put to ground from our earlier tries of organization.
uhm, pixtur, the two points were totally unrelated... :P
The Theme Song Remix Compo is our latest addition to our fabolous compo lineup. Download the samplepack and start right away with your very own version of theEvoke 2005 Theme Song. ---> http://www.evoke2005.net/5760,music.html#
Also, please don't forget our ANSI/ASCII compo. You can participate even without being at the party. So please, if you can, support a compo which has been a great success since 1997. ---> http://www.evoke2005.net/5439,graphics.html
Also, please don't forget our ANSI/ASCII compo. You can participate even without being at the party. So please, if you can, support a compo which has been a great success since 1997. ---> http://www.evoke2005.net/5439,graphics.html
would be interesting to see how many entries will be in the remix contest.
i for one gave up before i even started.
i for one gave up before i even started.
btw dipswitch, i'm not to read the line saying "use these samples" as "*only* use these samples", right?
bring the beer and the cigs coz the neel is coming.
kaneel, what will you bring in return?

you are not entitled to speak :)