"Best diskmag writer" vS "Social media publicist" ?
category: general [glöplog]
don't forget to hit that bell button!
I dont think so many people will vote on that example. If many people vote for "mr unknown" he/she really has something to publish that attracts others and this would be easy to verify. Else if we suspect some kind of fake votes, Versus deal with that, so a bit of quality control :)
Give it a try? Send your vote: http://nukleus.nu/vs
'social media publicist' sounds a bit like 'professional soldier in counterstrike'
I can agree with that, but any suggestions of other name to frame it?
I can agree with that, but any suggestions of other name to frame it?
just go with PR. social media is inherently a part of it.
To me, 'social media publicist' sounds a bit like 'social media narcissist' but, no doubt, I'm biased because I don't think the so-called 'social media' (or 'social networks') have brought anything good to the world. :]
Diskmags were far better since they force you, at least, to think a little bit before writing.
Sorry, I don't even think these two media are comparable.
Diskmags were far better since they force you, at least, to think a little bit before writing.
Sorry, I don't even think these two media are comparable.
ham, you didn't think enough when you wrote that post!
My point exactly! :D
@ham: thanks for your feedback, appreciated!
the medium are compareable if they are grouped as "to publish data|information". Info can be written form or multi media.
If we only had the key to have diskmag writers or people writing online articles, then this discussion wouldnt have been. We just suffer from that the category will not have any inflow of new flesh (i.e. writers) so we try to solve problem. The alternative would be not to have any category, since just vote on an active circle of 10 people (Im one of them) wouldnt be fun enough.
Instead of convincing more people to go and write articles, its better to join in other ways.
This might be the possible flow:
A writer has an audiance, a multimedia/SoMe publicist has an audience. The audience listen, the audience decide whats good or bad. Good shit -> they got votes in Versus. Bad shit (or any obscure youtube-monkey-blogger will get one vote OR it has nothing to do with the Amiga scene or can not be linked that this person would exist -> fake -> removed from voting). If people like diskmag writers more than SoMe publicist, they will go with diskmag writers -> we get a result
if people dont care -> we get a result
if 50% favour SoMe and 50% favour diskmag writers -> we get a result
All results are part of how the scene think. Its a result for a certain time.
(gee maybe I should write an article about this, after all, Im a diskwriter, but I do respect other peoples way to publish ;) )
the medium are compareable if they are grouped as "to publish data|information". Info can be written form or multi media.
If we only had the key to have diskmag writers or people writing online articles, then this discussion wouldnt have been. We just suffer from that the category will not have any inflow of new flesh (i.e. writers) so we try to solve problem. The alternative would be not to have any category, since just vote on an active circle of 10 people (Im one of them) wouldnt be fun enough.
Instead of convincing more people to go and write articles, its better to join in other ways.
This might be the possible flow:
A writer has an audiance, a multimedia/SoMe publicist has an audience. The audience listen, the audience decide whats good or bad. Good shit -> they got votes in Versus. Bad shit (or any obscure youtube-monkey-blogger will get one vote OR it has nothing to do with the Amiga scene or can not be linked that this person would exist -> fake -> removed from voting). If people like diskmag writers more than SoMe publicist, they will go with diskmag writers -> we get a result
if people dont care -> we get a result
if 50% favour SoMe and 50% favour diskmag writers -> we get a result
All results are part of how the scene think. Its a result for a certain time.
(gee maybe I should write an article about this, after all, Im a diskwriter, but I do respect other peoples way to publish ;) )
@browallia: First of all, I wish you good luck! I love diskmags and I don't want to see them disappear. They are a very unique medium so characteristic of the demoscene culture! A good diskmag could be enjoyed now and years in the future. They could be, in a way, like time capsules full of surprises. They are made to last.
I don't feel the same with websites or social media. They are obsolete a day or a week after they are posted and they eventually end in the purgatory of forgotten links and 404 URL error.
So you wanna find "social media publicists" (whatever this term means) that are posting good stuff related to the scene? Well, you may find some examples but, anyway, the demoscene is not mainstream (never was) so I guess you'll not find enough people talking about it except people that already are part of our scene.
Perhaps the internet, with web pages and forums like this one, has replaced the function of diskmags nowadays in our scene. Maybe you don't get enough writers because they are already writing here or in another forums/pages like ADA or EAB.
