The most effective way to lose scenefame?
category: general [glöplog]
Wait, is this a thread for confessions of actual regret? In that case, I must point out that I've never ruined any compomachine! I was only making a joke!
Be uns3en_ and decide you want to go out with a bang rather than fade away. Also state of Hugi in 2008.
Treepanize the compo machine
here's some ideas:
1. keep fighting on pouet in a language most visitors don't understand and uphold years of bizarre grudges in public.
2. don't give the audience what they expect
3. give them what they expect
1. keep fighting on pouet in a language most visitors don't understand and uphold years of bizarre grudges in public.
2. don't give the audience what they expect
3. give them what they expect
Replace 6581 to 8580
britelite beat me to it xD
To not release kkrieger final.
What, still no non-sparkling water at Revision?!
release demos full of virus
Change your nickname. That's guaranteed way to loose the scene fame ;) [personal experience]
im greeted as Bioloid in the sega demos, I want my fame back
write a buggy script that clones csdb entries to pouet but creates a couple thousand dupes in the process
be me
use black backgrounds!
run Linux
Code jerky scroll under Steem at 9MHz
Use bbcode and unicode without being a jazz musician.
unreal engine (or unity for that matter).
Run Linux and code Amiga demos on it. Also, compile that ProTracker clone on Linux just to make real Amiga MODs while loading fragments of samples rendered on Renoise. Use from time to time WinUAE on wine instead of FS-UAE but always deny it. Have a 68060 Amiga but use it only to check if your code still works fine even if nobody, except other crazy people who also got 68060 machines, cares about it.
red colors!
be yourself
best scene reputation suicide i witnessed was probably from tomcat of madwizards. started discussing his extreme right points of view. a blurb of racism, blind nationalism, sexism etc.
Reputation, you know – a lifetime to build, seconds to destroy.
make fun of a certain scener's former handle and harass him/her/it. that should do it.
what, after this list has been gathered, the dark side of the force is applied to actively destroy someone's reputation? .... hmmm!