
Not welcoming

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I got a lot from this discussion and will now summarize what I learned:

1) what we say and do can hurt people in ways we dont understand ourselves
2) there is a whole wide area of "being a nonretard" between "anything goes!!!" and "censorship"
3) people who appreciate tits in the demoscene are not necessarily chauvinistic assholes, but can be calm considerate people, who just appreciate the beauty of the female body for its artistic qualities
4) Dubmood is not always a troll
5) Being calm and collected when discussing means you can actually learn something as well as maybe influence points of view. The "just walk away" stance is usually practiced by people who can't stick to that plan.
6) webcomics about not arguing on the internet are usually strawmen - they shoud be about "trolling on the internet - its not worth it".
added on the 2013-05-21 10:07:43 by nic0 nic0
added on the 2013-05-21 10:13:17 by gloom gloom
10/10 would discuss again. Would never argue. I draw a subtle line :)
added on the 2013-05-21 10:14:08 by nic0 nic0
Wow you're still dabating?

I like to see original logos. With tits, or not. The fact is when i see a logo, it doesn't matter what is on it, it's a piece of art, and that doesn't change all the respect i have for you girls.

If the tits in question is made with some good combination of color, and fit good in the "context" of the demo, why not?

Does we have to stop the joke about gay ppl too or we will be called "anti-gay" or fucking retards again?
added on the 2013-05-21 11:04:11 by Romain337 Romain337
^ Oh shi......
I'm pretty sure the PC mob may not have appreciated that comment.
added on the 2013-05-21 11:23:03 by ringofyre ringofyre
Ugh this thread, it has an astounding amount of dudes thinking they can decide how a woman should feel about being portrayed in a certain way.
added on the 2013-05-21 12:41:44 by okkie okkie
Okkie: And they NEVER watch pr0n :)
added on the 2013-05-21 12:43:52 by maytz maytz
>okkie: I think there's a difference between A) portraying somebody in a certain way (i.e. a specific person), and B) drawing some generic tits.

One thing is targeted against an individual, for some reason, whereas the other is not.
added on the 2013-05-21 12:51:39 by farfar farfar
I think the original PC crowd has withdrawn from the thread, would you like me to take their point of view? I think I more constitute a middle ground with a slight leaning towards the PC side of the PC-MachoBravado axis, and I am terribly bad at biting flamebait, but I could make an effort if you persist in the discussion :)
added on the 2013-05-21 14:50:39 by nic0 nic0
and maytz, YOU CAN REST EASY: http://www.theverge.com/2013/5/20/4349586/yahoo-wont-restrict-porn-on-tumblr
added on the 2013-05-21 14:59:07 by nic0 nic0
Nico: i actually got quite scarred when I read about the Yahoo overtake this morning. But good news is GOOD news. YEAH! :)
added on the 2013-05-21 15:40:55 by maytz maytz
added on the 2013-05-22 10:51:54 by dwarf dwarf
Sdw: where does dubmood insulting you end up on this "small issue"-"big issue" scale? I'm not saying he's right to do so, this is meant more as a jab at your comparison of issues in a sort of universal and absolute scope.

If you really mean to say that sexism in the advertising isn't an issue worth discussing because murder and torture is, how can you possibly have an issue with dubmood insulting you? After all, the only one it's really affecting is you personally, and it's not like you're getting acid thrown at your face.
added on the 2013-05-22 21:07:45 by linde linde
Linde: For me personally of course I get offended by his attacks, especially the "go and hang yourself"-comment can be kind of hurtful and hard to handle if you have been dealing with depressive thoughts for example.
However, I fully realize that it only affects ME, and me being upset at what someone wrote online I do not expect everyone else to be up in arms and make a big issue of it.
If I feel offended, I'm free to speak up, but I don't see any reason to get mad at people for not agreeing that it is a major issue, because in the "big picture" it is not.
In my experience, people only have a certain amount of "shits" to give, and I think that then they better prioritize to give a shit about people in real predicaments, and not people being insulted online, be it by dubmood or tit-logos.
But hey, if there are people that feel like they have the energy to dedicate to all issues, kudos to them.
added on the 2013-05-22 21:58:02 by Sdw Sdw
@Sdw: I know how that feels as well, taking personalized hateful comments seriously because they happen to resonate with depressive thoughts.
added on the 2013-05-22 22:17:11 by visy visy
+1 gasman
+1 Sdw

The response Sdw has been getting in a thread where people talk a lot about treating each other better is pretty fucking ironic.
added on the 2013-05-22 22:35:57 by revival revival
Sdw: I take it that you are spending all your shits on people in real predicaments and "big picture" issues, then. Never drop-in-the-ocean issues like your day-to-day stuff, coding puzzles, dropping into pouet threads to tell people they're grinding your gears by discussing non-issues etc. Nevermind what you as a person could do to improve yourself or what the demoscene as a community could do to improve itself.

As far as I see it, entering the thread with "However - holly shitballs there are a lot of annoyingly politically correct people on Pouet." is you giving a shit to tell people they're giving too much shit about something. Guess which the better spent shit is :)
added on the 2013-05-22 23:18:11 by linde linde
linde: Well, since I am currently low on shits to give, I thought I would spend my last one into steering those that actually have a larger number of shits to give into a direction where their shits would be of better use...

Kidding aside, yeah yeah, it was probably not the most constructive thing to post, I still think the insults resulting from it where a bit over the top.
added on the 2013-05-22 23:34:49 by Sdw Sdw
added on the 2013-05-22 23:37:08 by linde linde
thumbs up for generic tits!
added on the 2013-05-22 23:40:44 by Defiance Defiance
swd: which in your case is anti-muslim and anti-leftist subjects? I am still waiting for you in the "I am not a racist but..." thread.
JuvenileShithead: how is anti throwing acid in girls faces equally anti-muslim? how is anti-leftist even relevant in the context or how does it make you a racist? maybe there is some bit of history i don't know?
I can't say I entirely agree with Sdw's point of view, but if the point you took from his post was [...] rather than "using the word 'oppression' is over-the-top [...]

my thoughts exactly. I don't even see how you could argue that Sdw's argument was out of line.
added on the 2013-05-23 14:30:57 by vectory vectory
well apart from that you think a picture would be oppressive, even though it's more of a praise for nourishing breasteses.
added on the 2013-05-23 14:32:16 by vectory vectory
i'm amazed nobody has mentioned the lipstick marks around the right nipple
added on the 2013-05-23 15:42:58 by farfar farfar
plaf: Criticizing it would be patriarchal chauvinism, even if the lipstick feminist is an infant.