There is still hope for diskmags but maybe you should try a different approach to this problem. There are some demosceners posting online interesting things related to the scene from time to time. Think for example on the blogs of those coders that post some articles about the technical aspects of their demos. Maybe you should ask them if they mind if their posts could appear as articles in your diskmag. Perhaps they would accept that proposal and those posts could be compiled into a diskmag and saved from certain death as we know that every web and URL dies sooner or later but disk images are eternal. :]
I don't feel the same with websites or social media. They are obsolete a day or a week after they are posted and they eventually end in the purgatory of forgotten links and 404 URL error.
So you wanna find "social media publicists" (whatever this term means) that are posting good stuff related to the scene? Well, you may find some examples but, anyway, the demoscene is not mainstream (never was) so I guess you'll not find enough people talking about it except people that already are part of our scene.
Perhaps the internet, with web pages and forums like this one, has replaced the function of diskmags nowadays in our scene. Maybe you don't get enough writers because they are already writing here or in another forums/pages like ADA or EAB.
There is still hope for diskmags but maybe you should try a different approach to this problem. There are some demosceners posting online interesting things related to the scene from time to time. Think for example on the blogs of those coders that post some articles about the technical aspects of their demos. Maybe you should ask them if they mind if their posts could appear as articles in your diskmag. Perhaps they would accept that proposal and those posts could be compiled into a diskmag and saved from certain death as we know that every web and URL dies sooner or later but disk images are eternal. :]
@browalia: it seems to me that you are trying to address a problem. Can you tell us what the problem actually is? In other words: what it is that you are trying to achieve? What are you missing and who else do you think is missing that?
Diskmags interested me very much in my youth because they made free exchange of ideas and thoughts possible. One of the most interesting diskmags from the early 1990s was the German-language Platinum, in which people from former Eastern Germany wrote about their feelings regarding the German reunification.
Nowadays Internet-based discussion boards have made diskmags obsolete.
Nowadays Internet-based discussion boards have made diskmags obsolete.
Thanks ham. I tried my best to convince Browallia please NOT to mix up two things that have really nothing in common, but I failed. Sorry to say so.
A diskmag is a diskmag. And writing an article is something different compared to produce a video or being active on Facebook, Twitter etc. You need totally different skills. Knowing how to work with a social network or how to cut a video doesn't help you writing an article etc.
Social Media Publicist may sound more modern. But a banana is a banana and not a cherry or a pear. I really don't want to piss off anybody as I highly respect Browallia for his skills and his activity. But at this point we don't share the same opinion.
A diskmag is a diskmag. And writing an article is something different compared to produce a video or being active on Facebook, Twitter etc. You need totally different skills. Knowing how to work with a social network or how to cut a video doesn't help you writing an article etc.
Social Media Publicist may sound more modern. But a banana is a banana and not a cherry or a pear. I really don't want to piss off anybody as I highly respect Browallia for his skills and his activity. But at this point we don't share the same opinion.
I agree with Ghandy, and I have always failed to understand why people who report news on TV are called "TV journalists". A journalist who writes for a newspaper or a magazine needs good writing skills, while any idiot can work as a "TV journalist".
I also fail to understand why Claudia Schiffer became a supermodel back in the 1990s. There are far more beautiful women than her.
generally they're called "reporters" not "TV journalists", Austria's next top model jury member
I think I hear a duck quack
We can never please all. I hear you, I try to collect data (feedback) from you for the decision (thats why this thread + a poll in Versus FB group + 2 Amiga forums and internally in Versus team) . With that said, I hope you see the intentions to 'please people' and we try to carry the legacy of chartmag/diskmag with care. That kind of respect to the scene, ladies and gentlemen I hope you sense. My process to adress this problem to collect data. Analysing result (i.e. feedback from you!) and modify over time.
With that said above, I hope you still go and vote in the categories you like and/or where you feel you can contribute in the 12 categories we offer atm. Amiga rules! (vote link posted some times already).
thanks for feedback and perspectives. I have read carefully what you write. My personal view is also that diskmag survive where Internet will fail. We will continue, and no other mag has been running for so long time that ours by any group, just a thought... I hope online writers (they exist!) will find us instead of that Versus team spend time to find them. People use to be positive about publish in diskmag is our experience. I use internet to get inspiration myself.
