No new logos?
category: general [glöplog]
checkoff: we're talking about the logos here, not demos. i believe most people can agree on that something ugly slapped together in two minutes and has an emboss-default-filter applied to it is 99.9% sure to be absolute crap.
to quote a great man: "it's not a matter of taste, it's not a matter of perception, it's simply the way it is. i can prove this on a home computer"
ps, i am now a l4m4h again :)
to quote a great man: "it's not a matter of taste, it's not a matter of perception, it's simply the way it is. i can prove this on a home computer"
ps, i am now a l4m4h again :)
i would be happy to see the ability to vote on multiple logos at once instead of vote-reload-wait-scroll-vote-reload-... :)
New logo added
just the 10 years old ones with 1000s of votes gets displayed so where is the sense at adding new logos?
xen: thats not true. until someone votes sucks on one of the logos they'll get shown.. and ppl are urged to vote on _all_ logos, so even if one is on the death list it can get shown again if enough ppl counter-vote its sucks
xenusion: I added my logo relatively late, and it's shown all the time.
hmm i just see old crap... perhaps im just not online often enough ;)
btw... perhaps someone should delete the whole unusable crap. its quite hard to load the whole voting page if its filled up with 400 ugly jpgs.
it would be better to show just 20 logos per page and sort them by suckrating. to go sure that the new ones get their votes to they could get displayed first for 1 month
it would be better to show just 20 logos per page and sort them by suckrating. to go sure that the new ones get their votes to they could get displayed first for 1 month
xenusion: I like the old crap logos, I don't understand what you're complaining about. :)
I didn't see many good new logos in the vote page.
I didn't see many good new logos in the vote page.
well its hard to believe but there are ppl outside of your snowy viking zone and they dont have a 8mbit line.
there is no rational reason for a "display them all" 5mb voting page.
where is the problem to sort them by rating and move the crappy shit to the last page.
it loads ages at home and even here at university the whole page gets slow coz of the massive amount of pics
there is no rational reason for a "display them all" 5mb voting page.
where is the problem to sort them by rating and move the crappy shit to the last page.
it loads ages at home and even here at university the whole page gets slow coz of the massive amount of pics

/me runs off to gouge his eyes out with a rusty spoon
xeNusion: tsss, once you've voted for a logo, it no longer appear.

still waiting for this one to be added... :(

xenusion does have a point. i can't be bothered voting for logos because the process is so tedious (crappy logo, "no", reload, crappy logo, "no", reload, etc).
p01, that's not very comforting if you haven't been voting since day one.
p01, that's not very comforting if you haven't been voting since day one.
too many crappy logos. Analogue should first remove the obviously lame ones, there are shitloads of those...
Before the voting system, I was only adding the ones which I felt werent crap -> I received so much mails from pissed people that I started to code the vote-for-a-logo system so the people choose for me. I won't remove anything or once again, I'll get the pissed people on me. It's so quiet since you vote for the logos ;)
ps: I added all the logo, if yours isn't in, send it back.
ps: I added all the logo, if yours isn't in, send it back.
I limited to 5 the nb of displayed logos at the same time.
analogue: problem is that the voting system for the logo is incredibly tedious (whole page reloaded after each single vote) that only the people who actually submited the logo can be arsed to vote.
yeah ok right ;)
Some kind of radio buttons (similar to the prods voting system, one for each logo) would be just fine, so that people can sux/rulez them at once one the same page.
That would avoid the tedious process of page reloading for every single logo.
That would avoid the tedious process of page reloading for every single logo.
keops: beeing a lamah takes effort :P
Keops: read up, it's fixed, you are getting old ;)