Sorry I failed to describe problem:
Versus #3 and #6 and #9 (current issue) contain diskmag writer. But there are too few active writers (and the once that are active, have their origins to be active because writing inside our own magazine Versus only).
Solution would be to open up so there exist some "competition" in this category, to combine the field with online writers (I still havent got any names of writers except for 2-3 names from Loady, see above - thats why Im not afraid of open pandora's box). How we interpretated Social Media seem to vary for people.
why dont we write 2 articles about this topic instead? You dont piss me off, I want your energy to collect votes, without these, we are nothing.
I have a list (took me half a day) with names. They have either appered in previous Versus or are active today in the scene (if you consider yourself active -> we obey and put you as active, if we don't have knowledge of what you have done, you need to show us your work etc etc). This list might get published, and we honour active people passive, thats why they are sorted in this order. Maybe this is the solution?
With that said above, I hope you still go and vote in the categories you like and/or where you feel you can contribute in the 12 categories we offer atm. Amiga rules! (vote link posted some times already).
thanks for feedback and perspectives. I have read carefully what you write. My personal view is also that diskmag survive where Internet will fail. We will continue, and no other mag has been running for so long time that ours by any group, just a thought... I hope online writers (they exist!) will find us instead of that Versus team spend time to find them. People use to be positive about publish in diskmag is our experience. I use internet to get inspiration myself.
Sorry I failed to describe problem:
Versus #3 and #6 and #9 (current issue) contain diskmag writer. But there are too few active writers (and the once that are active, have their origins to be active because writing inside our own magazine Versus only).
Solution would be to open up so there exist some "competition" in this category, to combine the field with online writers (I still havent got any names of writers except for 2-3 names from Loady, see above - thats why Im not afraid of open pandora's box). How we interpretated Social Media seem to vary for people.
why dont we write 2 articles about this topic instead? You dont piss me off, I want your energy to collect votes, without these, we are nothing.
I have a list (took me half a day) with names. They have either appered in previous Versus or are active today in the scene (if you consider yourself active -> we obey and put you as active, if we don't have knowledge of what you have done, you need to show us your work etc etc). This list might get published, and we honour active people passive, thats why they are sorted in this order. Maybe this is the solution?
For those of you who understand German (e.g. Ghandy):
I also thought about becoming a professional journalist after my graduation from high school (2001), but I foresaw already back then that this profession has no future...
Die Gralshüter von einst waren zwar nicht gut ausgebildet, aber immerhin wurden sie gut bezahlt. Die Spielejournalisten von heute werden immer noch nicht gut ausgebildet – aber jetzt arbeiten viele am Rande von Mindestlohn und Existenzminimum.
Wenn Journalismus im Allgemeinen – und Fachjournalismus im Speziellen – einen Weg aus der Krise finden will, dann wird er nicht zuletzt die Frage nach seiner Sinnhaftigkeit neu beantworten müssen. Denn mehr als 150 Jahre lang brauchte man ihn schon alleine deshalb, um zu erfahren, was es Neues gab.
Wenn man ihn dazu nicht mehr braucht – wofür eigentlich dann?
I also thought about becoming a professional journalist after my graduation from high school (2001), but I foresaw already back then that this profession has no future...
you dazzle with your clearsight!
and you became a supermodel instead?

Ok we have updated the category to "Best writer | Social Media writer". We also give you a list of 40+ names that have been circling around in previous votes and added people that are considered as active writers on the Amiga.
Browse to the page and scroll down to the category. Right here you can go and check it out and do your voting in Versus #9.
Following info is also stated on the Versus web page:
* You can always vote for other people than the list provided.
* If we missed active people, a mail adress is provided with information what to do.
Happy voting :)
ps and of course, if you have sent in an earlier vote, you can vote again, we replace with newest in that category(s).
Browse to the page and scroll down to the category. Right here you can go and check it out and do your voting in Versus #9.
Following info is also stated on the Versus web page:
* You can always vote for other people than the list provided.
* If we missed active people, a mail adress is provided with information what to do.
Happy voting :)
ps and of course, if you have sent in an earlier vote, you can vote again, we replace with newest in that category(s).